A Universal Ecumenical Compromise

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
A Universal Ecumenical Compromise

Catholic Prophecy has its eyes wide open. With the Prophecy of Saint Malachi insisting that the last Pope is at hand, the Realistic Catholic must start looking beyond the Roman Catholic Church to what will replace it, which could be either the End of Time in the dissolution of the World, or a New Universal Church.

I would be optimistic. My Angels told me that there would arise a Combination – the Peoples of the Mountains would be asked to leave where they’ve been and come to a New Place – to leave their Mountains and come to a Great Lake of Spiritual Waters. But those are just metaphors.

What I take them to mean is that each of the Higher Religions will be asked to leave certain things behind, while accepting some new things. There will not be One Religion which will convert all the others. While each Religion will be asked to give something up, or many things up, each will also be able to retain enough so that they may still feel they are linked to their Heritage.

Thinking about it for a minute, this is what I would give to each of the Higher Religions: Judaism would get the Capital, Jerusalem. Islam would get the Name of God: Allah. Zoroastrianism would get their moral view of Good and Evil. Hindu/Buddhism would get their Mind/Body/Spirit meld of Yoga and the Goddess Queens of the Dualistic Realms. Catholicism would get the Holy Sacrament – Eating God.

Could they agree? Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam could all understand Jerusalem as the New Center. Judaism might accept Catholicism’s Holy Sacrament of the Bread made God, since it is reminiscent of the Manna in the Wilderness. Selling everybody on the Name of Allah to appease the Muslims might be difficult, but we need to understand that besides That, Muslims really bring nothing else to the Table, and we can’t just leave them behind – so we’ll all call God “Allah” and try not to gag, in the spirit of taking a hit for the good of the Team. Zoroastrianism does not account for ostensibly very many people; however, many people who call themselves Muslim were in fact descended from those who were converted at the point of the Sword and are in their heart of hearts actually Zoroastrians, and that should be respected (Sufis, who are perhaps without rival for being mystical and spiritual, for all the talk about them being Muslim, are rather closer in spirit to Zoroastrianism). The Zoroastrians, the First to bring the Concepts of Good and Evil into Religious Discussion, bring to Religion a Moral Component which we can now all respect. Hinduism and Catholicism can agree on Goddess Worship, if Catholics don’t mind giving the Virgin Mary a promotion to Divinity. Hindu/Buddhism might go along with everything else, since it will be their Mystical Traditions and Yogic Practices which will actually form the nuts and bolts of the New Religion’s daily spiritual practices, which are close enough to Sufi Practices for them not to object, and which are not much different from what the Catholic Religious Orders have been trying to achieve on their own, guided mostly by enlightened intuition. When the Angels showed me that the Great Spiritual Lake was toward the East and the South of the Mountains of Religion, I suspected the Waters would be closer to India than to all the others. I don’t know how to bring the Chinese in except by canonizing some of the Wisdom of Confucius, which wouldn’t hurt anybody’s Social Order any… we could all do much worse than being as Civilized as the Chinese.

Judaism would have to give up its doctrines of being the Master Race of God. Catholicism would have to give up all paulist influences which separate it from all other Higher Religion. Christ is compatible enough, but paul is simply divisive and destructive, and the other Religions wonder why anybody had ever listened to him. Islam would have to give up their charismatic opportunist Mohammed… he should have kept his sword in his pants. And what about Mohamed's famous 'Flight to Medena'... everyone else would call it Mohamed 'running away from Mecca'. Is a violent coward really such a great prophet? Hinduism would have to lose the Chaste System. Buddhism would have to return to the World from out of their tendency toward escapism. Hopefully all of these Religious Peoples would find they gained more in the bargain than they left behind.

These are just a few thoughts. I could not think of any way to include the Protestants – they have no spiritual traditions, if you don’t include foaming at the mouth while writhing and rolling in the aisles, and their doctrines, by overemphasizing Forgiveness, seem to condone a lax amorality. Besides, most Prophecies talk about the Armies of the Antichrist. This is where I see the Protestants entering the picture. Marching in Goose Step behind their Conservative Leaders who have made Greed and Selfishness the Virtues of their Brave New World, I would wonder who else could possibly fill the Antichrist Role any more convincingly.
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Leo Volont said:
Besides, most Prophecies talk about the Armies of the Antichrist. This is where I see the Protestants entering the picture. Marching in Goose Step behind their Conservative Leaders who have made Greed and Selfishness the Virtues of their Brave New World, I would wonder who else could possibly fill the Antichrist Role any more convincingly.

this is an interesting idea, that i dont think has been explored enough....
however, i truly feel that the figure that all "christians" see as the anti-christ will probably be jewish. this is self-indicting (as i am jewish), but the prophecies of messianic times coincide fairly well with christian prophecies of "anti-christ".

the man i hold as "messiah", when he finally comes....will probably be seen as the anti-christ by most.
eh. doesnt matter. i still think its an interesting idea.
care to expound?
I am far from expert in these prophecies, but isn't the anti-christ supposed to be the head of the one world religion? I have a friend who says the one world religion IS greed and selfishness, and that we are fast approaching it's "official" deification.
What makes one religion "higher" than another? And why should the end of Popes mean anything to people of other religions? If religion means a set of principles, then wouldn't such an almagamation like you describe amount to the end of all of them? They could not all agree, I'm sure, and why should they? All they really have to do is tolerate other religions in peace.

The problem as I see it is that there is seldom a real connection to the world they describe. They need a sacrement that actually does something, like the native american church. I think it's more likely that the world will return to the way religion was practiced for tens of thousands of years, ecstatic celebration in conjunction with consumption of psychedelic plants. Sure, Zen Buddhism (I'm not even going to talk about your gross mischaracterization of the world's religions) might be better, but few people have the patience for it. An added benefit is greater environmental awareness, and less war. In the future, most people will be Neo-Pagans.
I am far from expert in these prophecies, but isn't the anti-christ supposed to be the head of the one world religion?

no he's the US pres.


If you are going to believe in fable, why not have a look at these wild assertions?. :D

The Devil Inside said:
this is an interesting idea, that i dont think has been explored enough....
however, i truly feel that the figure that all "christians" see as the anti-christ will probably be jewish. this is self-indicting (as i am jewish), but the prophecies of messianic times coincide fairly well with christian prophecies of "anti-christ".

the man i hold as "messiah", when he finally comes....will probably be seen as the anti-christ by most.
eh. doesnt matter. i still think its an interesting idea.
care to expound?

As a Jew yourself, you may have been somewhat too self absorbed, that is, too close to the picture for the figures to stand out, or perhaps you have noticed that Protestants, for the last several hundred years, have been following a Jewish Lead. Some Historians have interpreted Protestantism as a return to the Old Testament and a rejection of the new, certainly not because of any Protestant Doctrines they know about, but only because of this tendency they have had to differentiate away from Catholicism by acting more Jewish. Thus the Protestants adopted usury and predatory business practices. They largely forgot about morality and spirituality and put their attention to the World, to real estate, to business, to dreams of conquest, just like any good Jew. Of course there have always been rumors of the Free Masons and the Illuminati -- it being said that the Illuminati is a Jewish Organization that usurped command of the Free Masons which is largely Atheist when considered in originally Catholic Countries, and Protestant in the Protestant Countries (have you noticed that whereas the Free Masons oppose the Catholic Church as the last bastion of Civilization, they more or less see Protestants as allies in the cause of tearing everything down?).

So, when we examine the details of Prophecy, it is said that the Protestants and the Zionists will start in an Alliance. The Leader may be Protestant, but yes, most likely Jewish, as the Protestants really do believe the Jews are the Chosen People and that their only hope for Salvation, being Gentiles, is to suck up to Jewish Leadership. You must have noticed that the United States and Britian, the Pillars of Protestantism have been behaving not as World Leaders and Super Powers but almost as though they were mere colonies of Israel. It is because of this Biblical Superstition that to please God they must first please Israel.

But the Prophecies continue. The Jews have had some strange momentum toward worldliness and amorality. Yet, among the Jews, are some of the most morally sensitive people on Earth. Every Moral Political Movement from Marxism to Save the Whales has had a disproportionate number of Jewish Members. If one is actively good oneself, it becomes difficult to maintain a severe antisemitism, because one is always meeting Jews in one's own clubs and organizations whom one cannot help but to like and even admire. It is these Jews who will abandon the Antichrist and Zionism. It is when they switch sides to join with the Higher Religions that the tide of the entire War will change.

Prophecy does not speak regarding the Protestants. Even after the Jews are willing to abandon Master Race Zionism, it is unclear whether the loyal slaves to Zionism, the Protestants, will be able to stop and assess. Because of their habit for unreflective Faith and the emotional investment which goes along with any extremist behavior, they may go on fighting long after their Leaders have abandoned them.

Also, somewhat off subject, I also suspect that some Catholic Leaders may be a bit obstructive. Saint Malachi's prophecy for the last Pope is just ambiguous enough to suggest that while the Body of the Church is transitioning to The New Universalism, which may capital in Jerusalem, one last Faction of the Church's Leadership may appoint a Last Ditch Roman Pope who will vituperate and fulminate against a World Peace that is not entirely under the subjection of Traditional Roman Catholic doctrines and protocols. But his being the Last Pope gives us some idea of how successful he will be.
cole grey said:
I am far from expert in these prophecies, but isn't the anti-christ supposed to be the head of the one world religion? I have a friend who says the one world religion IS greed and selfishness, and that we are fast approaching it's "official" deification.

These are the de facto doctrines of the Religious Right, are they not? We have seen that the Protestant Churches, though fractured at the Church level, are a Monolith politically. And ultimately Religion IS politics. When Religion is not Politics, then it is only because Religion has been eclipsed and weakened by other institutions within the Society. But in the United States of America today it would be difficult to decide whether any organization is not more powerful than the Religious Right, which has demonstrated its ability to pick and choose a National Leadership.
spidergoat said:
What makes one religion "higher" than another? And why should the end of Popes mean anything to people of other religions? If religion means a set of principles, then wouldn't such an almagamation like you describe amount to the end of all of them? They could not all agree, I'm sure, and why should they? All they really have to do is tolerate other religions in peace.

I use the term "Higher Religion" as does Arnold Toynbee, perhaps the greatest and most insightful historian who has ever written. This indicates a Religion that goes beyond human and ordinary psychological dynamics (as the Primitive Religions only studied what it was to be Human), and goes toward Moral Concerns, and even toward the pursuit of a Spiritual Transcendence. But the Touchstone is one of Moral Orientation -- Charity and an appreciation for Peace and Neighborliness. We can see that a Religion is still Primitive if it uses Quasi-Religious institutions to foster human concerns such as greed, selfishness, animalistic behaviors, and country-western music.

Yes, an amalgamation of all of the Higher Religions will tend to blur the lines of separation between them and they will in some sense lose their individual characters. But some Sacraments will arise which will be held in common. There will be a coherent Religion which will rise up to foster the Next Great Civilization.... perhaps the First Great Civilization. Toynbee's Study of History examined the dynamics of Civilization in great detail, and what I noticed is that no Civilization has yet really hit its stride. Historians Ten Thousand Years in our future may look upon all so called Civilizations prior to us as so many Pre-Civilizations, the same way as we differentiate Neolithic from Paleolithic.