Absolutely Nothing: Atheists on What They Know About What They Pretend to Discuss

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Why isn’t it true?

Because there is zero evidence of such a phenomenon. None, Nada, Zilch. And while you believe you have a connection to God, you don't, either. It's all just an illusion in your head.

. Use the noun theism to describe the belief in at least one god. ... Its opposite is atheism, which means not believing in any god or higher spiritual power. There are different types of theism, such as monotheism, which is belief in only one god, and polytheism, belief in more than one god.

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

Notice how the definition is not the one you gave?
You say many things that contradict reality.
That contradicts your worldview.
And yet, they are correct.
So you say.
See, more proof positive you don't understand evolution, so why bother commenting and denying that which you have no clue?
Cop out.
Yes, we are privy to boatloads of evidence, Jan, you as well. But since you refuse to have anything to do with learning and understanding it, your remarks only make you look the complete fool.
What you wrote, doesn’t contain objective evidence. It is a belief.
Because there is zero evidence of such a phenomenon. None, Nada, Zilch. And while you believe you have a connection to God, you don't, either. It's all just an illusion in your head.
If you believe that I contradict reality, then it stands to reason that I am not entirely natural.
Rocks cannot contradicts nature.
Notice how the definition is not the one you gave?
Yes it is.
“Belief” is a general term.
To “believe” in God, there has to be a connection. Otherwise your belief is in someone, or something that merely informs you of God.
Like those who believe in Darwinian evolution.
Yes it is.
“Belief” is a general term.
To “believe” in God, there has to be a connection.

Is that from Jan's personal dictionary, because it's not in any dictionary I've ever seen?

Otherwise your belief is in someone, or something that merely informs you of God.

Yes, just like another person or the Bible informed you, that's how you believe. The rest is just in your head as an illusion.

Like those who believe in Darwinian evolution.

Evolution has hard evidence, the Bible has none.
That contradicts your worldview.

So you say.

Cop out.

What you wrote, doesn’t contain objective evidence. It is a belief.

Sorry Jan, but I can't produce the fossil record or microbiology here on this forum for you. They are all in world for you to see for yourself if you ever bothered to find out.

And no, it's not what I say, it's what the evidence says.
Sorry Jan, but I can't produce the fossil record or microbiology here on this forum for you. They are all in world for you to see for yourself if you ever bothered to find out.

And no, it's not what I say, it's what the evidence says.
Even if you could, I’m willing to bet you still couldn’t produce evidence.
From Jans personal dictionary. Have you got a name for it? Jantionary? Dictionardena?
The dictionary offers a generalised definition.
A secular one at that.
Being a theist, I add a little more insight.
But you wouldn’t know that.
You probably couldn’t produce the evidence even you could produce the fossil record.
Does that make it clearer?

Not at all, makes no sense whatsoever. It's like as if I put an apple in your hand and you said there was no evidence of an apple in your hand.
The dictionary offers a generalised definition.
A secular one at that.
Being a theist, I add a little more insight.
But you wouldn’t know that.

Yes, it's called the Jantionary or Dictionardena. It's your own personal twist on words that have already been defined.

Being a theist does not make you special, Jan.
Jan, I don't define words, I look them up when I need to so that I use them correctly. Sometimes it fails and I need to look them up again. Try it sometime.
Q, I’m a theist.
I know more about my own position than a secular generalisation of my position.
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