Abraham failed the test


Registered Senior Member
Would you stand up to an immoral god,
trust gut feelings so gently placed in you,
or fail like Abraham and give your nod,
not to mention your son (whose given too)

to whom? With earthly tyrants, we have names
for those who nod. Though we must keep in mind
that some who nod were tortured first, their shame
of dungeon deeds undeserved as your pride.

You're nodding like those mechanical birds
whose beaks are dipping in water, instead
of water, blood. Life's blood that's spilled or words
that kill self-love, little knives in the head.

And how you hate those who will never nod
(whether they have or not belief in a god
or gods or goddesses or LIVING EARTH)
to horrid acts or first sin being birth.
Was Abraham merely schizophrenic? Who is to say that this individual just happened to lead his people by the whims of altered consciousness and the voices where merely just coming from his freaking head? There's no one that can diagnose this person today, but by his actions put Abraham's actions in the scope of a well trained psychiatrist today, and his diagnose would be that this individual was mentally disturb. Then you can plainly tell him, that your symptoms that you described where the actions of Abraham of the buybull!!
Well, psychiatrists would probably have put many paradigm breaking scientists in cages, so I take no solace in psychiatrists' opinions. I am looking at this in more moral terms (rather than epistomological or metaphysical ones).

'I was just following orders' does not work in relation to earthly dictators (or at least, it shouldn't) but is accepted in relation to God.

Of course there is a lot of overlap between the two and it's not only the religious who posit someone or somethign as a God and then follow the orders and kill or approve killing.
'I was just following orders' does not work in relation to earthly dictators (or at least, it shouldn't) but is accepted in relation to God.

God is an excuse for such an act, the dictator uses god/religion as a tool to achieve his mandate. Thus they compliment each other.

Of course there is a lot of overlap between the two and it's not only the religious who posit someone or somethign as a God and then follow the orders and kill or approve killing.

That's why it's a delusion. Who approves killing but the conscious of men? Got is only the tool/excuse given for such an act. It does not make it moral cause one claims "god said so" does it?
Would you stand up to an immoral god,
trust gut feelings so gently placed in you,
or fail like Abraham and give your nod,
not to mention your son (whose given too)

to whom? With earthly tyrants, we have names
for those who nod. Though we must keep in mind
that some who nod were tortured first, their shame
of dungeon deeds undeserved as your pride.

You're nodding like those mechanical birds
whose beaks are dipping in water, instead
of water, blood. Life's blood that's spilled or words
that kill self-love, little knives in the head.

And how you hate those who will never nod
(whether they have or not belief in a god
or gods or goddesses or LIVING EARTH)
to horrid acts or first sin being birth.
Well, it wasn't just a nod, it was a test to see if he would do the thing that hurts him the most, to test his faith. Let's not go into reasons, I'm sure many reasons can be found, and I'm equally sure we won't know which is the right reason as to our current understanding. So what is your question? Why people nod? Why they don't?

I guess that people don't because they don't understand the reason, that and that they aren't justified in themselves for doing something (taking the orders), in other terms, it goes against their morals. However, God is not just some general, or some chief, it's the highest power there is. You got to be able to follow His "orders", rather His will, because He knows more than you, and your own feelings that you are otherwise lead by. Why people nod? Because they understand all this, or don't need to understand, cause they understand that things go beyond their understanding, and that they have to trust the one higher than themselves that they have cause to trust.
I remember so clearly still, getting told that story in baptist sunday school, at age 6.

Even at age 6 (Age 6! - I am very proud of that) I thought "Kill his own son to prove his loyalty to god?" - bullshit. All bullshit.
I remember so clearly still, getting told that story in baptist sunday school, at age 6.

Even at age 6 (Age 6! - I am very proud of that) I thought "Kill his own son to prove his loyalty to god?" - bullshit. All bullshit.

Yeap, that is called "intuition", my family raised me as a Catholic, but I stood up to them at age 12.

I believe this has something to do with what we have learned in previous lifes, and now our conscience tell us this things through what we call intuition.