Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!


Sweep the leg Johnny!
Valued Senior Member
I noticed a post the other day which gives a link to an article describing environmentalism as a religion


It seems that every fucking thing that Fundaligionsists don't like these days is being likened to a religion.

Atheism - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Science - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Evolution - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Environmentalism - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Communism - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

I'm not certain why this is, is it because there is a certain brand of Fundaligionists who are just only able to see things in such simplistic terms?

Or is it because their authorities wish to scare their minions away from examining these concepts, and the easiest way to do this is to brand it with a "false religion" Label?

Any predictions as to the next thing that gets likened to a pseudo-religion?
Its because religion is a bad word. Its like calling anyone who is Muslim a terrorist, even when you are the one occupying his country and bombing the shit out of his people.

This is not a political issue," Gore told a crowd of approximately 2,500 paying attendees. "It is a moral issue. It is an ethical issue. It is a spiritual issue."
This is not a political issue," Gore told a crowd of approximately 2,500 paying attendees. "It is a moral issue. It is an ethical issue. It is a spiritual issue."

Sure Gore said that - but do you really beleive a politcian when they say its not political ? His lips were moving afterall
Or do you think that the reason he said it was to cross some political boundaries?

And besides that - whatever his motivations and reasons for saying it - Gore is something of a twat - even if he really genuinely means what he says, why does that make this a religious issue for everyone else?
For example I see tremendous business opportunites arising from aspects of environmentalism / conservationsim - as do many others? Does that make me a religio-capitalist-environmentalist????

See what I mean? - take one spokesperson from an extremely diverse group and then apply their values to everyone in an effort to discredit the lot of them - its a bit thin frankly
is it because their authorities wish to scare their minions away from examining these concepts, and the easiest way to do this is to brand it with a "false religion" Label?

This seems very plausible. If you are a true fundamentalist then christianity is the only real religion that one may worship without having to fear the wrath of God, so I think its almost natural to place ideas that are a threat to this type of faith up on the same level as false idols which would naturally make you and people like you dislike it all the more.
SAM said:
Its because religion is a bad word.
When religious fundies use it as a pejorative, in particular - accusing their enemies of being just as bad as they themselves are is one of the more peculiar standard arguments coming from that crowd these days.

Gore said:
"It is a moral issue. It is an ethical issue. It is a spiritual issue."
A reasonable thing to say - note that I edited out the "It's not a political issue", which is silly and false out of context, and contrary to Gore's expressed beliefs and efforts elsewhere.

Fundie religious people can't tell morals, ethics, and spirituality from religion - often, they can't tell these things from their own particular religion.

So anything involving morals, ethics, and spirituality is religious, to them. And there is no cure.
I noticed a post the other day which gives a link to an article describing environmentalism as a religion


It seems that every fucking thing that Fundaligionsists don't like these days is being likened to a religion.

Atheism - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Science - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Evolution - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Environmentalism - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

Communism - Aaaaaargh Its a RELIGION!!!

I'm not certain why this is, is it because there is a certain brand of Fundaligionists who are just only able to see things in such simplistic terms?

Or is it because their authorities wish to scare their minions away from examining these concepts, and the easiest way to do this is to brand it with a "false religion" Label?

Any predictions as to the next thing that gets likened to a pseudo-religion?

the situation commonly arises because persons critical of religion on specific grounds seem to be unaware that their favoured ideology operates on practically identical general principles
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Its like calling anyone who is Muslim a terrorist, even when you are the one occupying his country and bombing the shit out of his people.
Our president had to do something to make them start acting like terrorists. Otherwise eventually Americans would have figured out that 9/11 was brought to us by his buddies, the Saudis. Then they would have started wondering why he wasn't occupying THAT country and bombing the shit out of THOSE people.

When a friend of yours attacks your country and you lie about it to keep your people from finding out, that's a textbook case of treason. If you're a private citizen you might conceivably be excused for putting personal loyalty over patriotism. But not if you're the president.
not sure that made sense (it could be the ale of course) - explain

As many have observed, modern science has become a religion, at least for Western man. Like other religions, it has a priesthood, roughly organized on hierarchical lines. It has temples, shrines, and rituals and it has a body of canons. And. like other religions, it has its own mythology. One myth in particular states that if, say, by experiment a scientific theory is confronted in reality with a single contradiction, one piece of discontinuing evidence, then that theory is automatically set aside and a new theory that takes the contradiction into account is adopted. This is not the way science actually works.


Computerized Gods by J. Weizenbaum Ph.D.
Nope its either the post or the ale - sorry :)

seems like you are saying that people who are critical of religion describe environmentalism, science, atheism as akin to a religion -I've never heard them do that.

The only people I have heard do that are those most unsophisticated of theists - you know - the fundie spacecadets
generally the situation arises because persons critical of religion on specific grounds seem to be unaware that their favoured ideology operates on practically general principles

not sure that made sense
Once the basics are established - that "general principles" and "religious fundamentals" are the same things - it all falls into place.
Our president had to do something to make them start acting like terrorists. Otherwise eventually Americans would have figured out that 9/11 was brought to us by his buddies, the Saudis. Then they would have started wondering why he wasn't occupying THAT country and bombing the shit out of THOSE people.

When a friend of yours attacks your country and you lie about it to keep your people from finding out, that's a textbook case of treason. If you're a private citizen you might conceivably be excused for putting personal loyalty over patriotism. But not if you're the president.
Well, this is an uncharacteristic loss of composure, Fraggle.....And damn it, I'm proud of you.

But, truth be told, it's not fair to insinuate that the royal family was aware of the plans for 9/11 unless your going to take it right off the deep end of full blown conspiracy (which is easy sometimes).Had there never been a Kuwait attack and response and KNOWN chemical warfare etc. Iraq could've been more easily overlooked.

Or have you given in to the "Blood for Oil" movement,too.:D
But, truth be told, it's not fair to insinuate that the royal family was aware of the plans for 9/11 unless your going to take it right off the deep end of full blown conspiracy (which is easy sometimes).

Indeed it would be uinfair to say that - but then it would be equally unfair to suggest that the Saudi Royal family were unaware that Saudi is the global hub of funding for islamist terrorist groups - it would be equally unfair on the Suadi royals if we suggested that they did not turn a blind eye to this.

with that in mind - and going on the assumption that high altitude bombing is an effective counter terrorist strategy, which out of iraq and saudi was most deserving of having the shit bombed out if it?