AI with Prolog Tutorials

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Valued Senior Member

I have AI in my next Semester and have to do Prolog and LISP.can anyone give me an introduction on Both,like what are these Development Env Like and How AI is programmed and so on...?


I haven't played around much with Prolog (I've had Visual Prolog on my system for months, thought it would be useful for developing an AI but never got around to coding it).

simply put PROLOG works in a way different from normal programming languages in the sense that it's syntax is made to be more "human".

Namely rather than writing:

IF(black == true)

You'd write something similar to:
If black then ...
(because it knows black is true in this instance)

You should find this of use:
uhm , no , prolog doesn't just differ by being more "human like" because it actually isn't humanlike at all ... "If black then ..." could have easly been a Pascal construction

the main difference between PROLOG and other languages is that it doesn't create applications , it is a logics engine - for example it can determine the value of truth of one sentence in a silogism by knowing the truth values for the other two and such... I'm not very familiar with it though because it's too hard to use and it will never be able to create AI

Thanks for your input, LOGICAL was the word I was looking for rather than Humanlike. (I would offer a prize, but it's not a contest and I'm pretty skint :D)

Yes it was the logical aspect of it I was refering to, in how we "Logically" read things (which is where I derived Human like).

If you have anything you would like to share with Zion or anyone else on the matter please feel free (You might be able to talk me into actually doing something with it)
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