

Registered Member
First of all I would like to say that I've never read so much crap in all my life. I mean people say that we should not trust these aliens until they have proved that they are being friendly. What do people think they really are - neighbours from next door ? The fact of the matter is that we are dealing with a technologically superior race here, that is not from this planet or at least not in our space/time and it seems as though they have the power to do exactly what they want with us. It's not up to us to dictate what goes on. All we can do is accept the situation and try to live with it until we find a solution to the problem. This is why people who do get abducted should try to accept what is happening and get over it. What happens on earth is much the same but in a different way. For example we try to help lions from being hunted to extinction by poachers. However we don't go up to them and say: Excuse me, we want to conduct some experiments so you won't be hunted because given the lions free will he would just eat you. It's their nature! So we put the animal through a lot of trauma instead. The thing I'm trying to illustrate is that we are the masters of this planet and we say what goes on, whether the lions like it or not. Another thing is that there are plenty of people out there who abuse their children but that dosn't mean the rest of us don't want to provide the best for our children etc. So before we judge I think we should look at ourselves first. The aliens are probably the masters of this part of the milky way so in a sense they have a right to say what goes on and all we can do is take it.

We may find that they are really doing things for our own good and that before long we have a world that is full of peace, without war, famine, crime and ill health; you know, all the really great human acheivements. But then again we may get obliterated with the biggest nuclear bomb anybody has ever seen, we probably deserve it. The fact is, so far the fate of our race is out of our hands, so we may as well go along for the ride, that's all I'm saying.

So to all you abductees out there ? "Enjoy it while you can, the world may end tomorrow!"