actress seeing a ghost


Registered Senior Member
I used to live in russia, and I've heard there was this actress who liked ouija (if that's how you spell it) boards and liked calling different spirits. Liked to tlk to them. She did that stuff with a friend. Then one day she looked out of the window and saw a ghost in a white gown looking straight at her window, staring...
I thought that was a weird story, but I can't get that picture of the ghost out of my head.
That actress said she was never going to call spirits again. I was thinking...maybe it made the spirits angry.
how about it, can portals to the spirit world be mass produced by Hasbro and sold at wallmart?
Originally posted by SpyMoose
how about it, can portals to the spirit world be mass produced by Hasbro and sold at wallmart?

Certainly, don't be so close minded, and don't underestimate the power of an ouija board! That's just what the bad spirits want you to do, so that you can be stupid and release them, or do what they want, it's very spooky!
I know my relatives have worked with an ouija board, and they told me what happened. Nothing serious, but that day my sister was crying. Theboard asked why she was crying and that she shouldn't be. Then it said that my sole (or spirit, not sure) is that of my mom's grandfather. Maybe I should feel something then, maybe I shoulnd't, but I don't.
sorry guys but i hate to break it to you. the ouija board is a bunch of BS as said earlier i don't think ghosts are commmunicating via toy companies
well, I for certain don't think so. I'm not saying I believe it, but I think that there's a good chance it might work. Maybe it is all in our heads, but still, there's a chance.
Personally, I've never used a Quija board-----mainly because I don't see the need to.

Real?Fake?All in people's heads?

Who knows????

It could be real. It could be fake. I don't care, because I don't need it anyway, so I'm gonna save my money for more important things:p
yeah, you should. I haven't tried it either, but hearing from other people's experiences, it sounds real. I think it could be.
Da kto-to prostinju nadel i podshutil nad neij :D ... tak u menja v derevni babuljki banditav otpugivali. Kak aktrisu to zvali?

Someone had put on a blanket to make fun of her. I remamber grannies in the country once used to do so to scary off bandits... LOL.

Good Luck!
mozhet bratok, but I think it might have been a ghost. People do play tricks on others sometimes though, lol.:)