Alawite Muslims - pretty interesting


Valued Senior Member
I was reading about Alawites (wiki) another Shia sect and thought it was interesting. Kind of reminded me a little of Gnositics.....

The Alawī of the Syrian mountains, maintain an esoteric cosmology which asserts that God became incarnate in Ali, and then in the succession of Imams who descended from him. As Alawites practise religious secrecy, they generally claim they are Muslims. This may be especially the case of the non-initiated. The following summarises their belief.

The basic doctrine of 'Alawite faith is the deification of 'Ali. He is one member of a trinity corresponding roughly to the Christian Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 'Alawites interpret the Pillars of Islam (the five duties required of every Muslim) as symbols and thus do not practice the Islamic duties. They celebrate an eclectic group of holidays, some Islamic, some Christian, and many 'Alawite practices are secret. They consider themselves to be moderate Shi'ites, not much different from the Twelvers..

more here if you are interested....
Unlike Mohammed, Ali was a scholar. He was a warrior unparalleled in islamic history. Sometimes people get the impression that Ali's virtues overshadow Mohammed to the point as Ali was the prophet not Mohammed.!!!
RE: Ali a scholar.

Which literature? Greek? Egyptian? Persian? Indian?
Math, Plays, Music? ....

"Ali's humility, austerity, piety, deep knowledge of the Qur'an and his sagacity gave him great distinction among the Prophet's Companions. Abu Bakr, 'Umar and Uthman consulted him frequently during their caliphates. Many times 'Umar had made him his vice-regent at Medina when he was away. Ali was also a great scholar of Arabic literature and pioneered in the field of grammar and rhetoric. His speeches, sermons and letters served for generations afterward as models of literary expression. Many of his wise and epigrammatic sayings have been preserved. Ali thus had a rich and versatile personality. In spite of these attainments he remained a modest and humble man. Once during his caliphate when he was going about the marketplace, a man stood up in respect and followed him. "Do not do it," said Ali. "Such manners are a temptation for a ruler and a disgrace for the ruled."


“ He had a contempt of the world, its glory and pomp, he feared God much, gave many alms, was just in all his actions, humble and affable; of an exceeding quick wit and of an ingenuity that was not common, he was exceedingly learned, not in those sciences that terminate in speculations but those which extend to practice" - Dr. Henry Stubbe


Of the 4 major sufi orders 3 of them viz. Chishtiya, Qadriya, Suharwardiya originate from Ali. Naqshabandiya (4th) is indirectly connected with him. Ali is called the father sufi islam.