Adam vs God(s)


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
For the purposes of discussion, I'll use the singular "god", rather than having to type "god/gods" throughout.

1) There is no proof god exists.

2) There is no prove god does not exist.

3) However, I find it very unlikely that god exists. The notion has no more validity than any other flight of fancy.

4) However, once again, I have no proof god doesn't exist.

5) To me, if there is a god, then it has absolutely no right to expect any form of worship, obedience, or respect unless it is actually a decent chap. If it's bad, and we're all going to be tortured for eternity after we die, then why bother giving it the time of day? So to get anything from us, it must in the end be decent.

6) I have the idea that god, if real, must care more about our hearts/spirits than about words written on paper. In which case, such a god must judge us based not on our nominal religion but on how we behave through this life.

7) So, that gives us:
- God may or may not exist, we have no proof either way.
- If yes, it judges us based on how we behave.
- If no, well, our fellows judge us on how we behave.

8) The drawback to religion: Given point 6, people spend ridiculous amounts of time and energy on irrelevent crap, and even do such crazy things as start wars based on those silly bits of paper. If they believe in a decent god, then they should stop wasting so much effort on crap, and concentrate on trying to make the world they live in a better place. Hell, we even have the biological drive to improve the world in which our offspring will live. Whether god exists or not, nature wants such improvement.

9) Is "getting into heaven" my only reason for wanting to behave decently, as I have mentioned? No. Since there is no proof of god's existence, god is irrelevent when determining one's morality/ethics. I believe in a natural reasoning, basing my behaviour on proven reality, on cause and effect. I do to others as they do to me.

Result) In the end, what does give me? If god doesn't exist, I'm trying to get out of life without making the world a worse place. Maybe I'll leave a few decent memories. Maybe I can write or invent something which may even impriove the world, if I'm lucky. If god does exist, it's bound to examine that as criteria for my state in eternity rather than whether I read some dumb-arse book written by humans. So, I can spend my time and effort on living well and trying to improve things rather than messing around with religion.

In short, religion is a waste of time.

EDIT: Fixed numbers.
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It's a thought that spilled out. Do what you want with it.

It sounds as if you were pleading, that a god would exist in order to save your own hide!.

To me your post read nothing but of an agnostic rationalizing.

I'm a hardcore athiest!!.

Here is the problem, the whole thing is about "belief" wether one believes a god exists or not, It can't be about wether "it" exists or not. I choose to not believe in god, wether "it" exists or not is not my concern, the evidence points to the imposibility of such a beign to exist.

Every argument given to this entity would fail in a metaphisical sence. God is a word with no identity. It can be one thing to some and whole different god to others, this is why wars are fought. Which is right?. NEITHER.

Think about it, supposedly one god, and thousands of religions? supposedly one all mighty allah, and thousands of religions?
God is nothing more than the primitive imagination of men one of which we've not totally resolved.
Didn't read your post, Adam, but:

<tt>Fortresses: 2 each
Health points: 1000 each

Adam rolls 3 18-sided dice. 12 07 03. (destroy God's fortresses with the first 2, and with the last one, immunity to any health point losses incurred on Adam during the opponent's next turn with the last)

Health points: 1000 each

God rolls 3 18-sided dice. 02 06 13. (attack self and reduce power level by 1/2 with first one, repeat the attack with the second one, and take another turn with the last)

Health points:

God rolls 3 18-sided dice. 02 06 04. (attack self and reduce power level by 1/2 with first one, repeat the attack with the second one, double any health point losses incurred to God on the opponent's next turn with the last)

Health points:

Adam rolls 3 18-sided dice. 09 02 15. (attack selection with the first, Infinity Blade attack [-20] with the second, points multiplied by 5 with the last)

Health points:

Winner: Adam.

This was a for-credits match.

God must pay 1137 credits to Adam

Session terminate? Y

Collect coins from coin slot, or insert coins if owed

Thanks for playing


Welcome to the credit cashing system. How many credits do you wish to cash? cr1137

In what currency would you like to be paid? aud

Dispensing AU$1000000000000 in cash.

Is that all? Y

Thanks for your business


Soo... that's the illustration of the way I would imagine Adam vs God. lol. ;)
Re: Adam..

Originally posted by Godless
It sounds as if you were pleading, that a god would exist in order to save your own hide!.

To me your post read nothing but of an agnostic rationalizing.
I think maybe you can't read very well. Try logic for a change. What I was basically saying is that I don't believe in any gods, but I could be wrong as I don't have any proof they don't exist. If I am wrong, it won't be a problem if I try to live well. If I'm right, I haven't lost anything. Either way, spending my time and effort bothering about religion would be pointless. Get it yet?
For the purposes of discussion, I'll use the nationalities, rather than having to type all of human race throughout.

1) There is no proof King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, exists.

2) There is no prove they dont exist.

3) However, I find it very unlikely that King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, exists. The notion has no more validity than any other flight of fancy.

4) However, once again, I have no proof King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, doesn't exist.

5) To me, if there is King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, then it has absolutely no right to expect any form of memory about them, knowledge of them, or historical reading unless it is actually a decent chap.

6) So, that gives us:
- King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, may or may not exist, we have no proof either way.
- If yes, there is no point of learning about them.
- If no, well, our fellows judge us on how we behave, so history is a waste of time.

7) The drawback to historical education: Given point 5, people spend ridiculous amounts of time and energy on irrelevent crap, and even do such crazy things as start wars based on those silly bits of paper, such as nationalism, constituion, etc. If they believe in a decent nation, then they should stop wasting so much effort on crap, and concentrate on trying to make the world they live in a better place. Hell, we even have the biological drive to improve the world in which our offspring will live. Whether natinalism is good or not, nature wants such improvement.

8) Is "education" my only reason for wanting to behave decently, as I have mentioned? No. Since there is no proof of King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, nationalism, its irrelevent when determining one's morality/ethics. I believe in a natural reasoning, basing my behaviour on proven reality, on cause and effect. I do to others as they do to me. Knowing about King Henry which cannot be proven, is pointless....

Result) In the end, what does give me? If King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, doesn't exist, I'm trying to get out of life without making the world a worse place. Maybe I'll leave a few decent memories. Maybe I can write or invent something which may even impriove the world, if I'm lucky. If King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, does exist, it's bound to examine that as criteria for my state in eternity rather than whether I read some dumb-arse book written by humans. So, I can spend my time and effort on living well and trying to improve things rather than messing around with History and nationalism.

In short, education, history, and nationalism is a waste of time.
Re: Adam..

Originally posted by Godless

God is nothing more than the primitive imagination of men one of which we've not totally resolved.

Yes, and King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, Quantum mechanics is nothing more than the primitive imagination of men of which we cannot prove and brought about for self satisfaction..
I largely appreciate your logic. I think alike in a large part. :cool:
See my post:
(SrinivasAG is now UltiTruth)

I think God would hardly care about what we think of him or whether we pray to him each day.

At the same time, I have had enough experiences where I can give the benefit of doubt to the existence of God (purely a personal decision), though I hardly care about the texts. And if we spend time on God, it is not to please God, but to dump all our problems that we can't do much about and have peace of mind!
GB-Gil got it right!!.

Finally something that makes sence.

See it's all a game, and we do know Adam exists, so therefore Adam is the Winner!!.
Adam, you had quite a good thread here until a certain poster opened his stupid trap and started talking about kings and queens

There is no proof King Henry, Queen Elizabeth, exists.
There are official historic records proving it dumbass :eek:

Anyway, I like to believe in logic and reason. And believing in something that is basically word-of-mouth is just pointless :rolleyes:

You brang up some good points Adam, rock on!!

Adam, you had quite a stupid thread here until a certain poster opened his trap and started talking about TRUTH!!

There is proof of Jesus, miracles, and spirits exists.

There are official historic records proving it atheist kids!

Anyway, I like to believe in logic and reason. And believing in something that is basically word-of-mouth is just pointless, thats why I am a christian because there is nothing scientific about atheism, or even logic.

You brang up some stupid thread Adam, rock on!!
Hee hee, oh dear. Why do people do these extremely immatrue replies that just copy what someone else has said.

Very sad

and started talking about TRUTH!!
Yes, Adam does speak the truth alot.
Unlike a certain Whatsupyall who just says mindless babble all the time and has almost nothing of value to offer to a genuinly good discussion

I like to believe in logic and reason...thats why I am a christian...
So you're a Christian because you believe in logic and reason?? Thats a major contradiction!!!!

Well, I've had enough of your childish responces muscl....I mean Whatsupyall
1)You have reason when you say there is no physical evidence about Him, but there are many testemonies about His works. Wheter you believe in those testemonies or not is your choice, unless you become a witness of His works (what is perfectly possible, mainily in the days that are to come...).

2)For sure.

3)All right... it's your opinion... ;)


5)Well... the Bible says He is good. It actually says that He can give you a really good life and an even better afterlife...

(you put two 5s...)

5)Yes, it is true. However, the Bible was written by Him through the hands of many people. Besides that God never judges.

-He doesn't judge
-Yes, people judge...

7)I agree with everything besides the "biological drive" as I don't know what the heck is that. If it is what I think (genetic engeneering) I don't agree.

8)The Bible says that those that behave well just because they want to go to heaven won't go to heaven at all...

I do to others as they do to me.
Be carefull with that. It may create a cycle of hurt...

In short, religion is a waste of time.
Depending on how you see it, yes. If you make wars because of religion you are going against your own religion, what is pretty dumb. However, if you believe in God but also believe in a relationship with Him (instead of a bunch of doctrines and rules) ,then you have a lot to gain with it...
Why I DONT/DO believe in God:

1. I cant find any evidence that God does excist.
2. I cant find any evidence to prove that he doesnt excist.
3. Some things are unexplained and cannot be proven.
4. Some things can be proven and explained.

This is my paradox my friends. Which is why Im agnostic.

Posted by whatsupyall
You brang up some stupid thread Adam, rock on!!

Romans 12:17
"17 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. "

Proverbs 24:29
"29 Do not say, "Thus I shall do to him as he has done to me;
I will render to the man according to his work."

1 Peter 3:8-12
"8 To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit;
9 not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.
10 For,

1 Thessalonians 5:15
"15 See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people."

1 Corinthians 13:4
"4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, "

Proverbs 12:6
"6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood,
But the mouth of the upright will deliver them. "

Proverbs 12:14
"14 A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his words,
And the deeds of a man's hands will return to him. "

Proverbs 16:24
"24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Proverbs 18:20
"20 With the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be satisfied;
He will be satisfied with the product of his lips. "

Proverbs 14:3
"3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod for his back,
But the lips of the wise will protect them. "

Be carefull with your words whatsupyall, they are very powerfull...
Proverbs 6:16-19

"These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination
to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent
blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in
running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who
sows discord among brethren."