Aldrin punches moon conspiracy theorist


Registered Senior Member
Sept. 10, 2002 | BEVERLY HILLS, Cal. (AP) --

Detectives are investigating a complaint that retired astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin punched a man in the face after being asked to swear on a Bible that he'd been to the moon.

Officers were called to the Luxe Hotel on Rodeo Drive Monday and took a report from Bart Sibrel, 37, who said the former Apollo 11 astronaut had attacked him.

Aldrin, 72, had left the hotel when police arrived around 4:30 p.m. and was not interviewed, said Beverly Hills Police Lt. Joe Lombardi.

Sibrel, of Nashville, Tenn., said he doesn't believe Aldrin or anyone else has ever walked on the moon. He said he was trying to confront Aldrin about his 1969 lunar mission when he was punched. Video of the punch aired Tuesday on ABC's "Good Morning America."

An early morning telephone call left at the office of Aldrin's publicist was not immediately returned.
Bart Sibrel is not just your average Joe off the streets. He has been crying “hoax!” over the moon landings for years. He is either out to make a buck or has issues with federal authority. It would be interesting to watch the WHOLE video to see if there was any true provocation that led to the incident. I would have sworn on the bible and walked away laughing at the meaninglessness of the gesture.

Aggression is never the answer but hey… Sibrel is a big man, and punched out by a 62 year-old dude… let’s check the embarrassment factor as motivation for calling the police! :D


Youth is the first victim of war - the first fruit of peace.
It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man;
it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.
  • -- King Boudewijn I, King of Belgium (1934-1993)
I knew their was some reason why I do try to pattern myself off of the Astronauts :)
Far out or as Jackie Gleason would have said, "One of these days, pow; right to the moon!" :D :D
Correction, Buzz is 72 years old.

Here is the video (you don't have to pay to view it like on ABC).

This is not the first incident with Bart Sibrel harassing Apollo astronauts. He was arrested a couple of years ago for trespassing on Neil Armstrong's property, which lead to him losing his job as a cameraman with NBC. He's also confronted Aldrin before. He uses paparazzi style ambushes and lies to get the astronauts to grant him interviews.
A few months ago he started accosting Apollo astronauts again trying to get them to swear on the Bible. He told Ed Mitchell (LMP, Apollo 14) that he was with the Discovery Channel, however, Mitchell did swear on the Bible that he walked on the moon when Sibrel confronted him with his hoax rubbish. This is one incident which was probably a spree of him confronting several Apollo astronauts.
In the video we can see that Sibrel called Aldrin a liar and a coward (and a thief?) right before he got punched. Sibrel even had a member of his own camera crew restraining him after he'd been punched to stop him from following Aldrin.

In this CNN Article, it claims that "The police spokesman added that witnesses have come forward stating that they saw Sibrel aggressively poke Aldrin with a Bible and that Sibrel had lured Aldrin to the hotel under false pretenses so that he could interview him."