Abdul's Rare Awakening



Abdul's Rare Awakening

This story is so “top secret” that all copies have been destroyed for the national security of not only every nation on Earth but indeed every religion, indeed all copies have been destroyed to preserve the very security and sanctity of civilization itself.

Not too long ago there lived a faithful Muslim called Abdul.
Abdul never heard God laugh and so he had to follow the scripture's “Peehaytchdee” pundits ... who convinced Abdul that Allah was furious at the kill ratio between Arabs and Jews... and so to please Allah every devout Muslim had to do what he could to make this kill ratio that pleases Jehovah of about 1:100 (1 dead Jew for every 100 dead Arabs) more to the liking if Allah of about 10:1 (ten dead Arabs for every dead Jew).

So to please Allah this faithful Abdul loads himself up with dynamite and sets off to find the biggest crowd of faithful Jews he can find so that he can blow himself up and in the process kill as many Jews as possible just to please Allah and get the Jehovah pleasing kill-ratio of 1:100 closer to the Allah pleasing kill-ratio of at least 10:1.

But no matter how hard Abdul tries to trigger the bomb to go off in this big crowd of faithful Jews it will not go off. And so he is thrown into a dungeon. He is condemned to death by firing-squad.

Standing in front of the firing-squad Abdul gets a thought that makes him laugh. Instead of the Israelis making him a saint for performing the miracle the bomb needed not to go off -- and thus miraculously save dozens of faithful Jews from certain death -- the Israelis were going to execute him just because his suicide-bomb did not go off.

And the more this thought made him laugh the more his laughter in turn made the firing-squad laugh which made him laugh all the more which made the firing-squad laugh ... until they had to be replaced by a more-serious firing-squad... which only made Abdul laugh even better.

This was because when this more-serious firing-squad shows up the laughter of the leaving firing-squad makes the new firing-squad start to laugh which makes Abdul really really laugh hysterically until the unimaginable happens.

The unimaginable happened when Abdul becomes one of the rare individuals who actually LAUGHS at the Ultimate Joke before it happens -- mostly with bullets and bombs, but in Abdul's RARE case with Laughter:
SELF-realization, GOD-Realization, Enlightenment,
THE Awakening of “there-is-no-other”: Death.​

It is the Realization of being brain-dead (the inability to think, and thus, for example, two gods Jehovah and Allah need a good kill-ratio to be one-god) that allows the rare individual, like Abdul, to Laugh at this Ultimate Joke before it happens:
SELF-realization, GOD-Realization, Enlightenment,
The Awakening of “there-is-no-other”: Death.​

-- Braindead
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