Aether Displacement


What is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether.
What is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether.

The aether pressure idea does not work so well. Think of water pressure in the ocean. While the pressure at the bottom is certainly greater than at the surface, the water pressure does not push things toward the bottom. Some even float.
The aether pressure idea does not work so well. Think of water pressure in the ocean. While the pressure at the bottom is certainly greater than at the surface, the water pressure does not push things toward the bottom. Some even float.

It's not as big as water though.
The aether pressure idea does not work so well. Think of water pressure in the ocean. While the pressure at the bottom is certainly greater than at the surface, the water pressure does not push things toward the bottom. Some even float.

The water analogy is correct in that placing a bowling ball into a tank of water displaces the water. The displaced water exerts force toward the bowling ball.

When you get to something as large as the Earth the amount of aether the Earth displaces and the force exerted toward the Earth by the aether displaced by the Earth is gravity.

Aether exists where matter does not.

If the Universe were filled with water there would be no place for the object in the water to float to. we float towards the Earth. Yeah I like that idea... although it misses out that the moon has a lower gravity. because if the moon had a lower displacement, you would not fill up the entire Universe. anyway, floating is what Gravity is so this just says that Gravity is Gravity, same as Einstein. It's a cheat.
Last edited: we float towards the Earth. Yeah I like that idea... although it misses out that the moon has a lower gravity.

We don't float towards the Earth. The aether displaced by the Earth exerts force toward the Earth, actually toward and throughout the Earth but let's hold off on that for now.

This force of the aether exerted toward and throughout the Earth is what is exerting force toward and throughout us, keeping us on the surface of the Earth.

The Earth displaces the aether far past the Moon. The Moon displaces the aether far past the Earth. The displaced aether which encompasses the Earth and the Moon force the Earth and Moon towards each other.

The aether which the Earth displaces which exists between the Earth and the Moon is exerting force toward the Earth. The aether which the Moon displaces which exists between the Earth and the Moon is exerting force toward the Earth. This causes there to be a cancellation of force which exists between the Earth and the Moon. This cancellation of force between the Earth and the Moon along with the stronger bonds of the solid Earth than the liquid oceans allow for the rise of the ocean which exists between the Earth and the Moon.

The displaced aether which encompasses the Earth and the Moon, along with the stronger bonds of the solid Earth than the liquid ocean, allows the force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Moon which encompasses the Earth and the Moon to exert more force on the solid matter Earth than it does the liquid oceans causing the tide to rise opposite the Moon.

Aether is displaced based on the mass of the matter per volume. The more mass per volume the less aether the volume contains the more aether which is displaced by the matter the more force exerted toward the matter by the displaced aether.

The Moon contains less mass per volume than the Earth. The Moon displaces less aether than the Earth does. Therefore, there is less displaced aether exerting force toward the Moon than there is displaced aether exerting force toward the Earth.
We don't float towards the Earth. The aether displaced by the Earth exerts force toward the Earth, actually toward and throughout the Earth but let's hold off on that for now.

This force of the aether exerted toward and throughout the Earth is what is exerting force toward and throughout us, keeping us on the surface of the Earth.

The Earth displaces the aether far past the Moon. The Moon displaces the aether far past the Earth. The displaced aether which encompasses the Earth and the Moon force the Earth and Moon towards each other.

The aether which the Earth displaces which exists between the Earth and the Moon is exerting force toward the Earth. The aether which the Moon displaces which exists between the Earth and the Moon is exerting force toward the Earth. This causes there to be a cancellation of force which exists between the Earth and the Moon. This cancellation of force between the Earth and the Moon along with the stronger bonds of the solid Earth than the liquid oceans allow for the rise of the ocean which exists between the Earth and the Moon.

The displaced aether which encompasses the Earth and the Moon, along with the stronger bonds of the solid Earth than the liquid ocean, allows the force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Moon which encompasses the Earth and the Moon to exert more force on the solid matter Earth than it does the liquid oceans causing the tide to rise opposite the Moon.

Aether is displaced based on the mass of the matter per volume. The more mass per volume the less aether the volume contains the more aether which is displaced by the matter the more force exerted toward the matter by the displaced aether.

The Moon contains less mass per volume than the Earth. The Moon displaces less aether than the Earth does. Therefore, there is less aether exerting force toward the Moon than there is aether exerting force toward the Earth.

Through the Earth helps a lot. But displacement doesn't. You need flow. Add flow, and you have it sorted.
Through the Earth helps a lot. But displacement doesn't. You need flow. Add flow, and you have it sorted.

You don't need or want flow. You want to understand what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Aether displacement explains gravity, what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment and what spacetime physically exists as.

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

In a double slit experiment, the particle travels a single path and enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. The aether displacement wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. As the particle exits a single slit, it is this interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Detecting the particle causes a loss of coherence of the associated aether displacement wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.

Curved spacetime physically exists in nature as displaced aether.

Aether displacement helps a lot.
You don't need or want flow. You want to understand what is presently postulated as non-baryonic dark matter is aether. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Aether displacement explains gravity, what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment and what spacetime physically exists as.

Force exerted toward matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.

In a double slit experiment, the particle travels a single path and enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. The aether displacement wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. As the particle exits a single slit, it is this interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Detecting the particle causes a loss of coherence of the associated aether displacement wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.

Curved spacetime physically exists in nature as displaced aether.

Aether displacement helps a lot.

You don't have flow, but you have waves. So do these waves just wait like a peak? And if I jump in the air without flow, what moves me down again? Surely my fall is a flow. Bending Space time is not good enough for me.
You don't have flow, but you have waves. So do these waves just wait like a peak? And if I jump in the air without flow, what moves me down again? Surely my fall is a flow. Bending Space time is not good enough for me.

What moves you down again is the force of the aether displaced by the Earth which is exerting force toward and throughout the Earth. That force exerted toward the Earth is what moves you down again.

The rate at which an atomic clock ticks is determined by the state of the aether in which it exists.

Curved spacetime is displaced aether.
Oh great, a conflagration of aether obsessed ignorant hacks.

Hey! The thread is in the pseudoscience forum.... And there's nothing like a good imagination.

You do realize you will now have to unsubscribe or be continually reminded....
So what is the Earth's magnetic field then?

Maxwell's displacement current is a physical displacement of the aether. The Earth's magnetic field is a state of displacement of the aether.

Watch the following video starting at 0:45 to see the state of the aether as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the aether in neighboring places.

What is referred to as the spin of spacetime is more correctly described as the state of displacement of the aether. What the video represents is the direction of the force associated with the state of displacement of the aether.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ... disregarding the causes which condition its state."

The state of the aether at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the state of displacement of the aether.
Oh my. Yet another ignoramus given to pronunciations and no actual support.
Is it the International Year of the Crank or something?
Oh my. Yet another ignoramus given to pronunciations and no actual support.
Is it the International Year of the Crank or something?

Let's define what a crank is.

Let's say someone defines a theory which is generally accepted and in that theory the person states, "According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable".

Now, a crank would be someone who interprets the above to mean there is no aether in general relativity.

Oh my. Yet another ignoramus who can not explain what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment yet thinks they can?

In a double slit experiment, the particle travels a single path and enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. The aether displacement wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. As the particle exits a single slit, it is this interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Detecting the particle causes a loss of coherence of the associated aether displacement wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.
Let's define what a crank is.
A crank is someone who comes up with a nonsensical "explanation" for something while ignoring everything that has gone before and simultaneously fails completely to provide any support for their "theory".

Oh my. Yet another ignoramus who can not explain what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment yet thinks they can?

In a double slit experiment, the particle travels a single path and enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. The aether displacement wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. As the particle exits a single slit, it is this interference which alters the direction the particle travels. Detecting the particle causes a loss of coherence of the associated aether displacement wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is not altered.
And your evidence for this would be...?
Or are you simply making claims that you can't support?

Also let's try this one:
You said:
Aether is displaced based on the mass of the matter per volume. The more mass per volume the less aether the volume contains the more aether which is displaced by the matter the more force exerted toward the matter by the displaced aether.

The Moon contains less mass per volume than the Earth. The Moon displaces less aether than the Earth does. Therefore, there is less displaced aether exerting force toward the Moon than there is displaced aether exerting force toward the Earth.
Nice idea, except the REALITY is that MEASURED results show that the force (i.e. gravity) depends on the mass, not the density as you claim.