Abraham's Son Did Not Have To Die

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Abraham’s Son did not have to Die

Christian Doctrine pretends to see some great symmetry running through the Bible, from the Sacrifice of Abraham’s Son, to the Passover Sacrifice, to the Sacrifice of Christ. But I think they ignore a very important point – that Abraham did not have to kill his own son, and even to the contrary, that all of God’s Rewards to Abraham came only after Abraham spared taking a Human Life. It was the beginnings of a New Dispensation when Humanity, in the Person of Abraham, finally discerned that there was a Higher Morality in not murdering fellow men in order to accrue to the Favors of God… to please or appease God. It would seem odd that a God who would reward the Clemency of Abraham would insist upon being a Slayer of Humans Himself – that He who would spare another’s Son would put His Own Son upon a Bloody Altar?

The same inconsistencies flow through the Passover Sacrifice. The Hebrews of Egypt did not have to sacrifice their own First Born Sons or order to be ‘Saved’. They only had to kill some sheep and goats. Then it was God who killed the Egyptian First Born Sons – as a Punishment! So if God decided that Jesus the Messiah had to die, it was not as a Sacrifice, if we are to see any Symmetry here, but as a Punishment to the Hebrews in particular and the World in general for having kept the Institutions of Slavery and in rejecting the Kingdom of God. To this day all who cry “Let Our Peoples Go” are forced to except all of the exploitations and restrictions, material and spiritual, which the New Barbarism emplaces upon us.

So when Christ was Killed, it was a Punishment. Not a reward.
Thersites said:
Google Wilfred Owen" and "Parable of the Old man and the young" for a differnt view.

The Parable of the Old Man and the Young

by Wilfred Owen

So Abram rose, and clave the wood, and went,
And took the fire with him, and a knife.
And as they sojourned both of them together,
Isaac the first-born spake and said, My Father,
Behold the preparations, fire and iron,
But where the lamb, for this burnt-offering?
Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps,
And builded parapets and trenches there,
And stretchèd forth the knife to slay his son.
When lo! an Angel called him out of heaven,
Saying, Lay not they hand upon the lad,
Neither do anything to him, thy son.
Behold! Caught in a thicket by its horns,
A Ram. Offer the Ram of Pride instead.

But the old man would not so, but slew his son,
And half the seed of Europe, one by one.


Yes. This is about along the same moral lines that I have indicated -- that Abraham refraining from Murder showed a leep forward in Humanity's Moral Development which has only been retreated upon by the Christian Doctrines of Salvation by Murder. 4000 years ago Abraham showed a respect for Life that hardly exists today and was not sufficient to protect the life of the Messiah 2 thousand years ago. It seems that in Archeological Terms, Abraham, by saving his son, took One Step Forward, and then Humanity went and took Two Steps Back. After giving up Human Sacrifice, we have returned to it.