About that veil thingie...


Caput gerat lupinum
Valued Senior Member
So...not required? Hum.

Iran: Top cleric says women without veils must die

Tehran, 19 Dec. (AKI) - A top Muslim cleric in Iran, Hojatolislam Gholam Reza Hassani said on Wednesday that women in Iran who do not wear the hijab or Muslim headscarf, should die.[/quote]

Of the flu? Could be chilly, I suppose.

"Women who do not respect the hijab and their husbands deserve to die," said Hassani, who leads Friday prayers in the city of Urumieh, in Iranian Azerbaijan.

"I do not understand how these women who do not respect the hijab, 28 years after the birth of the Islamic Republic, are still alive," he said.

Flu. Must be.

"These women and their husbands and their fathers must die," said Hassani, who is the representative of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in eastern Azerbaijan.


Now seriously; what's with punishing the male members of the family? Hearkening back to the literalist reading of Sura 4?

Hassani's statements came after two Kurdish feminists in Iran were accused of being members of an armed rebel group and of carrying out subversive activities threatening the security of the state.

Which cracking down on headscarves will help because...?

It is believed that his statements and the arrests could spark a fresh crackdown on women who do not repect the Islamic dress code in Iran.

Thousands of women in Iran have already been warned this year for their "un-Islamic dress" such as wearing tight, short coats and skimpy headscarves.


Shia islam doesn't amount to that many people, but I'd always understood that the legal application was meant to be less whacky, not more.

There's a long debate about headscarves, as we know. Personally, I've been in favour of letting women wear what they want - yet it is a symbol of oppression, and women have lost their lives for refusing it. A point of note to Western legalists, perhaps.
That's the thing about many religions, and expecially Islam. The "law" is whatever some given fruitcake cleric DECIDES it is. While others say it is something very different...
That's the thing about many religions, and expecially Islam. The "law" is whatever some given fruitcake cleric DECIDES it is. While others say it is something very different...

sad but true.
Always reminds me of the Pope and his rules. (not so deadly though)
Has anyone here seen the Iranian "hijab"?

There was a recent case in Toronto, Canada where a Muslim man murdered his 16 year old daughter for refusing wear the hijab. I'm not sure if the story was posted here.
Has anyone here seen the Iranian "hijab"?


That is actually very pretty. I personally think that they are very attractive but in a free society it should be the woman's choice whether to wear them. Lots of devout Muslims don't.
That is actually very pretty. I personally think that they are very attractive but in a free society it should be the woman's choice whether to wear them. Lots of devout Muslims don't.
I agree. :)
The scary thing is the person is in a position of authority and his example may end up resulting in some poor young girl having her head chopped off.
It should be a matter of personal choice. The State, and anyone else for that matter, should not factor in the girl's decision to wear it or not. They shouldn't be forced to wear it, just like they shouldn't be force to not wear it.
A lot of Muslim men in the west do not have beards and do not pray 5 times a day. Most western Muslim women wear western clothes.

Does this mean they are ignorant of their religion? How can they justify not following these rules?
A lot of Muslim men in Saudi Arabia also do not sport beards or pray 5 times a day. Many of their women go shopping in Europe.

This probably holds true for other countries with Muslim men and women.