Active Religious People are Less Educated Than Non-Religious People


Registered Senior Member
Source: World Values Survey
Country: Australia

Non-members of a church or religious institution, who have recieved an education of at least High School level or above = 61.86%

Active-members of a church or religious institution, who have recieved an education of at least High School level or above = 54.75%

I think that's kind of interesting.
is there such a thing as an online IQ test?
if so where?
nevermind..found it..(
also found this one..(
interesting both came up with 109 for me..
was expecting a difference..

Non-members of a church or religious institution, who have recieved an education of at least High School level or above = 61.86%

Active-members of a church or religious institution, who have recieved an education of at least High School level or above = 54.75%

does this include non-active members of a church?
is this a theist vs atheist statistic?
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Actually, from what I'm seeing, this has nothing to do with IQ. Just high school graduation rate..

And even then, just 1 survey.
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Actually, from what I'm seeing, this has nothing to do with IQ. Just high school graduation rate..

And even then, just 1 survey.

You're exactly right.

This is to do with how much education someone has received, not IQ.

And it's only 1 survey in Australia. I'll take a look at data from other countries as well so I can see if there is the same trend.
Are chimps in captivety who learn to push the right buttons to get food, who
can communicate with people, who can learn all manner of things taught
to them by humans, more intelligent than their wild counterparts?

Are chimps in captivety who learn to push the right buttons to get food, who
can communicate with people, who can learn all manner of things taught
to them by humans, more intelligent than their wild counterparts?


We humans would probably consider them to be more intelligent...

I doubt their wild counterparts would though...
Are chimps in captivety who learn to push the right buttons to get food, who
can communicate with people, who can learn all manner of things taught
to them by humans, more intelligent than their wild counterparts?

No. Intelligence (as in IQ - not military) describes an ability to learn - not the actual "knowledge" itself.
No. Intelligence (as in IQ - not military) describes an ability to learn - not the actual "knowledge" itself.

Then again... having gained said knowledge, wouldn't that clearly mean one had the ability to learn?

And hence, has intelligence?
Some abilities are very easy so would not denote that ability to go further or as showing something to tell us there is a higher IQ. If a chimp has the ability to push a partivcular button whereas another chimp does not (not physical ability of course) then we can say one chimp is more intelligent than the other chimp.
Then again... having gained said knowledge, wouldn't that clearly mean one had the ability to learn?

And hence, has intelligence?
Maybe, maybe not.

I know a few well educated people that don't strike me as very intelligent.
I think you'll find that university education would be related to higher intelligence, just for the simple fact that you need a certain IQ score to be eligible to get in.

Anyway I looked at some more data:

People who rate religion as very important in life have an education level of high school or above 80% of the time.

People who rate religion as not important at all in life have an education level of high school or above 90% of the time.

Country: America
Source: World Values Survey.
Some abilities are very easy so would not denote that ability to go further or as showing something to tell us there is a higher IQ. If a chimp has the ability to push a partivcular button whereas another chimp does not (not physical ability of course) then we can say one chimp is more intelligent than the other chimp.

Would that intelligence fair well in their natural environment?
If not, what good is the education?

gmilam said:
Maybe, maybe not.

I know a few well educated people that don't strike me as very intelligent.

I have to agree with you on this.
What good is education without intelligence?
