Al Qaeda calls for 'jihad' against Pakistan's Musharraf


Valued Senior Member
Al Qaeda calls for 'jihad' against Pakistan's Musharraf The only time reference in bin Laden's message is to the July siege of Islamabad's Red Mosque -- a week-long standoff between Pakistani security forces and Islamic extremists who hoped to establish a Taliban-style rule across the capital. More than 100 people, including militant leader Abdul Rashid Ghazi, died when troops stormed the mosque compound.

Mansfield noted that the bulk of bin Laden's message "builds a [legal] case under Islamic sharia [law] justifying why Muslims in Pakistan should take up arms against" Musharraf.

"He cites numerous quotes from the Quran to document Musharraf's alleged violations of Islamic law, culminating with the recent events at the Lal Masjid [Red Mosque], as well as several fatwas from clerics justifying action against Musharraf," she said. A fatwa is a religious legal ruling.

My question: Did Musharraf break Islamic Law? If he did do so, what should good Muslims do about it?


PS: just on the side, in a poll I heard on the news, Pakistani people who have a favorable impression of the USA = 20% (lowest of any country) while of that of India (their arch rival) was 40% have a favorable impression. Interesting huh?
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What do you mean "bended"?
I'm just wondering - does the Qur'an proscribe some course of action Muslims are to take when the leader of a Muslim nation breaks Islamic Law? If so what action is that?
I don't get why this isn't in the political section.

Michael, I've told you time and time again, there is:

a) apart from Muslim fundamentalists, there is no real Islamic law


Don't associate extremism with opinion. It's like me basing an opinion of ALL Christians off of the actions of Bush.

I, for one, being a Muslim, do NOT support this shit.
What do you mean "bended"?
I'm just wondering - does the Qur'an proscribe some course of action Muslims are to take when the leader of a Muslim nation breaks Islamic Law? If so what action is that?

Absolutely none.

But don't tell Osama's propaganda camps that:)

fair enough, but my questions really had nothing to do with these extremists other than they prompted me to think of the questions. So you are saying Musharraf hasn't broken any Islamic Laws because there is no such thing as Islamic Law. OK. But there is Sharia Law - isn't there? Has Musharraf broken Sharia Law? If so what Laws? If Musharraf has broken Sharia Law then what should a good Muslim do about it?

Also, if Musharraf hasn't broken any religious laws then what the hell is Binny-Boy going on about?

To answer your question:

1) I do not know, nor care to know, what Sharia law is.

2) If someone breaks "Islamic Law", a good Muslim should live his life and let "God" do his bit.
Fair enough, and I think your view is the majority of peoples view. BinLaden is obviously counting on a small minority of hardcore believers to take up his cause.
Not that it matters one way or the other.
I think the best thing for Pakistani people is to ride the Indian economic boom to some level of prosperity for at least some people and call it a day. I'm afraid Pakistan will aways be India's Mexico. Maybe not, but I wouldn't doubt it.

As to Musharraf, what you think of him? Do you think Musharraf is trying his best to do a good job for Pakistan?
I wonder just how it will go for the ME? When they go for the Theocracy they end up in a shit situation like Iran. When they go for a Monarchy they end up in a shit situation like most everywhere else. When they have a dictator it still doesn't help and the people don't appear to want a purely secular government. What to do?
Fair enough, and I think your view is the majority of peoples view. BinLaden is obviously counting on a small minority of hardcore believers to take up his cause.
Not that it matters one way or the other.
I think the best thing for Pakistani people is to ride the Indian economic boom to some level of prosperity for at least some people and call it a day. I'm afraid Pakistan will aways be India's Mexico. Maybe not, but I wouldn't doubt it.

As to Musharraf, what you think of him? Do you think Musharraf is trying his best to do a good job for Pakistan?

Musharraf is a puppet, and is a disgrace.

I wouldn't say that. Israel is a theocracy and are doing very well, but then again they are using US aid.

Syria's Government, the perfect Government!
Musharraf is a puppet, and is a disgrace.

I wouldn't say that. Israel is a theocracy and are doing very well, but then again they are using US aid.

Syria's Government, the perfect Government!

Yeah a bunch of old genocidal maniac baathists!!!
Well then, I agree, a secular republic is probably the best form of government currently available.

A millitary despot is a dictator with absolute authority.
Well then, I agree, a secular republic is probably the best form of government currently available.

A millitary despot is a dictator with absolute authority.

Oh, rofl, I assure you Syria is not a despot.

Syria is in between Capitalism and Communism, just right. We are also heavy patriots (at least I am). I can watch whatever I want (like US channels), listen to what I want, and usually say what I want. I can worship as I please, I can make my own business, etc
Al Qaeda calls for 'jihad' against Pakistan's Musharraf The only time reference in bin Laden's message is to the July siege of Islamabad's Red Mosque -- a week-long standoff between Pakistani security forces and Islamic extremists who hoped to establish a Taliban-style rule across the capital. More than 100 people, including militant leader Abdul Rashid Ghazi, died when troops stormed the mosque compound.

Mansfield noted that the bulk of bin Laden's message "builds a [legal] case under Islamic sharia [law] justifying why Muslims in Pakistan should take up arms against" Musharraf.

"He cites numerous quotes from the Quran to document Musharraf's alleged violations of Islamic law, culminating with the recent events at the Lal Masjid [Red Mosque], as well as several fatwas from clerics justifying action against Musharraf," she said. A fatwa is a religious legal ruling.

My question: Did Musharraf break Islamic Law? If he did do so, what should good Muslims do about it?


PS: just on the side, in a poll I heard on the news, Pakistani people who have a favorable impression of the USA = 20% (lowest of any country) while of that of India (their arch rival) was 40% have a favorable impression. Interesting huh?

Did Musharraf break Islamic law? That doesn't make any sense.

Muslims are supposed to be good law-abiding citizens, if they see something wrong, they do all they can to put it right, but that doesn't mean Muslims resort to vigitilantism or terrorism. There are proper ways to get things done… but we know that Muslim countries can be very slow to implement change.

The siege at that Mosque was a tragedy, however it is important to stress that the 'Religious' nuts in charge were isolated by the rest of their so called peers. A lot of Deobandi leaders condemned the actions of that radical matey. I personally feel a lot of anger at how fanatics use innocents as human shields, they poison poor children into dying for a cause they nothing about. They tricked and deceived innocent children into taking bullets for them. I remember reading how the leaders wouldn’t allow children to escape the Mosque.

Osama Bin Laden and his cronies are Wahabi-Takfeeris, they are the most fanatical and deranged movement within the Muslim World. However one must realise that these guys do not have any state, they do not run any country, they are like cockroaches, they only come out in the dark, they cannot operate openly. The Takfeeris believe any Muslim leader that doesn't enforce Shariah law (their interpretation of Shariah law) is an apostate and that it is a must to overthrow (they call them 'taghout' regimes - even includes Saudi Arabia) him and enforce Shariah. That’s why these nuts have agendas against every Muslim leader across the entire World. Just to let you know how fanatical and deranged these people are, a lot of them say within the World there is no true Muslim land, as their is not one Muslim country that enforces Shariah as they want it. They therefore view the entire World as a war-zone.

Oh, rofl, I assure you Syria is not a despot.
Well "Syria" can not be a despot - that word means Dictator. and must refer to a person.

Syria is in between Capitalism and Communism, just right. We are also heavy patriots (at least I am). I can watch whatever I want (like US channels), listen to what I want, and usually say what I want. I can worship as I please, I can make my own business, etc
It's sounds fine and I hope everything goes well for Syrians in the future. It seems, from your description, that Syria is a mix of capitalism and socialism. Communism, I think, must have communes - self sufficient communities where no one owns the land and everyone owes, in theory, a bit of everything.

The USA is Capitalistic and Socialistic. We ensure all children get an education - not only those that can afford it. We have a minimum wage. The police work for all Citizens, not just the rich. etc... anyway, we're democratic so that is how most Americans like things. Most Americans do not want to much socialism. But a little is fine.

Did Musharraf break Islamic law? That doesn't make any sense.
Well that's just what the article suggested BinLaden was making the case for.

Too bad more people didn't hammer hard on these fundamentalist idiots as hard as you two do.
