Alien A.I.

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I like to see peoples responses to this theory:
maybe we have artificial intelligence of a different kind,different to what we would consider as computer technology, maybe our intelligence is a creation of an alien technology which is hugely different to our own,maybe the science of biology is the study of an alien technology,Are we just a computer of advanced technology than is programmed to eat,excrete and reproduce?

But, as i constantly advance my AI i understand why humans function as they do. Mainly because there is no other way to achieve it. However, i have not yet understood why we have such and wide array of "feelings". I have covered the possibility to implant maybe half of the feelings humans have.

Ask this instead: "We might be manifactured by a alien race. But who created them ? A alien race? Sure that might be the answer but by saying that you just make the problem more difficult. It is as with the string theory. The scientists says that two strings collided and "set off" the Big Bang. Sure, but what made those strings in the first place." Frankly i believe in Evolution. If it is for our race or a possible alien race which created us evolution is still out there.
now, think about this one:

what if our current technology, which is growing at speeds faster than we are capable of handling, is the direct result of Alien intervention on Earth.

think about it, and heres some facts:

the transistor, which was one of the key components to building computers, was 'invented' at the end of 1947, early 1948- right after the Roswell 'crash'

there is also speculation that the US government (and also others, such as Nazi's) may have cut deals with some deceiving Aliens (which isnt a surprise, 'birds of a feather flock together') who granted them access to their (Alien) technologies in exchange for something. i will leave the 'something' out of the story.

if u think this is nonsense, take a look at the back of your computer, look at all the symbols and signs for the outputs and inputs, wouldnt you agree they look somewhat 'alien' ?

imagine you didnt know what a computer was, and u were shown these symbols....

ahh, the minds expanding !
Oh- yes; and velcro, printed circuit boards, night vision technology, fibre optics, Dime bars, thixotropic hair gel were all reverse engineered from alien technology found at Rowell.
zonabi said:
what if our current technology, which is growing at speeds faster than we are capable of handling, is the direct result of Alien intervention on Earth.

Or it is more likely that the time itself is speeding up. Meaning that one year of today is equal to perhaps 100 years at 2000 years back. Something to noodle over....

Oh- yes; and velcro, printed circuit boards, night vision technology, fibre optics, Dime bars, thixotropic hair gel were all reverse engineered from alien technology found at Rowell.

I do not know about night vision technology, but definitely carbon fiber and fibre optics and LCD screens for sure. The only item we have not mastered is the memory metal (Nitinol does not count) and also the magnetic propulsion.

Magnetic propulsion, because we do not know how to run hundred to a thousand Tesla magnetic energy without the generator getting exploded! But we are still trying...latest at 20 Tesla?
This might be well true...may be this world was programed by Alien Technology...may be we are just experimental programs...may be we are under evaluation and this world is a myth,that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth...may be i am in a matrix...may be i am neo...boy ideas sure do come...

Interesting thought anyways...
You mean, you want to know if we are just a "SimUniverse" in some child's quantum computer? Until the child introduces a power avatar, we may not know.
Quantum computer may not be necessary at all...Think of a powerful brain...
Yes.May be thats what was the realization that most Yogis talked about.May be that why most of them often said,that this world was a myth and that we are under control of someone...
May be we are Lord Shiva's imagination... and may be precisely thats why its often said in Hinduism,that when Lord Shiva opens his third eye the world gets destroyed...hsi imagination ends...?...
just a thought...
"Maya" has different meanings depending on the context.

One simple meaning could be that the world is an illusion. That is rightly so, since our perception creates the reality that we understand. For animals and for plants, they are not the same.

The other could be that we are created by the image of God and we can vanish with their wish - meaning some God child is playing "SimUniverse" in the God Chiled's personal computer.

Still the other meaning could be what you said - we are the imagination of Lord Shiva. This could mean a simple biped named Lord Shiva or Shiva meaning the Universe itself whose form we may not know. I personally would like to think that another human with a super computer in another universe is not playing "SimUniverse" where I am just one of the objects. That would be a bummer, unless that child endows me with super human powers....:D
For animals and for plants, they are not the same.
Although i cannot say (Since i am not of Biological Background,only did it untill High School,which i have completely forgotten by now) that Plants have a Proper Brain or a Nervous system,The perception of Plants of the World itself may be as yet unknown,but there are some cases in which plants demonstrate affinity towards Watering etc,that may suggest something indeed about their albeit natural behaviour that we dont understand correctly.We dont even understand our perception of world really well.Perception of Plants towards their sense of Reality must be different than ours,but it might just boil down to the same,if you think in broader terms.Plants,also believe what reality is according to how they make their food,how they get their water supply.For them reality might just be what they "feel" according to what i said.
On the other hand,May be we still dont know defintion of conciousness of Plants,so it might be difficult to come to a conclusion as to how much different are we from Plants and their consiousness(if they have any).
If indeed,this is an illusion,the big question is : Are we inside a computer program?
We can only measure illusion by the status of ones who are not in illusions,Unfortunately we dont have technology to travel interdimensionally today,then perhaps we would have known that.If everyone of is inside a BIG illusion,then we may as you point out,never know,Since in this world which we are born,we have not seen any Faults,inconsistancies,since we havent really seen the Outer world.
Some food for thought :
May be heaven talked about is just a perfect world and therefore this can be used as a yardstick for measuring the illusiveness of this world.May be someday someone can wake up from this Sense of reality and see another reality,which is more real and then again wake up from that illusion to enter yet another one...hmphhmph....i am already panting...;)...So may be this thread adds a new dimension to my theories,that we may be inside a computer.So the thread of yours may ultimately be answered : We already know whats life like inside a computer...

just some random thoughts...
if u think this is nonsense, take a look at the back of your computer, look at all the symbols and signs for the outputs and inputs, wouldnt you agree they look somewhat 'alien' ?
imagine you didnt know what a computer was, and u were shown these symbols....
Chinese looks alien if you've never seen it before, as do egyptian hieroglyphs.
the transistor, which was one of the key components to building computers, was 'invented' at the end of 1947, early 1948- right after the Roswell 'crash'
Ever hear of 'coincidence', and also you are suggesting after the crash it didnt take us very long to figure out everything to do with them and start using their componants, exactly how much more advanced than us did you say they were?? Also if you suggest they were already in contact it would be possible for them to just exchange us a componant to 'invent' without the need for a crash, and what are the chances of them making and using a componant we can make easily and mass produce?
As I was reading your post, zion, it occured to be that have you noticed the progression of science and technology that comes about from the imagination of a few sci-fi writers? If the trend continues, soon we are going to have warp drive, wormholes or interdimensional drives etc. In the other front reading the "Age of spiritual Machines" we could have compters 100 times powerful than human brain within our life times. So what happens to a "SimUniverse" in that computer?
Hi Km,
I have always believed that Sci-Fi writer's creative heads generally spark off great ideas.As early as 1940s or 30s may be(i dont know exactly) Isaac Asimov was talking about PDAs!.We all know Arthur C. Clark has given such great ideas like,Satellites,The Space Elevators(I think should ultimately be achived).
Quantum Computers are pretty far off,currently i would say,some time to go before they finally achive it. i think last success was IBM making some 7 qubit computer which is just not good enough.
I would have to say i didnt completely understand your question...but i am answering by wild speculations advised...;)
  • If the question meant,If the Computer which has sim universe,is also growing how can it affect us? : Well it might just affect us,in a great way.We have definitions of Efficiency which is constrained within rules of this "SIM Universe",that definition might change to a greater extent that we cannot imagine.Probably speed of light was allowed to be constant because,it would lead to other paradoxes that system wont be able to handle.May be if the Computer having "Sim Universe" grows we might just have a universe without these constraints.We might be able to travel back and forth in Time domain.We might do unbelievable tricks that we simply couldnt.
  • Or Sim Universe's status when our status changes so fast,without taking into account the outside world's status :Assuming that "Sim Universe" is controlled,we should have no problems staying here infinitely.(Not to say about us,but about earth and universe...).The real question is,if we indeed bend the rules of Sim Universe(which we can) and conquer the whole universe and so forth and possibly travel to higher dimensions,then our life wont be able to sustain.This is within human nature.If i see heaven,i"d want my SIM UNIVERSE to be like that and at the same time even if i live in heaven(which has a computer that holds "SIM UNIVERSE" i am assuming) for long, i would rather have altered states of mind and it would be really difficult to identify with my own cmomputer generated universe,which will be inefficient for me...
or your question was something else and i was just typing garbage...;) :D

One person's garbage could be another person's treasure....:D

The idea is to think openended...we are not making a decision here to do brain surgery or not on a patient!

So, think away, my friend - the universe is wide open.....
I had a strange thought though(We seem to be getting this while reading each other's posts ;)),while reading your posts here,Another interesting Dimension that can be added is,that if could assume that we are in Lord Shiva's imagination,then indeed this is a controlled thought or imagination and meditation.Now,assuming that Shiva is meditating at the moment imagining us and the whole universe,If he changes his imagination suddenly,as for example for just a moment he looses his equanimity,what would happen? hahaha...i even shrudder to think! we might not exist for an instant.but then again the instant's definition is subjective if you ask me.

And think of even more Bizzare implications...if Lord Shiva looses his meditation control,what would happen if he suddenly starts imagining the universe as something as heaven!,we will be in heaven!if he imagines the universe as hell for a moment,Be prepared for a rendezvous with Satan....

Even more so,if we think of even stranger events,the possibilities are infinite.Like why does Deja Vu happen? in Matrix -I (That was the only movie in trilogy that i saw,i saw MReloaded's some part but hated it...)it was stated that Deja Vu happens if themachines change something in the matrix,why here?...may be whenever Lord Shiva changes our destiny by altering the imagination around us,Deja Vu is just an indication of that.Say BYE-BYE to fortune-Tellers :D...

Still thinking...
Even if we are a part of that thought with Lord Shiva, and he stops to think for a while, we may disappear - but we would not know. Since the story will start where it was left off. So we may not miss a beat.

If we find ourselves in heaven, unless we are allowed to retain the past experience, we would not know either.

However, let me tell you a secret. Once you meditate to become aware of the universe, the universe will show its features to you. Lately, (and I have posted this in this forum) I have been thinking about alternate dimensions and I enjoy dreams to that effect with variations in what can be in an alternate dimension of Earth. It is really enjoyble entertainment more than watching a sci-fi movie.

So, who knows, what forces are at play here? Who says we may not be watched by watcher agents? May be another door opens when you are aware of your true environment.....

Keep thinking.....
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