AI - where do i start

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Well the usual start is to do a little research through some search engines on the internet.

You can look up "Artificial Intelligence", however you could end up with miles of links to peoples dreams of a better A.I, science fiction and obvious alot of sites saying they are free and are attempting to sell something.

I would suggest perhaps looking through at the site "". The new version of that particular site attempts to sell different programs that are either Expert Systems, Chatbots or Agents (data miners) and is not as good as the original site that contained more academic information.

You should also perhaps look at the more renound Artificial Intelligence projects that have been done (mostly by M.I.T.) such as the chatbots ALICE and ELIZA.

You might even want to concern yourself with the history of "the computation engine", of course I don't mean going as far back as Charles Babbage however you could look into Alan Turing's suggestion of Intelligent thinking machines which has gone on to create "The Turing Test".

There is a test carried out each year with a number of different entrants called the "Loebner Prize", which uses the "Turing Test" to test the entries with the chance of somebody or team winning a prize.

You should also go to your local library (with either your library card or some forms of identification so you can get a card) and see if there are any books in the computer science section.

If you aren't in school, there is always the opportunity of enrolling on one of the computer courses at a local college which also would require you to learn the information for yourself while finding the source material.

You might also want to check these sites:
Hey man, Thanks!

You were a big help and I appreciate you taking the time to write all of that.

Thanks man!
thecollage said:
I would like to learn all I can about AI. Where should I start and what do you all recommend?

Long ago, I created this little AI web. It needs a major update, however the current version might be still helpful...
You may want to read Marvin Minsky's book "The Society of Mind". From the recent work, I recommend you to check articles from Ben Goertzel (especially if you are interested in the Artificial General Intelligence - AGI - the "Real" AI people keep dreaming about ;-)).
What would you say if if I told you that I have created an artificial intelligence on my computer, and I chat to it and answer it's questions about it's very existence?
I'd need to see it with my own eyes. How exactly did u do that, how can a computer formulate thoughts, it's like sayin it thinks by itself, no way. If you chat with a computer that can formulate properly it means it thinks, if it thinks it must have dreams, goals, fears just like any living things. It's hard to belive.
To be clear, im preaty sure ai just colects data and figures, its [bold]ARTIFICAL[/bold]
it isnt the same as real intellegence
Darkman you are a lier ai isnt what you read in fiction books and see in movies

ai the movie was more off then pearl harbor [and that was alot]
Darkman said:
What would you say if if I told you that I have created an artificial intelligence on my computer, and I chat to it and answer it's questions about it's very existence?

prove it or move it
What would you say if if I told you that I have created an artificial intelligence on my computer, and I chat to it and answer it's questions about it's very existence?

I'd interrupt your teachings to explain basic grammar to this artificial intelligence. It won't be learning much in that domain from you.
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