a true test of your psychic powers...that is...if you have them


Registered Senior Member
I challenge, no...DEFY! anyone with clairvoyant powers to submit 6 numbers between 1 and 49 for the next lotto 6/49 draw in canada (wed mar 2). If you decline because of moral reasons it leaves me to doubt your claims because, as mentioned before in other threads, the money can be put to good causes like charities and such. Of course I would donate, umm, "some" to the charity of your choice but the biggest payoff for you is that I will forever be in awe of your truly amazing powers. So how bout it? Up for a challenge? :)
for some reason I like the number 24 to come last. I dont know why.

it would be much easier if i knew what i was looking at, but if you win the WSPA gets it
WSPA? Sorry, never heard of it. But thank you so kindly. Gotta run and buy my ticket and order my yaght.
World Society for the Protection of Animals
their website seems to haev moved so just give it a google
Mario: Most likely a decadent gambling addict looking for that one lucky win, and is resorting to deperate measures in order to get it. Now he is asking people on an internet forum to predict numbers for a lottery for him.
OMG! Is it that obvious? Still, don't let my sordid intentions degrade this very scientific and meaningful quest of confirming the existence of clairvoyance.

Speaking of gambling...would it not be logical if one could really see into the future (clairvoyance) that it should be easier to see a few seconds or minutes into the future than trying to see weeks or months or years into the future? The final resting spot of a spinning roulette ball at a casino is just a minute or two in the future. So in theory, you shouldn't have to look too hard or too far into the future to see where it will land. No?
btw...the numbers that came out for the draw were 3, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25. I wasted my money as usual. C'mon people, you can do better than that.
hey, 2/6 isnt bad, ist still a 0.042% chance of that(anyone want to correct me?)
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