Alien Abductions - Massive Dillusions?

Double Overdrive

Registered Member
Are alien abductions massive dillusions? I watched a show on TLC or discovery channel about sleeping disorders and their relationship with alien abductions. I remember them saying that sometimes people can see grey figures when they are having a certain sleeping disorder, this could possibly describe how a massive dillusion among people can be common.

Is it just a coincidence that the majority of abductions happen while sleeping or while in a sleepy mood? I have heard of some that weren't during sleep, but still I think sleeping disorders can explain a large percentage of the alien abduction cases.

Think about it... Wouldn't the aliens only need to study two humans? a male and a female!

Well i thought this is an interesting subject because the sleep disorder research is very convincing.


Sat down to think about my life passin by
So much i've done and have yet to try
But why am I here just waiting to die?
I can't complain about what lifes thrown my way
I'm thankful to be in this moment today
I've given nothing, for what I recieved
These days are more meaningful than I believed
Well, yes, one only really needs two specimens to study to figure out the basic anatomical/biological makeup of its species. However, if one wishes to produce or duplicate some aspects of this species, one would be wise to choose more specimens for genetic diversification. If one wishes to replicate the species in general or create a hybrid species (which is basically the gist behind the abduction claims), then one must have more than just two specimens for the created/hybrid species to be viable. Small gene pools or inbreeding tends to produce more negative traits/disorders in the offspring. Even those well-to-do families who live in castles and take pride in their "unmixed lineage" have been known to bring in "new blood" every century or so for this reason. While some abduction claims probably are nothing more than panic attacks, sleep paralysis or lucid dreams, etc., others have been reported while the person was awake and going about their daily routine. Still, one can probably make a good argument that if "aliens" were going to abduct someone, what better time to perform the abduction than while the person is in a less resistant state i.e. sleep. Law enforcement has been known to occasionally make some early morning raids just for this reason. One has to wonder why there are different modi operandi for abductions i.e. why abduct some people while they're asleep and others while they are awake?; is it all relative to the opportune time? One also has to wonder why bother bringing the person back to the point of the abduction, in other words why not just keep them? Still, one really doesn't know for sure if such hasn't already occurred, missing persons are reported all the time. The whole idea of going through and abducting a person and then going back through the trouble of putting that person back to their original starting point seems like a lot of trouble. The repetitious nature of the abduction phenomenon, as it is claimed by some, does leave one with the unsettling impression of lab rats being pulled from their cage, examined, experimented with, and then put back.

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited July 24, 2000).]

"I often regret learning what I now know because I can never see life or my world as others see it. Because I see beyond the 'consentual' reality, I have become part of a new society whose numbers are few, but growing."

-- Amy Lynn


(My Story, by Miesha Johnston.)

I have been aware of the military involvement in my own contact off and on through out most of my life. I do not know who exactly these groups are who have abducted me but I believe it to be a small faction within our military. I have had several abductions where I started out with an alien only to end up into the hands of the military. Or be dropped off by the ETs and be picked up by the military, on the same night or a day or two later. I would also wake up in odd places such as in the back of a van. a ranger type jeep or a black helicopter, which the later has caused me to be phobic and hate flying. I would then be taken to a joint military/alien facility or base. I have memories of going down in elevators to floors where military and aliens seem to be working together. I have memories of being taken into a small rooms with gray walls and being interrogated, sometimes treated abusively because I have woke up with bruises on my body. My interrogators have been men in uniform, people in white smocks and a reptilian alien. The reptilian used some type of mind manipulation on me after I was ordered to drink a thick colored liquid by the humans. I felt it was a drug of some kind because of the way it made me feel. Everything was blurry and moving and I could only see a few feet in any direction.

I have been put on various different mind altering machines such as helmet that caused me to see holographic-images and virtual-reality. When the unit was put on my head they showed many ugly awful and fearful images. I believe it was some kind of a desensitization tool. They continued showing me the images until I was finally desensitized and the images were no longer causing me fear and anxiety. I have had a metal band put around my head, which caused electric shock. Which I believe is part of my memory loss problems. As well as dyslexia and directional problems that I have. Is there a military interest in developing brain implants, holographic-image projection, cloaking devices, mind-altering weapons and genetic research?

What is the agenda of the human's that are involved in the military/alien abduction phenomenon. What is the purpose of MILABs. I wonder are we their unwitting spies. Someone that they can send into the mist of the enemy (alien) territory and retrieve information.

I have had a lot of emotional disturbance with in my life since I decided to find out about the missing time in my life. I started having post-traumatic flash backs in the last few years. So decided to receive hypnosis for the military abduction experiences. I am now going into the memories of the MKultra and other possible mind control projects that I have been subjected to in my life. As I sift through my scattered memory, it is very hard to remember it all in chronological order. So for this reason I have periods of missing time in my life, from childhood on to about age 30 which is when I started to remember my life. Memories have surfaced, ranging from very minor memories to very severe memories including body memory of the physical trauma that I was put through in order to ingrain the programming in me. For the past few years, these memories have been surfacing at an amazing pace. I will continue with my own memory retrieval as well as the research for the book that Melinda Leslie and I am writing. You may go to our web site for more information.

What can we as citizens do about this? I feel that it is my duty to tell what I know about it. I feel that we have a right as citizens of the United States & Earth to ask our elected official to look into this matter and investigate it thoroughly without prejudices. To conclusively bring this matter into the light of day. To let the American public know where some of the moneys we pay as taxpayer's is really going to (Black Opps Projects). We want to call for public hearings with C-Span present. We will bring documentation for all types as well as eyewitness accounts of the atrocities that are being done to men, women and children.
I agree that sleep disorders can explain, or are the answer to, a great percentage of the abduction cases out there. What I would like to see is the "Alien Implant" phenomenon studied closer. Sleep disorders don't normally cause small metal objects to fuse themselves to bone and disintegrate on contact with air.

I know that most people can get a nasty metal sliver embedded in their skin without ever feeling it. What I'm curious about are the ones that appear to be attached. How did they attach? Did they simply go in by accident and the skin formed around them, or were they put there?