Aether energy


Registered Member
I was looking into perpetual motion, and zero point energy the other day. As you would expect there is a lot of rubbish out there, some of it vaguely convincing. I finally came across this site, which blows my mind. It appears to be real fuel less energy.

From the site : "our current prototype demonstrates 1500% more “out” than “in”... ".

The technology appears to be real, and in fact "stolen" from Prof.(Dr. Sir.) Robert Adams who aether energy has had a British Patent since 1996.

I'm like.. what the hell? They have an engine producing power without fuel using permanent magnets and I didn't know about it? Isn't this biggest thing since the moon landings? If it's a fake, it's an elaborate one.
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It's gotta' be a hoax. I suppose Australia doesn't have a better business group.
I have a design for a motor to run on magnets..But i dotn have any equipment or matireals so i can only specualte on it.
It's gotta' be a hoax.

Oh well, that clears that up :rolleyes:

I've emailed the inventors, and asked them for the US patent number as I couldn't find it in a search.

Thinking about it, maybe I shouldn't have posted this in the Pseudoscience forum. Although I'm a natural cynic, I believe this technology is could be real (although I agree it sounds like science fiction).