a very strange dream, possibly precog.


Registered Member
Hello, I'm new to the board. My name is Nathan and I'm 17 years old. I've been lurking about here for the last few months, reading about precognitive dreaming and the experiences of others, however I have yet to see a case like one of the many I've experienced.

The dream I had occured approximately 2 months ago, and again tonight. Since the first incident I've kept a record of my dreams in an attempt to convince myself the dream was false, but after nearly 6 recorded dreams playing out I've been lead to believe that the other will come true as well. None of the others have kept in my mind until playing out, but this dream I remember every day with extreme clarity in comparison to the others.

The dream lasts about 15 seconds. It starts out in a city after nightfall, with me approaching a car of some sort. I'm not entirely sure what make or model of car, and the dream wasn't clear enough to give it any distinguishable traits. I open the front passenger side door and get in. A man climbs into the driver seat at the same time I climb into the passenger seat. I look at him, but I can't picture a face. I look back towards the front of the car, rest my head against the headrest, and hear a loud bang from the backseat. Instantly the dream goes black, I can feel my face become very warm and a stinging sensation coming from the rear and front of my head, exact areas of the head I cannot pinpoint however. Over the course of about 7 seconds I lose feeling of temperature, my face no longer feels warm, and the stinging seems to numb out and then fades to no feeling whatsoever.

That's when I wake up. I assume that the bang was a gun, sending a bullet through the headrest and my head. I am not educated about the brain, but what parts react to temperature, vision, and pain? Is it possible one of these was struck and not the others? I remember that I was unable to move as well. It's difficult for me to talk about something of this nature, but I feel that this incident has forced me to come to terms with my own death and has allowed me to talk about it more openly...however one thing troubles me, I'm not religious in any way but I woke up immediately after all feeling had ceased. This indicates the time of death to me, or shortly before the time of death. This would mean that theoretically I know what it feels like to be dying, but not what it feels like to be dead, should there be such as thing as feeling like your dead.

I'm open to any words of wisdom you guys may share with me. I haven't worried about it too much up until today, when the dream occured for the second time.
wingman said:
I'm open to any words of wisdom you guys may share with me. I haven't worried about it too much up until today, when the dream occured for the second time.

:) ... Hello Nathan. First off - you had a dream. Unless you're the really, really determined type I'll wager there isn't a ruddy great hole right now where the front of your head should be, so you haven't died, you haven't experienced you're own death, you've had a dream.

My self I've had similar. I've seen myself decapitated, identifying my body only because of the clothes. As a visual it was certainly vivid. I could see the bones of my spinal column, the muscular tissue in between, arteries.... the whole enchilada one might say, curiously lacking though in the sauce.

I'm not going to die from decapitation.

Now, unless you have some specific reason for believing you're actually worth the trouble, and trouble it is make no bones on this, of someone out there putting a professional contract out on you - and what you describe really is a pretty smooth hit if anyone's to be the judge of these things (though personally I'd've used either a silencer, especially in a car, or at the very least a .22 with a reduced charge cap - y'get no more than a pop noise wise and the bullet doesn't even come out the other side, just rattles around inside the skull pan - no muss, no fuss) what you've experienced is you're minds way of visualising you're own anxiety towards a certain type of emotional situation.

Not being capped - more being trapped. Placed in a situation wherein you feel you have no means of escape nor reprieve from either consequences or judgements you feel others may be inclined to place upon you.

Think the situation through - it's night, you get into the passenger seat of a car you don't recognise. You're mind is visualising quite literally what you're true emotional state regarding this situation is - you're not in control, someone else is doing the driving. You feel that you have no option but to surrender you're fate to this other person who gets into the car with you.

That you set the scene at night indicates anxiety - again a very literal metaphor. It's a setting which dictates things unseen by you're self can be lurking, hiding themselves - basically it means that you're expecting something to come, an attack of some kind, but you have no idea of from where it's going to come from.

The bullet comes from behind you. A reinforcement/justification for you're underlying anxiety regarding the situation you feel you are in.

Now. Consider you're situation in real life for a moment. You're either in high school or else starting out at work. You state you're dream originally occurred some 2 months back and again most recently - think back. Look to the present. What decisions have you made, or are currently faced with making, which require you to make choices that you remain aware might possibly have lasting effects over you're life, at least with regard to the immediate future?

Has anything cropped up that fits the bill - a requirement on you're part to undertake more responsibility on the part of another, for example? Choices regarding either you're academic future or else a commitment required by yourself towards some aspect of work, assuming such to be the case...

You can know you're dream doesn't involve you're domestic situation - everything in it is unfamiliar - the car, the person you are with.

Basically, it all just means that at this point in you're life you're very consciously aware that there remain other people around you who appear to have more control over the coming direction of your own life than you might possibly feel you do at the present moment regarding certain issues - and you have some degree of anxiety about it.

Whatever the particular issue is, it's real - the anxiety associated with it is at anyrate, but the actual details....

This is just you're minds way of processing this anxiety.

My dream of seeing my own decapitated corpse I had 20 years back. I've never forgotten it. Not a thing you forget that, but again, it was a dream. It meant something, to my minds way of looking at it. I'm pretty chipper for a headless corpse otherwise...

Trust me. ;)
If I thought dreams contained messages, perhaps this one would be "Don't be a passenger all your life!"
:) ... Close. Very, actually.

Specifically this one's about Nathan here having, by his own agreement, committed to a given course of action and externally going through the motions with continuing with whatever this arrangement happens to be - but of late, beginning two months back, coming to the realisation that whatever the situation is he is in currently, it isn't right for him.

He fears it a mistake, knows it as such, but isn't doing anything about it. Consequently, in his dream, he continues going along with things and pays a heavy price.

... I wish I could be less wordy. Something to do with wanting to cover all the bases.... ;)
Thank you for your insight, Mr. Anonymous. The primary reason I have been somewhat unsettled about this is because I have had precognitive dreams quite frequently in the past. I had figured since nearly all of those played out in real life that perhaps this might too, and I certainly don't want that to happen.

Up until about 2 weeks ago I haven't had it all that bad. Two months ago when I first had the dream I was enjoying life to the fullest, but as of late things in my life have declined rapidly. Perhaps it is simply the anxiety of not knowing what choices to make at the present time and the consequences of choosing a less beneficial path?
:) ... My pleasure, glad to have been of some help.

wingman said:
Perhaps it is simply the anxiety of not knowing what choices to make at the present time and the consequences of choosing a less beneficial path?

Basically, yes. It's a straight forward anxiety dream about fear of either making, or having made, the wrong choice. Whenever you encounter a path in in life and a given direction has to be chosen, it's natural to have misgivings about what to do for the best. Part of you remains deeply anxious about whatever it is going on with your current circumstances, you're possibly even quiet aware of precisely what it is in real life, nevertheless its bugging you enough to impinge upon your sleeping so perhaps you should discuss you're concerns regarding this situation with someone who can council you usefully in real life.

You possibly believing the entire time that you're going to get you're head either blown off, squished by a car or some such other similarly grisly fate - probably not helping reduce you're current levels of stress I shouldn't wonder... ;)

Just be objective with yourself and try and nail down what it is you're specifically concerned about regarding what's actually going on in your life at the moment and take whatever steps necessary to resolve the matter one way or another, with you're specific anxieties faced, you'll be fine.

Y'have to remember you know, even pre-cogs have regular dreams just like everyone else. This is just one of them.

I hope you fare well with it, my regards,

A ;)
Just a thought but..

Precognitive abitilty seems like a good trap in and of itself. You see a vision (or a dream, whatever), and you know your visions come true. You see a vision seeing you deciding or doing something. Your visions always happens, so you do it. And lo, you are the passanger of your own life. The key thing is that knowing the future is useless unless you can somehow change it for the better. I think it's crucial to practice "vision breaking". Say you know your going to say something to someone. Just decide not to. Or decide to clap your hands whenever a vision happens. Easy way of reaffirming free will.

And if free will exists, anything you see can be changed. And by the virtue of having seen your own death, you should be able to prevent it. Even if it was just a dream or some possible future that has no chance of happening.
Often the subconsiouse knows before the conscious mind.
this is possibly a direct result of that process.
i would suspect that the events you have expereinced are all sets of situations which you knew the likely outcome and then steered it that way through your apathy and negative conditioning.

i would suspect that you need to get out of your domestic situation and live with some possative pro active people.
or change your friends.
it will be one or both of the 2.
you need to forge a future for yourself.
Society and the whole big brother aspect is trying to condition people to be apathetic and do nothing, say nothing and just go with the flow.

you are moving into your own formative personality stage.
you need to fight for free will or you will have none.
now is the time in your life to fight for your mind.

Big Brother/globalisation/governments/what ever you like to call it slash...
what this conditioning of apathy of society is actualy doing is creating lambs for the slaughter for the criminals, as they wait while the governments break down the resistence of the average individual.

Will you allow apathy to kill your freedom and free will and free thought?
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