Age of Menarche


Monkey see, monkey denigrate
Valued Senior Member
I read something yesterday about how girls supposedly begin menstruating when they are 48kg in body weight.

Wouldn't that depend on their body composition, though? Say the girl was that heavy as a result of a growth spurt that made her very tall but very thin, would she still undergo menarche?
I believe it has more to do with the amount of fat in the body than the actual overall weight. Which is why girls who are either really skinny or really muscular can have delayed menarche. And even after puberty often continue to have irregular periods. and overweight girls tend to have an early onset. With many girls being overweight to obese menstruating 7 and 8 year olds are no longer a rare occurrence.
I thought so.

And it's sad that some girls are hitting adolescence as early as 7 or 8. They surely don't get time to be kids.
I thought so.

And it's sad that some girls are hitting adolescence as early as 7 or 8. They surely don't get time to be kids.

or maybe we should not consider it a sign of adolescence anymore. Of course I agree with the basic idea of simply not having obese children.
or maybe we should not consider it a sign of adolescence anymore.
Adolescence is the period between puberty and adulthood, i.e., between sexual maturity and the maturity of everything else, so the word is still accurate.

I just don't like the idea of seven year-olds being horny. Considering the stupid decisions that we adults often make concerning sex, just how stupid could a second-grader be about it?
Adolescence is the period between puberty and adulthood, i.e., between sexual maturity and the maturity of everything else, so the word is still accurate.

I just don't like the idea of seven year-olds being horny. Considering the stupid decisions that we adults often make concerning sex, just how stupid could a second-grader be about it?

One must wonder just how much hormonally is running, just because they menstruate does not mean they will be "horny" it likely they aren't even ovulating yet, their uterus may be going through through motions, but that may be it.
Adolescence is the period between puberty and adulthood, i.e., between sexual maturity and the maturity of everything else, so the word is still accurate.

I just don't like the idea of seven year-olds being horny. Considering the stupid decisions that we adults often make concerning sex, just how stupid could a second-grader be about it?

Not sure how much a second grader could do even if they were horny besides masturbate. Of course I don't think they really get horny like teenagers and adults do, I knew a few girls who began menstruating much younger than the norm and while they knew what sex was they found it quite disturbing like most kids their age do.
sex if you think about it is in fact very nasty and gross, but so is eating: as long as you find it pleasurable and have a "hunger" you will ignore the disgusting mechanics of its nature.
I never thought of eating that way....

Menarche does seem to be happening earlier, probably due to diet. There's some interesting study about menarche in Africa. Women don't ovulate monthly, more like once every 6 months. Which could be more normal. Or not. I read that a LONG time ago but it might be worth looking in to. Again, if I remember correctly, because we eat so much now, females ovulate more often.

We're born to breed.
I never thought of eating that way....
I have. All the time. It strikes me as odd that the common date is comprised of masticating dead things. Which is basically poop processing.

It's downright disgusting.

Sex ain't all that appetizing, either. Body fluids going into strange places and genitals aren't exactly PRETTY, ya know?

The only reason we eat is because we HAVE to to live and things TASTE good which is self pleasure...
And sex is the same way. We have a driven desire for it that isn't on the same level as conscious thought. But if you factor out hormones and then look at it for what it is...
Without the evolutionary trait of sexual desire, we wouldn't do it.

I mean come on- Banana slugs and Octupus have sex. Figure that one out. And the banana slug must chew off his own penis to escape the female after since it swells up so much.
Good News for Banana Slugs: It grows back.
I mean come on- Banana slugs and Octupus have sex. Figure that one out. And the banana slug must chew off his own penis to escape the female after since it swells up so much.
Good News for Banana Slugs: It grows back.

Banana slugs aren't male or female; they're male AND female, having both sexes on one body. When they mate, they BOTH insert a penis into the other.

Check it out in the early AM in the garden for an interesting sight. But yes, one can chew the penis off the other. The article reports that it does NOT grow back. Looks like you might wish to investigate that further.
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Banana slugs aren't male or female; they're male AND female, having both sexes on one body. When they mate, they BOTH insert a penis into the other.

Check it out in the early AM in the garden for an interesting sight. But yes, one can chew the penis off the other. The article reports that it does NOT grow back. Looks like you might wish to investigate that further.

Hey, just when I think I'm smart you come and ruin it.
Actually, I think my source was Discovery Channel...

You're right- I should have researched it more. But somehow, googling 'slug dick' didn't appeal to me, so I just ran with it.

Curses- I got caught.
Not sure how much a second grader could do even if they were horny besides masturbate. Of course I don't think they really get horny like teenagers and adults do, I knew a few girls who began menstruating much younger than the norm and while they knew what sex was they found it quite disturbing like most kids their age do.

Given the increase in 'child' births lately I'd say kids are becoming sexually active earlier. The youngest parents I can find record of are a 10 year old girl and 13 year old boy from Belgium, but there's a 11 year old girl and 14 year old boy case in Russia.

There's quite a few factors at play here, but early onset of puberty would be a big one I reckon.
I heard that cows get growth horomones to reach maturity faster so they can be meat quicker. Is it possible for our meat and milk to have growth horomones in them? Or is that just a myth?
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not for our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." - Jack Handey
Given the increase in 'child' births lately I'd say kids are becoming sexually active earlier. The youngest parents I can find record of are a 10 year old girl and 13 year old boy from Belgium, but there's a 11 year old girl and 14 year old boy case in Russia.

There's quite a few factors at play here, but early onset of puberty would be a big one I reckon.

There have always been young parents, and 10 and 11 are still within the old average onset of menarche age 10-15. While the age of menarche continues to drop, the average age first intercourse is still at about 17 (in 2008).