African leadership prize


Valued Senior Member
Should african leaders be financially awarded for good governance?

I find there is something condescending about giving money to a nations leader for acting appropriately. Its almost like saying no one expects an african leader to be a leader unless there is some monetary incentive (affirmative action for presidents:p) Where power lies so does money, this is true in every country.

"The winners receive $5m over 10 years, and then $200,000 a year for life after that - the most valuable individual annual award in the world."

This year no award was given as I guess there wasn't anyone worthy of such a prize. As one BBC analyst put it "Mr Ibrahim established the prize because well-run African democracies are not thick on the ground."

Not 'thick on the ground' I just love it. Mr Ibrahim who issues the prize money has said that because so many african leaders come from poor families they try to hold on to power because they fear returning to poverty:rolleyes: Basically they are paying them not to act like a dictator. I wonder why Mugabe isn't turned on by the sweet deal, he's probably making more money being corrupt.

If african nations simply cannot get it together then maybe it needs re-colonizing to save the people further trouble of having to take responsibility for themselves (and I'm only half-joking).

So what do you think? Should good leaders be awarded?