AIDS is a LIE!


[origionally posted by lixluke]
There is no such thing as AIDS.

I would love for anybody to show me actual isolated evidence for this mythological creature they call, HIV.

Any doctor diagnosing a patient with AIDS is clearly a blithering idiot. All of these diagnosis are some form of other disease. If anybody you know has been diagnosed with AIDS, tell them to sue the doctor on the grounds of medical malpractice and total stupidity. If the patient was properly diagnosed, they probably could have been appropriately treated. Now they are 6 feet under.

Last edited by lixluke : 10-14-06 at 11:31 AM.
[below in bold is sisyphus commentary]
Listen to this!
What absurdity!
Administerd by the drug causes the death, do you think this is probably the dumbest sounding thing in existence? To the end of hell with these threads!

What the heck is his point anyway? ... To make matters worse here is metakrons post. (in the same thread lixluke posted to- actually metakrons first response)

It's STILL September (5,504 posts)
10-14-06, 12:38 PM #6

“ Originally Posted by Zephyr
You and Mbeki, huh?

Isn't it funny how people who have HIV positive mothers or unprotected sexual partners tend to die?

I'm laughing my head off. Hah hah hah! So funny. ”

They die from the drugs that are administered to them. The deaths from AIDS are limited to the people who are diagnosed and treated with medications that destroy their DNA. The big guns of AIDS even rationalized away the fact that it takes an AIDS patients longer to die of AIDS when he uses a lower dose of AZT.

The number of deaths and the degree to which the immune systems are compromized are directly related to the dosage of AZT and other AIDS drugs.
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There is no such thing as AIDS.

I think you are right, but I would suggest a test:

I will find you a nice gay gentleman with AIDS and he is going to fuck you in the ass a dozen times without protection. If 6 months later you are still HIV negative, THEN you are right! :bugeye:
screw all that, just find someone whos HIV positive and happens to have a blood type he is compatable with and do a half blood transfusion on both of them (ie take half of his blood and put it into the HIV positive person and vis versa). Just about the ONLY way he wouldnt contract HIV that way would be if he was exposed in-utero and there for has the immunity.
I know a guy who has it, if you like I will ask him if he would mind giving a little of his blood to inject into you.
my sympathy to him VI, its a terrible disease and the treatment is almost as bad
My people, You do not understand that I had simply quoted lixlukes post, and then wrote in my commentary in the bold? Then afterwords quoted metakrons? You seriously believe I think aids is a lie? Do you even read? WTF>?
then can i make a suggestion, USE THE GOD DAM QUOTE MARKS

If you actually ordered your post properly then people might actually get your point
if you actually knew how to WRITE no one would have a problem. For instance where did your quotes come from? you nither embeded them nor even put them at the end.
They was from one specific thread, I had figured you guys would understand that the bold is my writing, and that a response came from metakron. Lixlukes post is actually part of an opening post.

That, was obvious to me- but you guys can complain as much as you like :D
Do you even read? WTF>?

Personally, I don't. I have a hard time to read long posts unless it is about personal incest experiences. If I decide that the subject is stupid to begin with, I specially make sure I don't read it.

Now if you want to quote someone, there is a quote feature for that...

Anyway, if you were to debate others on this subject, there is no point in bringing up stupid stuff, so this thread is worthless...
This thread appears to be more about Sisy's denial of his writing ability than AIDS denial.
Syzygys said:
Personally, I don't.
Hello, I don't rememba you very well.

I have a hard time to read long posts unless it is about personal incest experiences.
Are you kidding???

If I decide that the subject is stupid to begin with, I specially make sure I don't read it.
Oh, yes, this is a very stupid thread. Lmao.

Now if you want to quote someone, there is a quote feature for that...
Are you so sure?

Anyway, if you were to debate others on this subject, there is no point in bringing up stupid stuff, so this thread is worthless...

Wrong. It is a mock. Mock mock mock, chicken...!
I'm debating others on how stupid metakrons/lixlukes posts are. If you will just read here...:

Listen to this!
What absurdity!
Administerd by the drug causes the death, do you think this is probably the dumbest sounding thing in existence? To the end of hell with these threads!

Is that stupid stuff to you?

Or anybody?

Probably, you don't know the difference between a fly and a mosquito.