Advice requested on serious issue


Psychic person
Registered Senior Member
Recently, Ive recieved two threats to my person from a person twice my size, strength, and fighting skill (at least). Im taking this rather seriously. The first was to break my and and to paralyze me, the second was to kill me.

Before you post something like "he isnt serious" or "he's full of hot air," he is more serious than you might think.

He has a rather violent history. He is also slightly emotionally unstable....

Currently, I am avoiding contact as much as possible, but if I recieve another threat then the police and courts are getting involved. I live in Canada, so the laws may be slightly different from The United States. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Why wait for another threat?

Making death threats is a crime. Call the police.
for real. if you feel you are in danger and you have a solution such as calling the police and you dont, i will not sympathize for you if you get hurt. the police are there for a reason.
Section 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada:

Uttering Threats - Every one commits an offence who, in any manner, knowingly utters, conveys or causes any person to receive a threat to cause death or bodily harm to any person.

You should report these threats to your local police.
What did you do to get on his bad side? Heh, my advice would also be to go to the poliece. . . and maybe carry a gun. All the muscles in the world aren't going to make him a match for a skinny geek (a hypothetical skinny geek, not you yourself, mind you) with a gun.
and make sure its a .45 not a 9mm. 9mm just dosnt have the stopping power you are going to need if he is charging at you like a rino.

if you call the cops and they cant arrest him, its only going to make him angry, consult somone with a law background to see if there is enough to get him taken into custody, otherwise he is going to be quite pissed he got a visit from the authoritys.
Originally posted by James R
Why wait for another threat?

Making death threats is a crime. Call the police.

Yeah that's all fine till he's released on bail and kicks your nutz in. I say get a gun or mace or a cane with a sword in it or whatever. Avoid him when possible and when he's around you keep your finger on the trigger, stay level headed and DO NOT let him fuck with you. Communicate to him that you are calling the police if you feel threatened, then show him you mean it. Don't shoot him or brandish your gun.. just let him know that it's not a good idea to keep fucking with you.

Also, talk to anyone who is skilled in manipulation and likes you. You might be able to figure out a method to motivate him to stop jacking with you that he'd never know came from you.


That sucks.

I guess you could pay a bodygaurd type to intimidate him. The details of what you do will obviously depend on the details of the situation.
Unfortunately I cant get a gun. I can, however, get a mini bottle of breath Binaca. Its a really powerful breath freshener. You lose all feeling in your mouth after few sprays with the strong version. Just imagine if you got some in your eyes. Im contacting the police as soon as I can.
Don't wobble too much and remember to keep your box open. Next time it may not hurt as bad, if it does anyway then use extra strength bleach to kill the germs and go to bed. Only when you feel like you are going to pass out should you stand. Maybe a visit from Lou will make you feel better.
<i>Heh, my advice would also be to go to the poliece. . . and maybe carry a gun.</i>

Oh yeah - guns always help prevent violence. NOT.
It may not help you this time, depending on the situation (how often you see him, how fast you learn, how well you can avoid conflict...) but...

Learn to fight and defend yourself.

If it doesn't help with this guy, it could help with the next.

I am curious too, why is he after you?
Is it something you said/did?
why is he threatening you?
if you can appease him in any way, do it. if you wronged him, apologize... maybe he'll stop being a bitch.

if not, carry a crowbar with you at all times.
or, tell him that if you get hurt, your friends will gang rape his sister or something.

or the best thing- call the cops
Originally posted by James R
Oh yeah - guns always help prevent violence. NOT.

I'm no proponent of guns, and yes, minimization of violence is important.. but I believe the point of having a gun is "self-defense". If the violence becomes inevitable, it should remain one-sided.
Originally posted by James R
<i>Heh, my advice would also be to go to the poliece. . . and maybe carry a gun.</i>

Oh yeah - guns always help prevent violence. NOT.

James, the point of the gun is not to prevent violence (though it may do that to, if he knows Jade is packing he probably won't attack) the point is that if he IS attacked, he has some sort of recourse. It's all about redirecting the violence. It will be this burly freak's choice weather or not to initiate violence, but once he does jade won't end up being the one that gets hurt, I think that's a much better solution than just letting Jade get terrorized by this punk.
Good news! i talked to the dean who talked to him... Everything appears to be sorted out now:) He takes school rather seriously
Dean? School? Come on, now, you really could have given us a better picture of the conflict in the first post, that's just irresponceable. Now, again, what was it that started this conflict?

On a completely unessisary note, due to certain very graphic stories in certain homoerotic comic books I can't think of the title/name Dean without associating it with very very dirty things.

<i>It will be this burly freak's choice weather or not to initiate violence, but once he does jade won't end up being the one that gets hurt</i>

There's no guarantee of that.

Suppose he shoots this guy. He argues it was in self defence, I assume. Well, for that to be a defence to a murder charge, it must be shown that the response was proportional to the threat. If somebody threatens me with his fists and I shoot him, chances are that I will not get off a murder charge on the basis of self defence.
Well then he should be careful about how he uses it. It's a much better option than simply being at the will of anyone who wishes to ascert that might makes right.
You're assuming that having a gun is going to help in that kind of situation. I think it just makes things worse.

I don't understand Americans.