Abrahamic cult members only. It is demonstrable that God has to be one of us.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Abrahamic cult members only. It is demonstrable that God has to be one of us.

The wisdom of God and his will can only be expressed by the interpretation of men and women. All religionists know this as a fact as they, wisely to a tribal mind, --- follow a church representative.

All religionists know that at the top of their church hierarchy stands a man who says he knows the mind of God, --- and knows him to be real, --- and we better agree or out we go.

Jesus foretold that at the end of days he would return and the elect would choose between the various interpretations of Jesus and that that was how we would know who he really was.

Abrahamic religions of all stripes and flags, over 3,000 so I am told, are all trying to grow their shrinking tribes locally when what we should all be doing is fighting secular control of our world, the religious world, away from us globally.

Fellow religionists, where is our wisdom?

The end of days is of course a metaphor. The point being made is that a divided church cannot stand and whatever church you belong to is not doing as well as it could if we all decided to amalgamate, so to speak. A rapprochement brings us all more of the profits that tribalism can bring. That is the driving concept of world-wide systems.

We all seek that personal touch from God. We unfortunately all have to be satisfied with the lowly touch of man’s, --- unless unfortunate enough to actually be cursed by the touch of God’s consciousness. The best we can do then is at least have a say in whom we are to follow to insure that we can live with his, or her, interpretation of what we are supposed to be believing. His Jesus interpretation has to be at least close so as not to shame. Answers for question like; how many wives would Jesus allow you? , --- need to be dealt with.

I think it is time for all within the Abrahamic cults who bother with the churches and mosques should try to move them to modernity and unity to give what is required to challenge the huge Governments, --- with an equally huge Religion.

It is time I think to drop our inadequate inherited Jesus’ and have the prophesied election so that we as a group or tribe can at least give secular systems a decent challenge before we get melded into nothingness.

Do you agree?

Should we elect a new God, Allah, or whatever your particular cult calls God, --- to give secularism a modicum of a challenge?

So since you cannot debate worth shit, you have to limit your possible opponents now. Should theists post threads saying "atheists with IQs below 70 only"?
It is time I think to drop our inadequate inherited Jesus’ and have the prophesied election so that we as a group or tribe can at least give secular systems a decent challenge before we get melded into nothingness.

But, the cult of Christianity is already nothingness. No one gives a crap about it anymore, it is going the way of the dodo, soon to be extinct and there isn't a damn thing those who follow can do about it, except fail miserably.
But, the cult of Christianity is already nothingness. No one gives a crap about it anymore, it is going the way of the dodo, soon to be extinct and there isn't a damn thing those who follow can do about it, except fail miserably.

...around 73% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2012. - wiki​

73% is not insignificant.
...around 73% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2012. - wiki​

73% is not insignificant.

It will not be like that for long, especially considering that number was higher before and will get smaller all the time. Sorry, if you wish to cling to failed ideologies and go down with them.
It will not be like that for long, especially considering that number was higher before and will get smaller all the time. Sorry, if you wish to cling to failed ideologies and go down with them.

Only a fundamentalist must assume people espouse ideologies they do not.

However, a new survey by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life, conducted jointly with the PBS television program Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, finds that many of the country’s 46 million unaffiliated adults are religious or spiritual in some way. Two-thirds of them say they believe in God (68%). More than half say they often feel a deep connection with nature and the earth (58%), while more than a third classify themselves as “spiritual” but not “religious” (37%), and one-in-five (21%) say they pray every day. In addition, most religiously unaffiliated Americans think that churches and other religious institutions benefit society by strengthening community bonds and aiding the poor. - http://www.pewforum.org/2012/10/09/nones-on-the-rise/

So yeah...still not very promising for atheists. But it must be fun to tout declining religious affiliation as if it means increasing atheism, huh? But atheism actually has the least growth:

So yeah...still not very promising for atheists. But it must be fun to tout declining religious affiliation as if it means increasing atheism, huh? But atheism actually has the least growth:

I can find stats that say atheism is on the rise at 113% while Christianity is barely keeping up with birth rates. So what?

You're missing the point, your religion is irrelevant and will become more so as time goes on.
It will not be like that for long, especially considering that number was higher before and will get smaller all the time. Sorry, if you wish to cling to failed ideologies and go down with them.

You have been brainwashed by the Bolshevick to act and express yourself so dumb. The same crap you are posted it a copy of what the Bolshevicks were mumbling . Have you been lately in Russia, you can see how the church have grown.
You have been brainwashed by the Bolshevick to act and express yourself so dumb. The same crap you are posted it a copy of what the Bolshevicks were mumbling . Have you been lately in Russia, you can see how the church have grown.

LOL. Here comes another history lesson from Professor I-get-my-information-from-tv Arauca.
I can find stats that say atheism is on the rise at 113% while Christianity is barely keeping up with birth rates. So what?

You're missing the point, your religion is irrelevant and will become more so as time goes on.

You only think that because you are foolish enough to either not know how "nones" are often labeled as "atheists" by atheists to artificially inflate the numbers or that atheists are over-represented where you frequent online or in the secular media.

If you cannot see this, then you can blame cognitive bias.
But, the cult of Christianity is already nothingness. No one gives a crap about it anymore, it is going the way of the dodo, soon to be extinct and there isn't a damn thing those who follow can do about it, except fail miserably.

On their own, I agree, because they need a new Jesus or God.

That is why I advocate that they meld with their other Abrahamic cult members.

A side effect would be more world piece and a stable economy.

...around 73% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2012. - wiki​

73% is not insignificant.

And nearly 100% declare themselves to be moral yet your jails have the most of the free world.

Who is doing all that lying.

That is why Christianity is nothing because no Christian, except for the foolish ones, believe their own B S and lies.

You have been brainwashed by the Bolshevick to act and express yourself so dumb. The same crap you are posted it a copy of what the Bolshevicks were mumbling . Have you been lately in Russia, you can see how the church have grown.

Yes and how the world and their athletes embraced the Russian backwards looking anti-gay stance.

Is that why you would like to live in Russia?

I'm a former Abrahamic "cult" member, can I join in the discussion? ;)
I'm a former Abrahamic "cult" member, can I join in the discussion? ;)


Would you support a Vatican III that would try to bring all the Abrahamic cults together?

Do you see how that would help world peace?

You are been arrogant and mishugena . There is only one God the creator of the earth and what ever in the world

That does not take away from the fact that you only know whatever God you are referring to through what some man has said of him.
You follow a man so why not elect him according to his true beliefs and not those beliefs from some ancient who was not of these times?
Your imaginary God is not here to be questioned but an elected Jesus or God would be.
