Abundant Energy From the Asymptotic Future


Registered Senior Member

There is the time independent Schrodinger equation:

H[psi] = E[psi]

where H is the Hamiltonian operator, the sum of potential and kinetic energies, and "psi" is the wavefunction. E is the energy of the system. The square of the wavefunction, is the probability of the position and momentum for the system.

The Wheeler DeWitt equation is the Schrodinger equation applied to the
whole universe. Since the total energy of the universe is postulated to be zero(even though the Hamiltonian for the universe isn't quite defined) the Wheeler DeWitt equation is:

H[psi] = 0

There is a complementary path integral approach for this equation, with regards to universal resonance:

psi[h_uv phi] = integral exp(-S[g]/hbar) dg , where S[g] is the gravitational action.

The macroscopic quantum coherence of a Bose Einstein condensate can taken into account at a fundamental level when computing the interaction between a superconductor and the external gravitational field. The results must differ from those obtained from the mere gravitational coupling of "classical" incoherent matter.

In a quantum *field representation the condensate is described by a field variable phi, having a non*vanishing vacuum expectation value, depending on the spacetime coordinate x .

phi(x) = <0|phi(x)|0> + h_uv phi(x)

By inserting the covariant action into the functional integral of gravity then expanding the g_uv metric tensor for the weak field approximation, via utilization of the Bose-Einstein "gravity" condensate, it becomes possible to "borrow" additional energy from the asymptotic future, while only requiring an ostensibly imbalanced fractional deposit into the asymptotic past. Thus the "extra fraction" is available for work in the present. Yet, for the universe as a whole, the law of energy conservation is maintained. This becomes possible due to the cosmological term "Lambda" in Einstein's field equations:

G_uv + Lambda g_uv = 8piGT_uv

The cosmological term can be altered "locally" using the the macroscopic quantum coherence of the BEC.

For example:

Past[+1/2] + Future[-1/2] = Past[+1/2] + Present[+1/8] + Future[-1/2] + Future[-1/8] .

The apparent nonclassical macroscopic quantum phase coherent term, mimics tachyonic contributions to the Lagrangian of the warped metric field of Einstein's general relativity in the quantum gravitational sense. It is much different than a brute force coupling from the stress-energy tensor via GR alone, which is much too weak to be of practical value for the antigravity propulsion of advanced spacecraft or utilizable energy from the asymptotic future.

Classically, there appears to exist, independent of any model, a dynamical mechanism that collapses to zero any local contribution to the cosmological term. But if the vacuum expectation value <0|phi(x)|0> is not constant but depends on the spacetime coordinate x, then a positive "local" cosmological term appears in the Einstein Hilbert gravitational action S[g].
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