ah poop


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
a few minues ago, in the middle of a dominoes game, my computer decided to restart. (which has become a common occurance :() but this time, when it was loading, my anti virus popped up and said that i have 6537 virus or possible mutilations. !??!!! then, as soon as puter loaded, it froze, and restarted. ive fiannly got things going, and ive come across two files that it claims are viruses... but.. i dont know what they are.. i dont want to open them and mess around in them incase they are viruses.... (both are .exe's) one is a temp file anyhow, so im just going to delete it.
the other is absr.exe in my windows file.... i get so skiddish in there... does anyone know, (or could ya check) and see if this is a common file, and my antivirus is just paranoid.. or if its something im gonna hafta delete, and possible replace..?

if anyone could let me know, id really appreciate it. :confused:

I had the same problem last week. My 4day old hard drive found 65 viruses on it.

If i were you, go to www.download.com and serch for anti-virus

Theres one called AVG thats totally free and works wonders.
AVG is working so far.. I ran the 18 minute scan.. and it found 3 viruses (which seems a little more relistic) and deleted them. 1 was a horsey! LOL. thanks again!!

-runs off to save her liscense from the evil people at the secretaty of state-.........
Speaking of poop, ever let a fart and it's a little bit more than a fart? And you immediately have to go to the nearest bathroom while clenching your buttcheeks together?

Me neither... :D
well, i saved my puter.. but think im going to loose my liscence...

...as for the ..oh.. i cant even type it..... :eek: ..never mind.....
Download Norton Anti-virus 2002 off of Kazaa, I think it's the best anti-virus I know, and then Zone Alarm Pro. That should pretty much keep your computer protected from anything. And it's free :D or you can buy them...
Originally posted by nightfall
well, i saved my puter.. but think im going to loose my liscence...

...as for the ..oh.. i cant even type it..... :eek: ..never mind.....

Nightfall, I have Norton AntiVirus 2002 and McAfee 2002.

Msg me and I will send you a full retail version over MSN ;)

Just for you sexy ;)

AVG sucks compared to Norton, norton is the best, all virus definitions are constantly up to date.

If you haves windows 2000 or XP I'll send you Norton 2002.

If you have a SLOW ASS COMP under 500 MHZ, then I'll send you norton 2001. ;)

Just ask and you will receive, don't be shy...lol. :p
first you have to GET ON MSNGR! lol...
but um.. i run mainly on windows 98, but alot of my programs are updated to 2000, and i would shoot myself before i used XP (on which im still searching for the fine print that says 'designed by mattel'.... )
Download Norton Anti-virus 2002 off of Kazaa,

download an ANIT-VIRUS from KAZAA.... lol...

i dont know why i didn't think of that befor.. usually ij ust use kaza for viruses. lol.... sorry. it just sounded funny to hear the two words in the same sentance.. im sure you understand.
Originally posted by nightfall
download an ANIT-VIRUS from KAZAA.... lol...

i dont know why i didn't think of that befor.. usually ij ust use kaza for viruses. lol.... sorry. it just sounded funny to hear the two words in the same sentance.. im sure you understand.

I hardly get a virus from Kazaa...even if I use it all day. Maybe you just download weird files that most likely contain a virus...
I hardly get a virus from Kazaa...even if I use it all day. Maybe you just download weird files that most likely contain a virus...

to be honest, neither do i..... cuz i only had three viruses that whole (unprotected) time, and ive downloaded... well.. hundreds.... thas where all my girls' music comes from. but hey.. im cheap! and i think one of them came from an email.
keep updating os (patches, security fixes) and above all some common sense
when surfing (attachments, activex, java scripts)