Abortion: right or wrong?


Registered Senior Member
I am an atheist...and I have no problem with killing a fetus, since it cant think or feel in any way. (want to argue this?) The argument "what if it was going to be the next Einstein" doesnt phase me because any action could potentially change the future greatly (ripple effect) and you cant sit in your room the rest of your life hoping not to kill somebody.

I support it.
I'm not sure this is in the right forum. Abortion and religion are not necessarily connected.
I think abortion is acceptable if (a) further gestation would likely kill either the mother or the child, (b) the child would be born and have little quality of life, or (c) the child has not developed anything one would term a brain yet.

Originally posted by James R
I'm not sure this is in the right forum. Abortion and religion are not necessarily connected.
True, but many religious people sure seem to have a bone to pick with the concept.
"I'm not sure this is in the right forum. Abortion and religion are not necessarily connected. "

Maybe I would get more of a response in another forum...but I believe that abortion is very relevant to religion. After all, religion claims that the humans animal has something special, a spirit, something that cant be seen, so as too say even a undeveloped fetus has tremendous importance and terminating it would cause some friction I gather, as it has in the past.

I think it is a matter of choice, something that can one can neither support nor oppose. If someone is okay with getting an abortion, they should be allowed to get one. If someone is not okay with abortions, they shouldn't get one. One person's belief, especially regarding such a personal subject, shouldn't dictate another's action.
I agree, Nebula

Freedom of choice is a big part of the issue. The undeveloped fetus is a part the womans body, therefore she has the right to do with it what she will. It is not a seperate entity or bieng but a parasite. Thats untill of course it developes sense of bieng at the human level...

Determining that level is the big problem...

Also, I do not think the husband/father has a say in happens to the fetus.

Sure abortion is ok,its done when the baby is not actually living,so its not murder,although it is denial of a possible life,which does make it a grey area,but if your not in a good position to look after one properly,who wants a child growing up with bad parents/poor living conditions.

All depends on circumstances,i do believe there are situations where the parent is heartless about it,but then you gotta ask yourself;should someone like that look after a child?
id say no.So its a self conclusive irony IMO.