A Witness - personal testimony, etc.


Registered Member
When I was twelve I heard a voice coming out of nowhere which said, 'the telephone is going to ring, your grandfather is dead.' A few minutes later this happened. A few years later I was approached by a bright luminous object in Jasper Park, Alberta. A few years ago myself and some friends of mine were dive bombed by one of these objects at Christopher Lake Saskatchewan. The following links play read animations of these events (windows media links are on my site):

The event at Jasper:

The dive bombing event

A fuller version of my story can be found on my story page, as well as links to newspaper gifs (these were community events - check back in a few weeks for more of these gifs if you are interested in these sorts of things):

newspaper gifs

as well as a story about a poltergeist here

I have posted some feedback about the Cassini space probe on my feedback pages

This feedback also inspired me to add a new page on my site, Are UFOs ridiculous, do they violate the laws of physics (my response to comments made by Carl Sagan several years ago).

I interpret my experiences in a religious way, for reasons I explain on my story page.
I am trying to reform the churches and I stand in the radical traditions of Jewish prophecy and the early church. Most people might not know that such a radical tradition even exists, because the churches were very conservative thoughout history, but one of the functions of my site is to correct this impression.

For an introduction to the idea of a prophet as biblical critic, you might read the following short piece:

For a fuller description of the radical traditions I mentioned you then might consult the following page:

then the next page proves that what the prophets were saying was true and that their protests were valid :

the bible is composed of different traditions that were 'chopped into pieces' and then the pieces were edited together in such a way as to hide the fact that the book is not from a single source. For a good example of this sort of thing see the page on David and Goliath, a famous story most people think they know, but actually do not. (Similar editing jobs were done on the story of the ten commandments, see the page on the Golden Calf, and on the stories of the Exodus, see the page on Moses, the book of Joshua, the page on Two separate traditions, the variant sources in the books of the prophets, etc.etc. etc.)

The editing job done on the David and Goliath story:


Some theological reflections can be found here:

There are other pages of interest on this site (virgin birth?) which you can consult if you are interested in what you saw above...

By the way, if anyone would like to include a link to my page on their site, please link mine, and then send me an email to let me know and I will link back....

Brent Herbert
