African School Children Meet E.T.

This only goes to prove that the UFO/ALIEN Phenomenon exists outside of North American Culture.

And in children to boot!

Has no one have any thoughts on this?
The reason no one responded was simply because what ever we hypothesis or suggest, you and a few others will just continue to tunnel vision towards "aliens".

There are so many ways that certain phenomona can be generated, all man made and very Terrestrial.

For instance Electricity Pylons are actually marked down in flight maps for helicopter pilots and other air users like Paragliders and parachutists, It's not uncommon for pilots to navigate the skies by using Roads, Pylons and Mountain ranges along with their "Sonar Beacons".

It was possible that a helicopter could have followed the pylons and maybe landed.

In the heat of an African country, it should be known that such Heat can cause Thermadynamic curvatures in the form of heat vapours. It would therefore be concluded possible that a helicopters roaters could be "mirror" in such heat vapour and miss the main body of the helicopter off. It could also be suggested that such heat vapours could make a person disappear and reappear elsewhere when they move behind such a heat vapour.
Helicopters tend to make a lot of noise.
Which easily is much louder than school children playing.
I am quite certain that the teachers of the school would of heard such things.

But heat vapours is a good point.
One saying comes to mind, "get them young - get them for life".
Helicopters tend to make a lot of noise

Supposedly the government is in works of a "Silent Helicopter", basically a completely black, sound proof helicopter similar to the stealth plane. Maybe the helicopter the children saw could have been a prototype or rather a newer modeller similar to the "Silent Helicopter" which makes less noise than a typical one, which then, childrens voice would be able to drown out the sound.

But, then again the few discussions I've read about them seem to be pointing to the Men in Black, government conspiracies and the "New World Order", so I don't know. 100 meters away though is quite a length so maybe the childrens voice did just drown out the sound...
Votorx said:
Supposedly the government is in works of a "Silent Helicopter", basically a completely black, sound proof helicopter similar to the stealth plane. Maybe the helicopter the children saw could have been a prototype or rather a newer modeller similar to the "Silent Helicopter" which makes less noise than a typical one, which then, childrens voice would be able to drown out the sound.

But, then again the few discussions I've read about them seem to be pointing to the Men in Black, government conspiracies and the "New World Order", so I don't know. 100 meters away though is quite a length so maybe the childrens voice did just drown out the sound...
apache hellicopters are practically silent entirely, but i dont think there would be one landing outsie of a school. The apache can, and has safely come up into battle situations, and then had not even been noticed until it had started firing.
Stryderunknown said:
The reason no one responded was simply because what ever we hypothesis or suggest, you and a few others will just continue to tunnel vision towards "aliens".

There are so many ways that certain phenomona can be generated, all man made and very Terrestrial.

For instance Electricity Pylons are actually marked down in flight maps for helicopter pilots and other air users like Paragliders and parachutists, It's not uncommon for pilots to navigate the skies by using Roads, Pylons and Mountain ranges along with their "Sonar Beacons".

It was possible that a helicopter could have followed the pylons and maybe landed.

In the heat of an African country, it should be known that such Heat can cause Thermadynamic curvatures in the form of heat vapours. It would therefore be concluded possible that a helicopters roaters could be "mirror" in such heat vapour and miss the main body of the helicopter off. It could also be suggested that such heat vapours could make a person disappear and reappear elsewhere when they move behind such a heat vapour.
One must always be on guard against over-searching for some kind of "scientifically valid" explanation. It seems evident to me that intelligent schoolchildren would be well aware of what a helicopter is, and being natives of that land are also cognisant of heat hazes and mirages and their effect on vision.

No, it's far, far simpler to assume that the teachers and the children have made it up.
Indeed it is far simpler to say that it was made up, however diehard believers would think it a little too simple.

I'll let you into something I had a dealing with some time back. A South African Girl explained to me of some Psyotronic things that were happening to her. She explained that some people were messing with her head, she would hear racist voices in her head that didn't just attack her for race but also for sex. Some would suggest that this girl was suffering some delusional manifestation of the mind, however it's known that their are Psyonic Laboratories around the world that have been studying how to insert "thoughts" into a persons head.

So it wasn't too far to suggest that perhaps some of the Apartheid sects within the region could have been using equipment that was suppose to be for homeland security for their racial attacks.

It wouldn't be much of a jump to conclude the same sort of equipment could have been used elsewhere within the continent.
Bit of a jump to suppose that such equipment exists, or is even possible, though. Doubly so to suppose that, if it existed, it would be available to unofficial racist groups in Africa. Again, Occam's Razor would suggest that your South African girl was simply either lying or delusional.
Well I know the equipment exists for multiple reasons, since there is actually a Psyonic Ops dept in the US and the Russians during the coldwar had investigated the use of such technology.

I personally think it's about time that our governments should own up to the usage of such equipment because I would suggest there are a large number of deaths and crimes attributed to the equipments usage where the operators of such equipment haven't been held accountable.

I've seen proof of the actual equipment through both television and literature, for instance Prof. Penrose for years had been looking into how the human mind is comprised and even has papers refering to the Blood-brain barrier at the time.
I don't quite understand, Stryderunknown. The only "psionic" ops I know the CIA indulged in was Remote Viewing, which was utterly discredited and dismissed as a waste of time and money. The Russians may well have investigated the use of such technology (upon what basis I cannot tell), but that says nothing about their success in the endeavour.

What sources do you have? Do you mean Roger Penrose? Having read his books The Emperor's New Mind and Shadows of the Mind I think I would have remembered if he'd mentioned actual psionic machines.

Here's how I know that such items do not exist. Not long ago I saw a programme on the Discovery channel, in the course of which we visited some scientists who are experimenting with rats. What they can do is, they can make a rat make a left turn or a right turn. They do this by stimulating the rat's brain via wires which are plugged directly into it. They succeed, say, 7 times out of 10, when they're pretty sure the rat wouldn't have gone that way anyway.

That is the limit of our knowledge of indirectly affecting a brain and causing someone to do something they might otherwise do. There is no possible way of sending specific messages (as you are implying happened to that South African girl).

Another reason I know this stuff does not exist. The potential for this kind of technology is so, obviously, useful that it's no wonder that on occasion scientific (or para-scientific) institutions have a go at creating something of this kind, or at least investigating the possibilities for it, by testing in the first instance for psi powers in specific subjects. And yet whenever we hear about parapsychological tests there we are right back at square one, simply trying to determine whether such an effect even exists. The history of scientific and technological advance clearly shows that generally little acorns sprout great oaks. That poor, early forms of technology or science rapidly make way for better, refined forms; and that the discoveries of the past are used as a platform from which to build the stuff of the future. That there is no advance in psi investigation beyond card tests, after, what, 40 years? 50? Shows that obviously there is nothing there to be found, no described phenomena from which we could build technology. In other words, psionic machines are so useful that they would have been invented already, and not just by the CIA.
You tend to miss out something about Science. In all Science, Scientists usually require funding and to gain their funding their purposed projects have to be passed by the Science Council in their country. In each of these countries their is a finite amount of funding available and therefore some projects are turned down while others are funded.

You could suggest that to understand the human brain at the degree that I know it is known about currently it would need a vast amount of funding with people dedicated to research, however most projects are for small time periods and set budgets for such time periods as apposed to the Military which can have an open ended budget appended to what ever it researches.

You can suggest that Civilian research is currently directly related to eventual turnover as opposed to the Military Research thats not suppose to consider turnover over National Security. Where as one is heavily reliant upon a market of individuals that are pro production and implimentation, the other is not reliant upon civilians buying their warez or complaining that the equipment infringes a few civil liberties.

This in turn means that Civillian projects are actually "Behind" scientifically in comparison to their blackops counterparts. If only it was possible to get those blackop's to be acknowledged openly would the Civillian side of research not just be sped up but not go over the same ground thats already been covered in secret.

Psi machines do exists, there is one that generates a matrix of waveformations to insert vocalised messages into anything that moves infront of its dishes conical output. The sound itself is not audible unless directly inline with the dish because it doesn't work with conventional wavelengths that reverberate the ear-drums.