abrhamic religions compared to neopagan religions


The biscuit has risen
Valued Senior Member
is it just me but people who follow the abrhamic religions say the neo pagan religions are evil and satanists devil worshipping but aren't they far more violent than the neo pagan religions
They probably think all other traditions are ultimately derived from Satan's influence.

Whatever is not of God...must be of the devil.
is it just me but people who follow the abrhamic religions say the neo pagan religions are evil and satanists devil worshipping but aren't they far more violent than the neo pagan religions

It's marketing. These religions had to compete with the pagan religions. Marketing with no laws. You can get people to drive your cars by saying you will die and burn forever in flames if you drive their car. Playing on people's fears has always played a large role in marketing.
is it just me but people who follow the abrhamic religions say the neo pagan religions are evil and satanists devil worshipping but aren't they far more violent than the neo pagan religions
M*W: No, it's not just you who thinks this. Abraham, assuming he was not mythological, was not a Hebrew. He was from the tradition as was his father a pagan worshipping many gods. Abraham's story, along with Moses's, Lot's, and pretty much all others, were myths. Abraham is more closely identified with the first sign of the zodiac, Aries the Ram, and Isaac was like the sacrificial lamb. But let's not forget Ishmael. We know the myth of where Ishmael came from, but most people believe that Isaac (probably also fictional) was really the story of Sarah's impregnation by the Pharaoh while Abraham graciously stood by. But, that was the custom in those days. Abraham and Sarah were siblings of different mothers and the Pharaoh. I won't go into it here if the Pharaoh was Sarah's father or just an uncle, let's say. That was the custom of the day. The customs may have been historical reality, but the myths were just creative stories of those customs.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong." ~ Christopher Hitchens
is it just me but people who follow the abrhamic religions say the neo pagan religions are evil and satanists devil worshipping but aren't they far more violent than the neo pagan religions

Mostly for the abrahamic religions, all other religions that are not their own are evil. That is just a marketing strategy to keep their income $$$.
is it just me but people who follow the abrhamic religions say the neo pagan religions are evil and satanists devil worshipping but aren't they far more violent than the neo pagan religions
You can't really generalise about that. For the most part, historical abrahamic followers have been violent. Some today are violent, intolerant, and bigoted; but, not all are. In fact, the majority are not as insane as the fundamentalists. The fundies are a minority; granted, they are a very vocal minority, and often are the Christians who yell the loudest, which is why they are most often heard and known.

Neopagans in general are less intolerant than Christians in general. That is, for the most part, true. This is because Christian doctrine is inherently intolerant of other ideas, and neopaganism is inherently tolerant of other ideas. The problem is not the followers; the problem is the distorted views of those whom the followers follow.
the pentagram which is supposedly the symbol of satan was and still is the peantacle of wicca paganism is considered evil to abrahamic religions because paganism tends to be polytheistic and very peacful pagans were almost wiped out of existance during the witch hunts because catholic religon back then was intolerant of other religions