Abortion Murder Trial to Begin.


Valued Senior Member
"In the United States, the trial has begun of an anti-abortion activist accused of murdering a doctor....

Mr Kopp is a well known abortion protester with a record of civil disobedience at abortion clinics across America.

His alleged victim, Dr Barnett Slepian, had long been the target of anti-abortion protests.
He was killed by a single shot from a high powered rifle while in his kitchen with his family cooking soup."

I know the issue of abortion has been discussed at length here, however I am curious as to the views of abortion opponents on this case.
For those who believe abortion is murder, was this man justified in what he did?
What lengths do you think are reasonable to go to in order to prevent abortion?
Does anyone here agree that this man is a "baby saver" because of his actions?
"For those who believe abortion is murder, was this man justified in what he did?"

oh that makes sense. so now two people are dead. that's how you stop murder, with more murder.

"What lengths do you think are reasonable to go to in order to prevent abortion? "
changing the law would be the way to go.

"Does anyone here agree that this man is a "baby saver" because of his actions?"

did he save a baby? like from drowning or something? I thought he was a man killer. so no.
Apparently some people do hold that opinion, as evidenced by the sign in the picture in the article.

I suppose the reasoning behind it must be that by killing Dr. Slepian, he saved numerous "babys" from being aborted.
I suppose the reasoning behind it must be that by killing Dr. Slepian, he saved numerous "babys" from being aborted.

Thats one of the stupidest arguements Ive heard on the subject.


Do you think hes the only doc that does abortions? If a girl wants an abortion there are numerous places to get them done at. Almost every city has a Planned Parenthood. That was just a sorry ass excuse by the damn freaks that oppose abortion (not that your a freak if you oppose abortion but your a freak if you think this type of behavior is okay).
For the record, I think abortion should be legal, free, and available to everyone on demand.

However, the views of the supporters of the murderer in this article seem consistent with the belief that abortion is killing a child.

No one raises a fuss if the police have to shoot a murderer in order to stop him.
If someone really believes that providing abortions is murder than it seems that killing abortion providers would simply be eliminating a threat to children, and is therefore a morally acceptable act.

What I'm wondering is why people who support abortion but don't murder doctors or suppor their murderers justify their views.
If someone really believes that providing abortions is murder than it seems that killing abortion providers would simply be eliminating a threat to children, and is therefore a morally acceptable act.

again i have to say, even if you did believe that, geting the laws changed seems like the better, less murdery option. even if you feel that killing an abortion doc would be justified, I don't see how it becomes option number1.

i wonder if the so called Army of God thinks that jesus thinks the answer to all this is killing the doctors (i know this brings in religion but when morality goes to a party religion often follows). irregardless of jesus' view on abortion, i doubt jesus would go for the more killing option.
No one raises a fuss if the police have to shoot a murderer in order to stop him.

Yeah but they're only allowed to shoot him if he is caught in the act. This doctor was in his own home with his family when he was shot.

Its not the same thing... evil begets evil... I seriously dont understand how the person thinks its okay to shoot someone for not sharing the same views. I bet the idiot shooter opposes the death penalty too:rolleyes:
"No one raises a fuss if the police have to shoot a murderer in order to stop him"

He's a threat to the law and therefore a threat to society.

"What I'm wondering is why people who support abortion but don't murder doctors or suppor their murderers justify their views."

Oddly enough, many pro-lifers seem oblivious to the fact htat a fetus is not a human child. It really boggles my mind, to be honest. So am I against killing a human being? Yeah, sure, letting it go would be detrimental to everyone. Am I against abortion? No, it serves no harm to society.
Ok, I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I stated my own view on abortion above. I'm just trying to point out what I percieve as a possible inconsistency in the beliefs of those who oppose abortion but don't support killing doctors.

If you were in a society where certain people were licensed to kill children, and you percieved there to be no way of changing the law in the near future and of bringing these people to justice(the situation the pro-lifers apparently view themselves to be in) then unless you're a complete pacifist, violence may be the only option to save these children's lives.
Do you not realise that their are pro-life people, who are also anti-death penalty? I don't support killing people in any situation, and I'm also pro life. I hardly see how this is contradictory. Civil disobedience is great... but murder is not. An eye for an eye, leave the whole world blind.

pro-lifers seem oblivious to the fact htat a fetus is not a human child.

Oh yes... they are so ignorant for (depending on how intelligent the pro-lifer is: ) having a opinion that differs with yours, or putting a weight on the worth of a fetus that isn't recognised by the scientific world. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Aldah
Do you not realise that their are pro-life people, who are also anti-death penalty? I don't support killing people in any situation, and I'm also pro life. I hardly see how this is contradictory. Civil disobedience is great... but murder is not. An eye for an eye, leave the whole world blind.

But this isn't a case of executing someone for past crimes, this is killing someone to keep them from committing more.
Aldah - a convenient forgetting of the word "many", eh? I said "many pro-lifers..." not all. Nice try.
But this isn't a case of executing someone for past crimes, this is killing someone to keep them from committing more.

Hehe, an excellent point. :D

Perhaps this ultimately is an issue of how much one respects the law of the land. killing Hitler would be legal because Hitler is killing in a manner the law recognizes is killing. Killing Abortion doctors would not be legal not. Pro-Life activists are taking all the steps they can to try and make what they do illegal, but at the moment it is not, so they decide not to take the law into their own hands. Hehe... I'll think about it more, but I concede your question was much better then I originally thought it was.

I don't seem to understand why "many" matters. You're still calling those that disagree with you oblivious. fact of the matter is that they could have good reasons. Those that agree with you are irrelevant to it.
Originally posted by Aldah

Perhaps this ultimately is an issue of how much one respects the law of the land. killing Hitler would be legal because Hitler is killing in a manner the law recognizes is killing.

Killing Hitler would not be legal, in Germany, Hitler was the law, and the killings that he ordered were perfectly legal.
if killing abortion providing doctors is acceptable to the God followers,
how do you justify it when God kills babies,such as in miscariage,crib death etc,
God controls all does He not?so He is the greatest murderer of all.
Hm, my personal opinion is that the human race is getting too big for its own good. Abortion would prevent many unnecessary births.

Besides, do you expect a raped woman to be able to raise a kid who was born out of the rape? How would she stay sane looking at the product of her victimization?