A very disturbing dream


Registered Senior Member
Hey all. It's me again. I was wondering on something once again. The other night I had a wonderful 14 hours of rest. However, it wasn't all that wonderful. I had this disturbing dream that was conflicting with my beliefs on things. I for one, do not believe in any type or religion, just so you know.

Well, the dream was about some satanic figure trying to posses my body at one point in it. I know that, that is very disturbing for someone like me to even HAVE such a dream like that, since I don't believe in such things, but while I was in the dream, I was of course fighting him off, and I eventually won. But what disturbs me is,

'What if I haven't?'
It reads to me like you have some doubts. Maybe you should repost you comments in "Religious Debate." I would like to see the response you receive.
I dream of aleins, leprercauns and talking snowmen all the time, but that doesn't mean the're real. Satan probably represents the thing you fear most, perhaps having your worldveiw shaken up or challanged. Defeating him shows that you will overcome this to perhaps gain a new perspective, or retain confidence in your current belief system. Just my quick opinion.
Wow..what a dream! I had one about some evil dudes...although it didn't have anything to do with "satan"... I was in this huge building ...there were some funky looking evil dudes that were running around trying to kill everyone... I kept trying to chase after them to stop them from harming the people... at one point I came face to face with them...and nothing I did would stop them...now, the funny thing about this dream.. is this:
Just prior to having this dream Lori was trying to tell me how I should use the name of Jesus to stop certain things from happening in my life (I too do not believe in Jesus)...anyway.. in my dream when I couldn't stop them out of desperation I used the "in the name of Jesus" thing... know what?? It didn't work.. LOL Of course I ran and told Lori all about how it didn't.. :D
Well you can't abuse religeon by only using it when you need it. So if it does work, I don't think it would work for us non-believers.