Acid dreams

All the time...

And they are all very annoying....:D

But have not met them, as in eye to eye, it´s more like a meeting in the mind.

Have you talked with other versions of yourself? :cool:

I have had a few talks but not many. There far and few between, but when they happen sometimes its cool. It used to happen alot when I was young, border line scitszo, maybe. I dont think so anymore though. Do you ever have the dreams that are so real it almost hurts?????. I used to have to fall a sleep a certain way just so it would'nt happen, STANGE shit sometimes, perhaps an over active mind, Who knows. Do you??????????????????????????

Have you ever sat and thought what may come if this were to happen or that. Can you see the nothingness of what is to come. Can you see the dream?, are you the truth or has the dream become the dreamer?. Without the thread of the present what is to say what will become of the future. Can you know the future if you realize the past?.

How do you tell if you are the dream or the dreamer?.

As I sit and wonder on many things, I often think, has my future become my past, or has my past become the present.

Do you ever get tired of the now?, who is to say we must stay here?. Do things become or do they become because we say so. How can we sit and say let will be, be. I say let us make are own way.......

Have you ever wondered how things come to be?. Take the electrical circuit for example. How do we know if it works or not??.
Does it work because we have made things to tell us it works, or does it show us?. Does it show us because we tell it to or because it does?. Who weighs the weight????????????

Is it magic or do we make the magic?.

Oh, that was too many questions!!!!:D

I will start by answering the most essentilal one, in my opinion, are we the dream or the dreamers? :confused:

We are both, of course. :p
To our higher self we are the dream, to ourselfes, as physical manifestations of our souls, we are the dreamers. But it´s actually one and the same, the dream is just the dreamers language.

We have a many selves as we have dreams. :eek:

The physical reality and all it´s different variations, as electricity for example, are also dreams from dreamers of matter.

Matter is just another form of existence , with a consciousness very different from our human one, and therefore we percieve it as "dead".

Matter is consciousness, will to exist, love, but on a atomic level. ;)

And besides from the difference from our side in comprehension of the consciousness of matter, the matter is very closely related to us humans, because we surround us with it daily. It builds up the "illusion" of physical reality as a learning ground for the evolution of our physically manifested souls. :cool:

So come on folks , give your table a hug today, so it knows how much you appreciate it being there for you! :D


It is so simple that it´s freaking you out...:D

The truth is simple. :)

...when you know it. When you don´t , it´s mindboggling. :p

A short conversation.

Your right. I was thinking on the problem, so I sat down with my chair and we had a discussion on some of ?'s I had. It did help out alot but it created a few more ?'s then then answers I got.
Dreams are the things that make the world go round. Without your dreams brother there would be no need to go on.....:D
Dreams eh? Yeah, It´s as Bebelina says. They are real. You excist in all forms possible at every given moment. Empowerment and freedom is to be found when one becomes aware of the greater self that stands like a rock in the stream of moments. Everything and nothing is what one is made of, and everything and nothing is what is yours.

A mind is a bubble of perception. Society, shared experience, is a cluster of bubbles merging and influencing the realities of the individual hive members.
It is a crime to remodel inside the neighbours reality-sphere. Care and respect is to be given when ones bubbles collide. The sphere is individuality and privacy. Great minds shelter other minds within their bubble. Collectives within collectives.

Excistance is a pinkish goo that hugs itself :)
I can't sleep on my stomach with my arms by my sides....

If I do, I wake up paralyzed for what seems like minutes...

Why would that happen bebs??? I can't even breath when I wake up that way...
Hello Reign.

Well, either it´s like kmguru says , that the position is bad for your blood circulation or it could be that that position triggers an out of body experience for you. They ususally begin with a feeling of paralyzation.
Maybe it`s a combination of both, that the blood circulation problem causes an out of body experience. :cool:
Keep that in mind the next time it happens, then maybe you can fly for free and save some money from not bying airline tickets. :p
Reign of Error

try sleeping on your stomach but with your arms extended out and upwards, then try flapping them. You never know, Bebelina could be right!:D