AI Nano Fighters

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Valued Senior Member
I was wondering about the extent of Nano tech's usage.the idea is about creation od Artificially intelligent Nanoctors(Nano Doctors!)who"ll be just injected inside the body designed to perform a certain task(Programmed off course!).

I was watching the famous cartoon <B>Dexter's LABORATORY</B> when i got this idea,where Dexter converts himself into a Nano being and injects himself inside his Sister to fight the disease of hers.Amazing...what do you think?:)
Have you played Deus-Ex. there the main character J.C. Denton uses nano-tech installments. nanites implanted into him and doing particular job (hardening skin, alowing to jump higher, run faster, become invisible etc.).

I beleive tht tht should be awated in the next 100 years. but there is also one more problem with it. if you can create nano-doctors, you can also create nano-saboteurs, nano-destroyers, nano-spyes. think of the possibilities:)

other planet exploration & search for resources
repair jobs in extreme enviroments
smart materials
space station and earth structure maintinance
etc etc
nano technology is our future.
good or bad it is
SQUID implants have been known of for years.
Of course they don't usually roam around an individuals body, but they do find themselves burning/burrowing through a persons skin to be imbedded.

Then there is the usual tall tales of Alien abductions that correspond with these "Espionage" devices.

After all a person see's an alien, or thinks he's seen one, he's not likely to turn around and say that he was under the power of hypnotic suggestion and that the implant fell out of the sky and burnt through his epidermal layer.

I think the whole ideal of using such Mechanical equipment at such levels is pretty prepostrous.

Why create something thats mechanical, when the best scientific route is actually using something biological. Something that doesn't just blend in with the body to stop it treating it as a foreign body, and can actually enhance your DNA through it's own RNA patterns.

Of course it means that your Biological nano's would be more like building blocks and blueprints, rather than a little automated doctor.
Why create something thats mechanical, when the best scientific route is actually using something biological.

Why indeed?

Well, for one thing, a mechanical device can be controlled in real time or remotely overridden if things go awry.

And if you start messing about with bioagents that rely on reverse transcriptase for effectiveness, what scope for correction do you have after the process has begun? After anaphase you would have very little ability to repair damage.

Also, if the defect that the bioagents were introduced to repair an non-congenital or nongenetic disorder, couldn't the potentially damaging operands introduced into the recombinant dna be passed to offspring?

Just my thoughts.
i think im going to make a very big magnet and burry it really deep that will send out a huuuge EMP 100 years from now... so people will remember what it is like to live like the indians ;)
I don't think manufacturing nanobots for medical uses will go anywhere, it'll be much cheaper to make really advanced, versatile chemicals that act like robots, ie when an antibody binds to an antigen, it automatically goes into attack mode, undergoing a series of chemical reactions that either turns it into or makes an enzyme to destroy the antigen.
<I>Well, for one thing, a mechanical device can be controlled in real time or remotely overridden if things go awry.</I>

Chemicals can be destroyed via chemicals if something goes awry (you read too much scifi), they self assemble, the have no 'mechanical faliure', and there are many of them just in case one does fail. I doubt any nanobots could be controlled in real time, that would just add to expence and complexity. With chemicals, the results are predictable, after several hundred tests, nothing can go awry because all chemicals are virtually the same, as opposed to machines. You are trying to use high tech words. Well first of all, if I am correct, anaphase is the last step before telophase, where all the chromosomes separate, am I correct so far? Now, durring cell division, all the DNA is bound up in chromatids, so no protein synethis occurs, that all happens in prophase. What a retrovirus (such as AIDS) could do is simply insert a new gene into a body cell/bacterial cell to either make it immune or make it harmless, respectively. Like it or not (and I really can't see a reason not to), genetic engineering is the technology of the future.

<I>And if you start messing about with bioagents that rely on reverse transcriptase for effectiveness, what scope for
correction do you have after the process has begun? After anaphase you would have very little ability to repair
damage. </I>

Really, this makes no sense to me. Effectiveness of what? What process has already begun? Why do you have very little ability to repair?

<I>Also, if the defect that the bioagents were introduced to repair an non-congenital or nongenetic disorder, couldn't
the potentially damaging operands introduced into the recombinant dna be passed to offspring? </I>

Ok, I admit, you remember your 8th grade biology from last year. Now, explane it in terms I will understand. You don't impress me if I don't have a clue what you're saying. Now, what I think this means is will there be any side effects from the inserted DNA? Right? No. Simply put, why would there be? The flu is a nongenetic disorder, yet don't you think it could be cured with gene therapy?
Originally posted by zion
I was wondering about the extent of Nano tech's usage.the idea is about creation od Artificially intelligent Nanoctors(Nano Doctors!)who"ll be just injected inside the body designed to perform a certain task(Programmed off course!).

I was watching the famous cartoon <B>Dexter's LABORATORY</B> when i got this idea,where Dexter converts himself into a Nano being and injects himself inside his Sister to fight the disease of hers.Amazing...what do you think?:)

If you haven't already, and if you're interested, read Engines of Creation by K. Eric Drexler &copy; 1986
You can read it online at:

The views he had on nanotechnology were pretty interesting. (And remember, this was written over 15 years ago!) I found it to be relatively easy to read (not too many big words :)). If you're interested in nanotech (or even just the capabilities of it) I recommend reading this.

Chapter 7 is entitled "Engines of Healing" and talks about your "cell repair machines" or "nano-doctors".
My Clollege project has seriously hampered my time factor at Sciforums and internet.Z-DOS has been made but there are few errors here and there have to be soon i correct them i would find some time to read interesting article referred by you.


Im not a real big expert on nanotechnologi or biotech (or biologi for that matter), but isnt' it very probable that the two tech's would merge in some areas.
i would seem quite natural in an area such as NanoDoctors.
you could seriasly change (f*ck up) the the idea of what we think of as normal biologi.
Like cyborg on an atomic level. :confused:
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