Agnostic finds God...


God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
He is the Alpha and the Omega.
He is Volition, Driven.
He is Desire, Realized.
He is Will, Rendered.
He is Word, Incarnate.
He is Intention, Revealed.
He is Karma, Manifest.

He cannot be seen by human eyes, but people can feel His presence.
He is omnipotent: He can force the hands of people and turn the tides of fate. He cannot be stopped or contained. The sum of all humankind’s power combined cannot compare to Him. No one person can control Him, but everyone can influence Him - He knows the fears, wishes, glories and prayers of every person, and responds accordingly. His power should be recognized, revered, feared and respected - to deny His existence is folly at best. His power reaches into the deepest recesses of every person’s subconscious mind and exercises influence on all, regardless of faith or belief.
He works in mysterious ways. There is none as subtle and graceful as Him. He can wholly control nearly every aspect of a person’s life, without that person even knowing He is present.
He is omniscient: He is greater than the sum of the knowledge, wisdom, experience and emotions of everyone, past and present. There is nothing that happens that He does not know. There is nothing that has happened that He does not remember. His knowledge of and influence over the future is unfathomable. No future, however, is inevitable.
He is omni benevolent: He is greater than the sum all the benevolent influences of all people combined.
He is omnipresent: There is no place anyone can go without being affected by Him.
He is eternal: He has existed since before the dawn of humankind's consciousness. Long after the last human has expired, He will still exist.
He has created, and continues to create, humankind in His own image.
Humankind has created, and continues to create, Him in its own image.

The Devil and God are indistinguishable.
Both reside in the collective intentions, actions and knowledge of man, and they are in a constant struggle with each other.

Every action you take affects the lives and decisions of countless people around you and each one of those actions that were affected by your action affects many more.
It is an endless collection of ripples interacting in an infinite pool of time.

Although His existence cannot be seen, heard, measured or quantified, He certainly has very real effects.
He crept through the Deep South many years ago and convinced people that they were justified in lynching human beings based on the color of their skin.
He pulled people together at home to gather their efforts and cooperate while their sons and husbands were off fighting World War II.
He made Michael Jackson a star.
He made Michael Jackson a pitiful laughing stock.

Every attribute of God and the Devil, every bible story, every ideal and ideology can be ascribed to Him.
He is Karma, Manifest.

What do you think?
I think its a great post; neccessarily vague and yet exactly right. you can only describe god by his actions, and even then you miss out on most of it. but then again, thats how life is.

so do you believe that god is that natural force behind everything--something which you know both affects everything while at the same time being affected by everything? a web of almost endless interactions.
RoyLennigan said:
I think its a great post; neccessarily vague and yet exactly right.

RoyLennigan said:
you can only describe god by his actions, and even then you miss out on most of it. but then again, thats how life is.
I've always been the pragmatic sort, and this is about the only thing that satisfies that.

RoyLennigan said:
so do you believe that god is that natural force behind everything--something which you know both affects everything while at the same time being affected by everything? a web of almost endless interactions.
Pretty much dead on.
This is just a rough framework, and I have to expand on the idea quite a bit, but that's the jist of it.
Ophiolite said:
No, not quite.

God is not everything.
He is Karma, which is nothing material at all.
He is not this computer, but what I am communicating on it.
He is not that rock, but the results of my action of throwing it, and partially the cause.
He is not my thoughts, but the results of my thoughts, and partially the impetus behind them.
He interracts with matter, but he isn't matter.

Though I do see how you can get that impression from the limited information above.
you used too many tenses; god is, not was or will be he is the great I Am, transendening time and space existing in all of it at once

just picking nits
Little_Birdie said:
you used too many tenses; god is, not was or will be he is the great I Am, transendening time and space existing in all of it at once

just picking nits

While torturing the English language, you made sweeping assertions of something never shown to exist.

Just picking nits.
Little_Birdie said:
you used too many tenses; god is, not was or will be he is the great I Am, transendening time and space existing in all of it at once

I have no idea what you are saying.
I DID say God IS.
Besides, what does "too many tenses" mean?

Perhaps you are referring to where I said.
"He crept through the Deep South many years ago and convinced people that they were justified in lynching human beings based on the color of their skin.
He pulled people together at home to gather their efforts and cooperate while their sons and husbands were off fighting World War II.
He made Michael Jackson a star.
He made Michael Jackson a pitiful laughing stock."

These are things that have happened in the past, regardless if you think He transcends time and space, these things happened in our past, so my tense is correct.
You are mistaken.

Besides, I don't think that He does "transcend time and spece existing in all of it at once". I think that's clear by my description.
I don't even think that expression makes any sense, except for possibly if I am speaking of some version of a strictly Pantheistic vision of God, which I have made clear that I am not. It certainly doesn't apply to the concept of God being karma, manifest that I was describing.

Perhaps I completely misunderstood you.
Maybe you can clarify and elaborate.
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i simply ment that god in his simpicity is not affected by time-space as he exists beyond it at least that is what a belive
You accept an assertion as truth without considering supportive / contradictive evidence and might not understand that what 'feels' right or is attractive doesn't equate to truth.

It's a problem in that belief tends to end in destructive / oppressive outcomes when making decisions based on it.
Little_Birdie said:
so without conclusive evidence it can't be true, that infact it is decructive and oppressivw

If there exists even a teensy weensy bit of evidence supporting some idea then it might be true. What you have at that point is a speculation (if you don't intend to investigate further) or a hypothesis (if you do). Gain enough evidence and you can model a theory. The results of testing the theory against reality will tell you if the idea is true.

In belief, the conclusion (i.e. *this* is true) is accepted right off the bat. There are no intermediate stages / considerations. Building a conceptual geometry that are dominated by belief results in decision making that has been shown (real evidence) to be destructive and oppressive.
my evidence in support of theism is the good in mankind, makind even, i'd go as far as to say the existance of anything is proof that something lies beyond thei mortal coil
Little_Birdie said:
my evidence in support of theism is the good in mankind, makind even, i'd go as far as to say the existance of anything is proof that something lies beyond thei mortal coil

What's your definition of 'Good'? Existence is evidence that existence exists. It's healthy to be awed by it, hold deep appreciation for it, and even fantasize about it. What existence isn't evidence for is persistence of consciousness after death.
Little_Birdie said:
i simply ment that god in his simpicity is not affected by time-space as he exists beyond it at least that is what a belive
If God is beyond time and space, how does he interact with it?
Crunchy Cat said:
What's your definition of 'Good'? Existence is evidence that existence exists. It's healthy to be awed by it, hold deep appreciation for it, and even fantasize about it. What existence isn't evidence for is persistence of consciousness after death.
Who said consciousness exists after death? That you *exist* after death may be, in some way, but that the *existance* is what we know as consciousness is not something to be sure about.

Maybe it's that you somehow become (or you allready are) a piece of existance yourself, thus there is no "you" but only existance itself, where "you" is the perceiver of that existance and where "you" are existance (thus a piece of existance that is the perceiver of existance).