Alabama Governor asks God for rain


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Governor seeks divine intervention to get some rain
Invitations going out for prayer service at Capitol on Tuesday

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 11/07/07

With no rain in sight, Gov. Sonny Perdue is looking for a little spiritual help to get North Georgia out of its drought.

Perdue's office has begun sending out invitations to a prayer service for rain at the Capitol next week.

The service is scheduled for Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. on the Washington Street side of the statehouse.

Heather Teilhet, his spokeswoman, said the governor began talking about wanting to host a service to pray for rain on his way back from Washington D.C. last week. He was in D.C. meeting with federal officials and the governors of Alabama and Florida to discuss the region's water crisis.

Perdue, whose son is a Baptist preacher, has had similar prayer services in the past.

"Georgia needs rain. The issue at the heart of our drought problems is a lack of rain," Teilhet said. "And there is nothing the government can do to make that happen.

"The governor recognizes that the request has got to be made to a higher power."

Teilhet said the governor's office has invited spiritual leaders from several faiths and dominations to participate in the service.

So is this a failure of the separation of church and state?
And if the rain doesn't come, does it mean God hates Alabama?
Why don't they pray to end world hunger and rid the world of diseases?

Shouldn't that take priority to a higher power than the mere trifling of a bit of drought?
(Q) said:

Why don't they pray to end world hunger and rid the world of diseases?

Shouldn't that take priority to a higher power than the mere trifling of a bit of drought?

Well, ending world hunger would include normalizing weather against drought and striking down the capitalists who keep the food supply in a distribution system designed to deprive.

So rather than calling God as a hit-man, it would be better to simply ask God for a new widespread revelation, one that people could understand without being on drugs.
Holy cow this is crazy on so many levels.

Ahh gee I don't have the energy to list such stupidity.
The problem with such things is that it leads to idiocy. Some guy after this meeting feels a drop on his head - because a bird pooped on him or some guy spat out a window, and the next thing you know he's shouting "god did it".

I remember back in the day when I used to tease my biology teacher. I told her I had advanced knowledge in the black arts, voodoo etc. I said I could curse people and that she would trip over on the way home. Sure enough she did. Why? Because I had brought attention to something that is typically not noticed. We all walk, every day usually, and we never really notice it - it's kinda like breathing. Because I had brought the subject up she actually noticed her walking, and did so cautiously to prevent tripping up. It is because of that she tripped up.

There is the problem - how things are so easily planted in the human mind. I bet a couple of you trip up in the next day or two because I've now mentioned it. Depends how it weighs in the brain.

So yeah, I see this as a bad thing. One drop of bird poo and half of Atlanta turns religious.
I did, actually, work in an office once where a new employee who came in just after I arrived was intended to replace one who died shortly before my arrival. The gentleman had been walking to the car when a bird sh@t on him. He died shortly thereafter of an allergic reaction.

God's judgment is severe. Kneel and pray. Surrender your intellect and make God happy.
I don't see any problems with him praying to God for rain. It would bother

me if he prayed and wanted a raise or new laws passed. Why is it that

when times are good no one prepares for the bad times? They knew that

water isn't always available but still allowed tens of thousands of people to

move there and developers were allowed to build, build, build weren't they.

If the Governor would have had zoning laws passed then they wouldn't be in

this mess that they created themselves. Now they want Gods help to get

them out of their own fuck up. What a government we have. NOT! :mad:
The gentleman had been walking to the car when a bird sh@t on him. He died shortly thereafter of an allergic reaction

No fu**ing way! Man that has got to be the lamest way to die ever.
SnakeLord said:

No fu**ing way! Man that has got to be the lamest way to die ever.

It happens from time to time, I think. About the only thing I liked about working there was that autumn rocked. There were thousands of crows around when I would walk from building to building. It could be an eerie quiet, too. Very calming for me. Then again, I'm pretty sure I'm not allergic to birdsh@t.

Governor Sonny Perdue is actually Georgia's governor, not Alabama... unfortunately.

I don't see any problems with him praying to God for rain. It would bother

me if he prayed and wanted a raise or new laws passed.

I wouldn't have any problem with him praying for rain either--what bothers me is that he makes it into a large public event to placate religous voters in an attempt to make up for a failure in his administration's policy.
...--what bothers me is that he makes it into a large public event to placate religous voters in an attempt to make up for a failure in his administration's policy.

What failure was he trying to cover up? What failure are you talking about? That it didn't rain much during his administration?

Baron Max
What failure was he trying to cover up? What failure are you talking about? That it didn't rain much during his administration?

Baron Max

Well lawmakers in the State (not just the governer obviously but he's responsible as well) have had a pro-growth policy in place that has over-extended the State's resources and all the while ignored the countless calls for a better water policy. It's not like people didn't see this coming. The last governor of the State tried to insitute better water planning and spend money on new state reservoirs but was voted out to make way for this turkey.

In this case, early and decisive action was called for to avert a disaster. So what's the Governor's response? Wait until its obvious that things are out of hand and then beg the Feds for help and when that doesn't work beg God.