After Death (skull smiley face)

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
So what happens, in your opinion, when you die?

For me, my hope (the only vestige of proof I can muster) is that you do whatever you want. Go to heaven, get your virgins for some, live in another fantasy world, be reborn into another time period, watch all of human history.

The first thing to-do on my list is to travel to every star, galaxy, quasar, and life-bearing planet in the universe, and observe their entire history. I'll also be interested to see how we humans fare in the centuries and millenia to come. I can't think of a better adventure to undertake.

Of course there are also others who say that nothing happens after death, something that I considered for awhile. The fact is that I've experienced things (OBE's, some psychic dreams, small predictions) that have reinforced my viewpoint, and it's perfectly logical to not believe me at all, because I have been on 'that side' of the issue, and I really do understand. Plus you only have my word to go on, but since a good deal of you know at least a little about me, you'll realize that in this case I would not lie, and I am not lying. Again, you can believe or disbelieve me if you want, it's all a matter of choice.

Or faith.:)
Well, first my organs are harvested. Then

They wrap me up in a clean white sheet
And bury me down six feet deep
My stomach turns a putrid green
And pus comes out like whipping creame
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms play pinocle on my snout
After many years I will decay
And that is the end of a perfect day!

P.S: Any help on the lyrics would be appreciated. I'm relying soley on memory, and it's been years since I've sung this. :)
What song is it? And is that your opinion, xev?

The lyrics are well written though, gotta hand it to the...writer I guess.
Polly, my friends and I sang it when we were little. I have no idea what the title is.

Yeah, that's my opinion. You die, you cease to exist.

I sometimes think that, in an infinite universe, an infinite number of things can happen, and that I will live again. I dunno. I think that's likely enough.

As for what I would want, I'd like to be able to do anything.
I think that when we die we get to see the larger aspects of our life, the meanings not completely understood in the physical, the connections that went by unnoticed, the love that we never seemed to share enough of.
But first I think there is a period of transation and realization of what just happened, the end of the physical life. To say goodbye to the body and other materia dear to us. To be able to say "see you later" to friends and beloved.
After that, I can only guess....but a briefing of ones life maybe, how you affected other people, how well you loved and was true to your heart and if you were able to forgive all that was done wrong to you. And then, to go on with whatever existance has in store for you. :)
Of course, eternal understanding of everything would be a...hmm hmm....boon as well.

that song is from one of those shel silverstein books. "a light in the attic" or "where the sidewalk ends" .. its one of those im sure.
Originally posted by Xev
You die, you cease to exist.

Pretty much.
The catch is the resurrection.

Mind you, for you that wouldn't be much of a catch, since you would be tossed into the lake of fire after the resurrection, as things stand now.

For us, that would also not be much of a catch since it would signify the beginning of eternal life.

Originally posted by Bebelina
And then, to go on with whatever existance has in store for you.

That is NOT much help, coming from a "messiah."

Tramslated, that just means "I don't know but whatever happens, happens."
Well, it would be a pity to reveal ALL the secrets, death is after all supposed to be the final mystery, as human kind is concerned.

Suppose it could be shown for certain that when you die you do indeed simply cease to exist.

How would that knowledge affect the way you live now and your attitudes towards life and others?

How would you now see death? Fear, apprehension, dissapointment, anger?

Yes, all of those.
I did believe that before you know, but then I got proof that showed otherwise. Now, you will of course want to hear of those proofs, but it was nothing earthshaking, just many small events that made me change my mind.
But, this life will cease to exist in the manner you mentioned, this body, this personality will dissapear, only memories will exist of it, in my souls memory and in all others that was touched by me, as I am now.
*Originally posted by Bebelina
Well, it would be a pity to reveal ALL the secrets,

That's a cute way to hide the fact that you don't have all the secrets.

*death is after all supposed to be the final mystery, as human kind is concerned.*

As human kind is concerned?
Well, what kind made that statement?

Besides, the mystery of the ages is NOT death, but something else.

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
(1 Corinthians 2:7, KJV).

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
(Colossians 1:27, KJV).

As a a real messiah, you should have known this but you don't.

*Originally posted by Cris
Suppose it could be shown for certain that when you die you do indeed simply cease to exist.

Is there some disagreement on this point?

For there is no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool for ever; seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be forgotten. And how dieth the wise man? as the fool.
(Ecclesiastes 2:16, KJV).

But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?
As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up:
So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.

(Job 14:10-12, KJV).

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
(Genesis 3:19, KJV).

That sounds like dead.

*Originally posted by Bebelina
only memories will exist of it, in my souls memory and in all others that was touched by me, as I am now.

Sorry, Beb, not even that.

For there is no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool for ever; seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be forgotten. And how dieth the wise man? as the fool.
(Ecclesiastes 2:16, KJV).

Cris is right, when you die, you die.