Abductees or Lab Rats


Registered Senior Member
Could it be that we, those of us known of as abductees, are actually nothing more than lab rats, kept and experimented on by our keepers, those creatures often referred to as the "Grays"?

Indeed, they may simply be lab technicians, executing experiments on all of the abductees.
Originally posted by Jocariah
Abductees or Lab Rats
... or delusional?

It is certainly as reasonable an assumption as the
first two, and merits discussion that people who claim
to be abductees refuse to refuse to participate in.

Originally posted by Jocariah
Could it be that we, those of us known of as abductees, are actually nothing more than lab rats, kept and experimented on by our keepers, those creatures often referred to as the "Grays"?

Indeed, they may simply be lab technicians, executing experiments on all of the abductees.

Sounds reasonable. Are they the same "Grays" that really look like us but appear differently due to their telepathic mind? You know, these high powered telepathic people from year 120455 AD, have developed ID (Interdimensional) technology. They can snatch you from your bed room since they can open the wormhole at any space/time on earth. Make sure you line your bedroom with a metallic walpaper preferably made of thin iron/steel. That way it will distort the field and the scanner will go to where it is easier to see....
Could it be that alien abduction is a psychological delusion? You might want to read up on sleep paralysis, for a start.
I do not believe in channels or mediums - even though I was close to a lady who did that. Either she was faking it, or human mind under duress switches to an alternate personality that results such output. Many years ago, I used to read palms for fun. Soon I was able to read 85% correct. I did not know how I did that at conscious level - but I do not think there is any ESP or weird stuff involved. I think anybody can do it because human mind has a lot of capabilities under normal operating framework.

Anyone wants to talk about channels and mediums including the famous Edgar Cayce - go for it.
Originally posted by chris beacham
For me the most pertinent information on the Abduction scenario is in Dolores Cannon's book 'The Custodians'. Speaking through a channel, an Alien explains many of the reasons for Abduction. One point was that all abductees had 'pre arranged' to be abducted before birth. I doubt the procedures are 'experimental' but rather a 'reformatting' of our species....

Interesting - it may be that there are a multitude of facets to the abduction phenomenon, so that there are a variety of things happening at one time.

Originally posted by Jocariah

Interesting - it may be that there are a multitude of facets to the abduction phenomenon, so that there are a variety of things happening at one time.


But far more likely you are all just a bunch of loonies.
Have you noticed that people who call others loonies always hang out in the looney bin?....just an observation....:D
Originally posted by goofyfish
... or delusional?

It is certainly as reasonable an assumption as the
first two, and merits discussion that people who claim
to be abductees refuse to refuse to participate in.


goofyfish is indeed the perfect name for you, my friend... Peace!

I believe that we are to the aliens as guinea pigs are to scientists. I've never been abducted but I know it's for real. It's like I've never seen God before, but I know he exists.

UFOs / aliens are nothing more than beings who can manipulate the astral planes- much like ghosts. I believe they are Satanic and someday, they will offer help when Mabus starts making everyone receive the Mark. Don't go jumping on board when they do offer their "help", though...
Originally posted by chris beacham
There is no power in murdering unborn children, and the help manson wanted was a record contract....but would settle for anything to be noticed.

Lost little creeps are like that......

I'm sorry, were you talking to me?

Here's a picture for your virgin ass, son...
Originally posted by Beelzebub
I've never been abducted but I know it's for real. It's like I've never seen God before, but I know he exists.
No, you don't. Your first sentence was the accurate one.
I believe that we are to the aliens as guinea pigs are to scientists.
You believe. You do not know. There is a difference.
