A UFO Universe

Do you think the contrails are a form of radar webbing to alert of incoming UFO?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • No

    Votes: 12 92.3%
  • Something Else

    Votes: 2 15.4%

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Registered Member
My family and I are UFO and alien abductess. I've had some strange dreams and visions of the future. We live in the USA in a region that is hundreds of miles away from any military installation. Read the entries, and let me know what you think of our encounters at UFO Universe
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I have the feeling that the chemtrails are a new form of radar webbing; like a spider web. Could it possibly be that the military has developed a chemical mesh that allows them to "see" ufo's entering the Earth's atmosphere? Just a hypothesis.:confused:

Contrails are the CON-densation TRAILS left behind jet aircrafts.

If you're in a region where it is sufficiently cold right now - go outside and exhale.

Guess what - you just created a contrail. :eek:

You therefore must be an alien.


chemtrails, Q, not contrails

Chemtrails is a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

while i dont necassarily believe it right now either, Prove It Wrong If you think you can skeptic dude:D

Prove It Wrong If you think you can skeptic dude

The burden of proof rests with those who make the claims. No evidence - no proof.

What other conspiracy theories are you a proponent ?
Chem trails like the ones that lead ants 9,000 around Europe?

But "radar webbing"?
Chem trails...

In one version of chem trails, chem trails are released from jetss, containing say a pathogen or a viruse, releasing over a general area to purposely affect the poplation. It basicly works on the same principle as crop spraying, where farmers fly an aircraft over a field and spray the bugs with an insecticide to kill them/render them immobile.
Other conspiricy theories i back are some, not all of the ones involving aliens and the american military, aliens sometimes refered to as the "New World Order" (not the wrestling one u guys:) ) planning to stop humanity from doing something called an "ascencion" (im not sure about the "ascencion" part of it, jus so ya know.) Hehe i look forward to your next post.:D
Well , according to Q it is not the aliens and the chemtrails that keep the people stupid and prevent them from becoming a galactic power themselves, but it is rather the pseudoscientists that keep us grounded....

Little however does he know that ethertheory and M-theory soon will render his failed unification of gravity and general relativity with quantum mechanics a pseudoscientific attempt....
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UFO's are known to leave them, I think that they are making them.. I heard the other day of a report on one that they tried to trace.. it ended over the rockies I think.. I saw one heck of a UFO last year while traveling through missouri at about 3 in the morning.. I looked like a meteor, moon sized, falling fast , then slower, till it slid into the trees about a mile distant very slowly, with Flames trailing behind it... I have tons of links and Photos downloaded, a couple of videos also from the Space shuttle cameras..

That's quite interesting... Now I wonder wheter Men In Black really exist or not. I wonder if those guys from the government know that you and your family are being abducted. I wonder if that is an experiment of the government. Maybe I'm wrong, but... and if I'm right...?:eek:

Edit:From your site:
"I look at the clock; it is 1:05 a.m. I awake later in the night and it is only 12:30 a.m. What is going on here? The time difference happens several times during the night. It seems as though someone is here with me. I am scared. "
Strange... for some reason this sounds familiar... and it makes me humme and vibrate... :eek:(and I'm not being silly with you, I'm serious...):eek:
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Here is an e-mail I sent to my brother. I've changed our names and locations:

Gerald, remember when we had the cabin in Virginia? I remember the time that we were going to sleep. The lights were all out and the dogs started barking. We heard noises on the roof like something was trying to get in. Mom and dad told us to pray. I remember the multi-colored lights shining through the windows and coming from cracks in the doorway. We were all very scared. The next day mom and dad went to Uncle Frankie's. They didn't hear a single thing. Dad and Harold went on the rooftop and they didn't find anything unusual. I think we got "Taken" away that night.

Here is another one from my sister:

Around Thanksgiving, Louise and I started hearing things here in the apartment. We are getting unexplainable bruises on our bodies, I have one now on my right upper arm, it looks like a single finger print Louise sometimes has bruises on her legs or arms and Anthony gets unexplainable scratches on his body. We've been seeing flashes of light here and there in the apartment, it's like the flash of a camera, in the early mornings (5:30am) I see red lights blinking in the corner near the front window, I always shut off the front porch lights and open the front curtains, but the light is inside the apartment not out.

Obviously, something did happen to my family and I.
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Any "Taken" people here....next time you get taken...please ask the takers how to build a stargate, transporter or even simple, a cure for baldness and let the world know the solution.....