Adivice? Suggestions?


Registered Senior Member
I was tired when I wrote this so I wasn't thinking clearly, but thanks for all the advise.
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I answered another thread of yours and I think the message should be the same here really.

All the advice I'd give is relax. You are obviously deep and too many people in this world have hidden shallows:rolleyes:

Enjoy your music, enjoy your poetry, relish in your talents and if anyone gives you funny looks then fuck em.

You will be dead a long time. You should live as much as you can and as truly as you can and in time you will find your niche.

Those who are meant to share your world will do so. It's a bit like drowning. quite a pleasant experience once you give up the struggle.

And I may be the old patronising fart of the hills,but the fact remains however old your outlook is you are still young. How easy is it to tie your shoelaces. Now remember what a bitch it was trying to learn?

Chill:D :D :D :D
Kay.... well, being shy is going to proove problematic if you want to meet people. Your judgements will be based on the impressions people give from the situations you are in with them. IE if your at a party, people are going to be in the 'party mood', so to speak. So, you going to know that person based on theor behaviour at a party... people are more than how they act in one situation. TO know someone, you need to spend a bit of time with them, know their thoughts and win their trust. Coz sometimes what ppl say isnt always what they belive. Im sure that you will find, if you give people a chance that they too have the drive to be educated, or succeed or what ever your values are. But you cant expect someone to be all open with you by knowing them on a few occassions...

Sex - there is three types of sex as far as im concerned. (a) Wild, passionate emotionless sex, which is real and happens and is bloody good. That, you can have with anyone. (b) pure love making. When all you want to be do is be as close as you can to the one that u love, and therefore emotions play a big part. and (c) a mixture of both.. which is usually shared with the one u love.
my three basic levels. But it depends on how you value it... people need sex when their not in love, so what do they do? as well as people in relationships dont always want to have sex, or do but just not with their partner. There are no strict rules, you go with whatever you believe, and what u have worked out with you partner. Love making making be the most moral way to have sex, according to tradition, but i see nothing wrong with just sex for the desire. It is a human trait we are entitled to forfill, as long as we dont hurt anyone in the process. I think society has too many rules.
Nicely said Agent@5, I agree. :D

My advice for you Increan, is just learn to enjoy it all. ;)

I've been like you before, thinkin about things too much. That is what you are doing. You want to believe in something better, a life that just suits you. I hope you understand what I am trying to say blah blah. BUt just learn to CHILL dawg, and have fun in the process, and think and take all you can learn. Yes sex is so much more important with love, or more meaningful whichever way you put it, but just filling someones desire to maybe just have a lil fun in life is nothing bad. Those will be memories they remember, and that is what I learned. Live for memories you will enjoy later on in life. Now you don't want to grow old, then look back on life and look at how it wasn't so 'fun' and not right? You don't need to get to learn people really good...just learn to have fun, not everyone is good, and they aren't all completely bad either. People still do not know as much as you do, so understand, have fun, you have a deeper understanding of life then they do. I hope you know what i mean...

And btw, don't be shy, go out and have fun! NO REGRETS! Well have fun till you find the right person, that's my motto ;) how i be livin it up!! hehe. Peace out.
You should look for a woman in places where the type of person you would like would be.

Example, if you were looking for an intelligent woman, you might look in a book store like Barnes & Noble, rather than a rave party where you'll find stoners.

That's for offline anyway. I've found initially meeting people online to be a good way to try and reach the people you are looking for. Because all types of people use the internet (even if for purposes not related to entertainment, like to e-mail non-local friends and avoid paying a phone bill).

You might want to try a really common dating service like There you can input specific critera for what you are looking for (like you wanted to find someone who doesn't drink, you could put that in, and it would filter out all people who have drinking as listed).

As for the first part of your post, to me that is not a good idea. If you go out to the entire world and say "hey look at me, I am different and unique, I'm not like everyone else in the crowd", people might not be inclined to believe you because you are trying to make it clear to everyone that you are not a typical person.

You might just want to call yourself abnormal and leave it at that, and ask people that it is up to them to find out more about you. You might want to spend some time with someone without anyone else around (rather than a public forum like this), talking to them personally, and showing with your actions that you are different, that's really going to show another person who you are. Going out to everyone and saying you are different seems like a not so good way of drawing attention