After Death

Cactus Jack

Death Knight of Northrend
Registered Senior Member
Hi, I'm new to this sight and first would like to say it's pretty cool and hello to everyone.

For my first Post I want to pose a question I've been looking for thoughts on recently:

What do you think happens after we die? And how do your views effect the way you live life and its meaning?

Being an atheist I look at death (speaking about the mind) as an end to thought. That's what the word death means, ceasing to exist, therefore ceasing to think. Your conscienceness no longer occurs.
its hard to say since i myself seem to be doomed to immortality.
the undying experience a collectivley growing thought structure, not unlike the aging with the balancing of acids and bases in a fine elegant wine.

ahh i taste good
But doesn't the idea of end of conscienceness cheapen life and make it seem less worth living?
Only if you let it.

And you just touched on a possible beginning of religion. People, in general, do not like the idea of death ending conscienceness. And how much worse do you think they liked the idea thousands of years ago when there was little/no science? So people made up better answers!

Hence, shamans.
God is the creation of man to feed his need for immortality, and no one can question it cause no one knows. I don't know what I belive.

Also: I read your post on your lifestyle and agree - school, weekends, money, stuff some people think are important truley aren't. F#ck 'em you have to find out what you belive in and just because your dreams may shatter doesn't mean you should slow down. - Just Live
Hi cactus, welcome to sciforums.

What do you think happens after we die?
If we die at the end of the universe, then not a lot. However, if it is before that time then I suspect other people will carry on as usual. If you were important and famous then the stock markets might register a blip, but otherwise, a few people might remember who you were.


Then of course the people who remember you will just die in a few more years anyway. You have to build a major empire to effect the course of this planet. Rather sad when you think about it.

Of course it also means you can do what you like without screwing up your ancestors. :D

I found the problem with athism.

Athism's dont belive anything come after death

so they want to live forever

hence they are responceable for the worlds over crouding:D
Cactus Jack
But doesn't the idea of end of conscienceness cheapen life and make it seem less worth living?

I would contest that the proposal that consciousness ends at death would make life more valuable and worth living. Who you are and what you do counts now rather in the after-life. No belief, act, or confession will absolve your actions, you are responsible to those whom you affect rather than some heavenly judge. And that you only have this one, brief, moment in time rather than all of eternity makes it more valuable rather than less.

Then of course the people who remember you will just die in a few more years anyway. You have to build a major empire to effect the course of this planet. Rather sad when you think about it.

Every interaction you have with someone affects the course of this planet. The large tip you gave the helpful waiter, the encouragement you gave your child, and the punch in the nose you gave to the man who insulted your wife all have far reaching affect. Like the "Butterfly Effect"; minute variations in a chaotic system can have far-reaching consequence.

Athism's dont belive anything come after death
so they want to live forever
hence they are responceable for the worlds over crouding.

Straw man argument Asguard. You make several unfounded assumptions to get to your conclusion: 1. Atheists don't believe anything comes after death. 2. Atheists want to live forever. 3. An increase of longevity is the reason for the population increase (I'm assuming your point here, unless you're proposing that the world is being overpopulated by imortal atheists). 4. Atheists are responsible for the increase of longevity. None of which are givens, some of which are provably false.

Thanks Raithere,
Thanks everyone who posted it helped me think more clearly about the ideas and the issue.

if death is the end of conciouness....

if this is so then do you believe in fate?
is it possible for fate to exist in a world where death is the only end.
what do you guys think?
If death is the final ending then there is no fate. I is pointless to have the path be set. Further, if these two are true then your actions against other people are more important.
Also the ideas of good and evil are changed. An Evil act is something that makes someone else's short stay on this earth unduely unpleasant.

However I do belive that if death is the ending that there still could be a God. Just because we end doesn't mean there isn't some being that created and oversees everything. Then again it doesn't mean there is either.
so there could be a god or gods, a overseeing entity.
then could fate exist, if the god was determined to have things end a certain way?
True, if you think of us as an experiment or entertainment.
But (and I know this isn't fact based, but hell) I've always felt that humans seem to have free will, and if we are "being watched over" then it's to see how we act with this gift. I don't think the creator(s) have to put us in harmful, or strange situations - emotion and free will make us quite efficient when it comes to that.

P.S. - Call me Cactus
i was merely responding ot your statement that fate was pointless,
i do not wonder as to the meaningfulness of it.
you said "if death is the final ending than there is no fate."
i wonder here if you still think fate is impossible,
rather than unlikely, or entertaining,
simply do you think it is a possiblility that there is fate?
Sorry for the misunderstanding,

In these type of discussions anything is possible because we simply don't know. We know science but we don't know another being was behind creation and science are the boundaries it created for existance. Like a computer programer who creates a program with rules to change things. The programmer doesn't rewrite the program to change a detail, he works within the system.


The statement I made above came across as me using death as the final ending to prove fate's impossibility, I didn't mean it like that I meant it simply as I felt i was unlikely if this were to be true. I'm not running on facts in this sort of discussion - just ideals, thoughts and feelings.
