Aids! Aids! Aids!


Registered Senior Member
Okay. I just finished a First Responder course and I learned that AIDS dies instant on contact with oxygen. So I got to thinking, is it possible to have your blood re-routed out of your body and thru a machine that oxygenated(right word?) it.. so then I started to think more into it, and realized that your blood is already oxygenated (?) .. So what's the deal?

I also heard that Keith Richards had his blood replaced to save him from AIDS, which doesnt sound too true. But anyway.

Maybe a good question?
AIDS is a condition, not a virus. Thats HIV. I'm guessing that this means the virus in direct contact with oxygen in the atmosphere, and if this is the case, it couldn't be used as a cure for 2 reasons:
1. If you are already infected, the virus has penetrated your cells and its genetic material is within your nuclei.
2. Oxygen in your blood is stored in a chemical form, not in a pure O2 state.
No one will know if a given treatment cures AIDs if they do not also withhold treatments like AZT that actually cause AIDS.
No one will know if a given treatment cures AIDs if they do not also withhold treatments like AZT that actually cause AIDS.
flu vaccines also actually causes the flu.

alot of the vaccines used cause the the conditions they are used for.
And AIDS medicines can give people AIDS until they die.
flu vaccines have been known to kill people metakron. as a matter of fact it's a given that a certain percentage of people that receive the vaccine will die from it.

Duesberg has said he would inject himself with HIV just to prove his point. what's he waiting for? scared maybe?
HIV is actually pretty effing hard to "get" even if you were trying. I think it was something like 8 times out of 100 in hetrosexual sex with an HIV infected woman, would you contract it.
flu vaccines have been known to kill people metakron. as a matter of fact it's a given that a certain percentage of people that receive the vaccine will die from it.

Duesberg has said he would inject himself with HIV just to prove his point. what's he waiting for? scared maybe?

AZT kills by the basic properties of the drug. They knew 40 years ago, literally 40 years ago, that it is a poison and that it is a potent carcinogen and mutagen. By destroying DNA it has an accumulative effect on all cells in the body.
flu vaccines have been known to kill people metakron. as a matter of fact it's a given that a certain percentage of people that receive the vaccine will die from it.

Duesberg has said he would inject himself with HIV just to prove his point. what's he waiting for? scared maybe?

They don't inject you with influenza. They inject you with the dead cells from the virus so that your body fights the dead cells, and can build an immunity so that when you come in contact with alive ones it can fight em off:p
The human response (antibody production) to HIV is actually quite good. The human body's defense begins almost immediately. It also infects the body's immune system. Additionally, HIV is very mutagenic thereby changing it's viral coat. So inoculating with a vaccine doesn't appear to be effective (I couldn't quote the research at this time). Sorry for the background info. However, German scientists have a promising 20 amino acid peptide that shows promise in blocking multiple strains of HIV. Check out the news item posted on 041907
on the SF gate website (I can thank my wife for finding this article).
Well even though this is a long story, my theroy is that living in a magnetic feild my terminate the HIV virus.

Well Matthyoauw

It appears according to the record that the magnetic feild of earth has been in decline, being in decline from a pervious time from its maxium occuring several thousand years ago.
The point at which first HIV case is reported is alleged to be in 1959, giveing a time frame for gestation of about 10 years for a date of 1949
(the US gives another date for the tracking of this virus).
The south magnetic pole failed just prior to this date about World
War II when the south magnetic pole met the world axis and the magnetic feild has been steady in change of motion and strength since then.
the decrease of the magnetic feild from prior to the failure of the south pole has resulted in the rise of the HIV virus, and its creation.
to test the theroy and terminate Hiv would require living in a magnetic feild enviroment with the magnetic feild restored to its prior strength.

even so a more stronger magnetic feild may act more quickly.

There remain more of theory but that gives the a good run of the direct event of the magnetic feilds invovlement,
