A Troublesome ethic and it's nonmoral challenges


Life isn't a question.
It saddens me over the years when I have expressed concern of this matter:
It is that since before ?1964 the sport dodge ball and the effects of the sport have been ignored in schools and kept up in a variety of ways including ear testing of children without parental consent. The ignorances relative to the matter seem to be continueously increasing behavioral lack thresholds for children, family's and therefore humanity.

Questioning and trying these realistic effects concerning the dualism of dodgeball and ear testing, or even one without the other at elementary schools would seem criminal considering these realisms:

1.)Dodge ball is by some known to be a violent sport which has physical behavioral risks, at worst beginning in elementary school can lead to death, autism, retardation,parapalegia,paralysis, blindness,dyslexia. In family's where there is a new child on the way where the duress of an older childs experience having been exposed to the sport, there is often natural discomfort where 'downs syndrome
may be conditional of the not yet born child.

2.)some of the behavioral effects of children surviving through the physical education requirement of dodge ball unharmed, are; excessively competitive,and or passive, attention deficit disorder( for the need to be recognized to complain about the matter, yet not quite being cognizant of the matter considering the often arranged demand of ignorance that follows maintaining the matter of offered sport by ?adults as !?! nonviolent.) also sort of a guilt complex with some kids whose parents approve of the matter (unknowing of the symptomology stated above 1.) whom do what they can best that their child or children are o.k.
Yet when dodge ball does do damage to a child at school, such effects all children and their family's at the school in way of sorrow.
Considering that the sport is still in schools is difficult considering stated reality's here.
It is also a relevance that the dynamic stress, that often includes the childrens often coping mechanism of bullying and lying denial which may cause which is stress & neglect of self or others is often what is the origin cause of childhood cancer. adult cancer for parents and even young adults whom aren't parents whom work in schools,& have forgotten and have subtle recollection of the matter when finally having a child or more working through being good students yet dealing with the strife dynamic related to volley ball; is also commonly stress related to the matter for adults substance,media,& work escapist issues of human interrelationship capacity all relative to the beginnings of the excessive competitiveness remembered of subtly through their childrens experience at school. many adults with behavioral issues increase,of substance,distractions (often secular, subcultural,and cultural emmersions), often sexx & authoritative issues, often with their personality defining itself through passion for it's escapes moreso then the single confidence which was lost young and now a big reminder somehow that is really the grander fault of the volleyball dynamic never being talked through as what it is a risk and violence sport, still happening in many schools.
Another symptom is that of becoming excessively creative, often ignorant of basic life worths due to the eons of standards supposing themselves in denial of this matter.

It seems some schools go overboard with activity's and bonding with variable holiday relativity's that often seem to take from the home opportune of enjoying holiday's freshly without having had school be almost the majority family oftentimes & schools also often encourage affinity of "steady's so called boyfriend girlfriend stuff ' early romance encouragement to distract from the matter (which often lead the kids to early pregnancy issues). One wonder from time to time if the ear testing is done because of a dodge ball accident or the literalism of the children being dissatisfied with perhaps being forced to participate in dodge ball, or perhaps claiming that they think the sport is harmful.
It seems that, yes, often when a being is harmed there is delay of speaking of the harm due to having been violated, as violating a being does create the unnatural traumatic effect of forgetting, and unnatural natural passivenesses and escapisms as coping. And often there is so much denial that many do give up and just go with standards presented even though many new they were more and have been.

Ignoring physical violations to the self, just really isn't of greater future health and value in any regard, and the effects stated above are pretty serious, and really are overcomeable with cognizance of the obvious fact that yeah dodgeing a ball and striking another with it beginning in childhood as something approved by ?school boards... Really considering the facts, everyone would vote volleyball out of all national schools. perhaps other sports will benefit from the exit of the sport in schools as well.

The travesty of what had been children accosting schools in recent years may have something to do with this unsaid topic.

Also if one chooses to think of the matter relevant to adult behavior that never overcame this matter for eons, such could explain our negative and cluttered leans writtenly and politically and behaviorally still keeping patterns of this behavioral lack.. maybe that's why many don't yet disagree that the idea of 'war' and the lifethreatening violence of war perhaps representatives have not yet grown
beyond the behavioral typology the troublesome realisms od dodgeball still being recognized as a scholastic ethic.. which is really a subtle disturbance for one might all adults once there by par experience beginning in elementary school.

It is that many believe, that doing good is better for the entirety of the human "economy'>(just that good,& honesty if so behaved become the greater human continuum...
if beings are repeating and demanding expired risky values such as denying that dodgeball is aside from being a physical body threat it is also a psychological behavioral disadvantage, looking at the greater nonmorality mention here of presented realism, one hopes and cares in goodwill that beings taken by this lie in their lives, and are therefore stifled and possibly of innocent or too authoritative a naivete of defending this continuum of beings their relief from their denial or having been denied or still variably traumatized by such matter, perhaps simple realism of acknowledgement somehow someday concerning what written here can free beings so there becomes are greater continuum of good midst humanity, less astringent, & maybe somedsay closer to national and international peace, and health.
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ha, photographs aren't necessarily realism, for they are past matter. I guess I just take such stance because the idea of valueing what is now is just more comfortable. Seems like that guy is most probably valueing his now better wherever he is, really doesn't look like the gentleman was at greater comfort, when snapped with a picture.

which brings me to mention my sorrow of the young fellow from the .tv show different strokes not having had opportune for full height. one doesn't know exactly why such occurred Yet considering this sciforums there is nothing wrong with considering practical reasons as to why? maybe his fame was duressful and his parents after a time entered him in school, was it he and his parents making the choice for him to return to school just fine and he was dodge ball accosted. Or is the human relevance of being propulsive, possesive about a time or photograph from time relative to stifleing of natural healthy progress. I have thought about such matter concerning the Willi Wonka movie characters hmmm...had they also been in the Original Wizard of Oz and there was too much mood enticement concerning such classic film, and the original Willi Wonka was made later, and was such a dodge ball 'ignorance as ?well. Working on a movie, or in other highly social businesses does create is diiferent need sensitivity that need be respected. Yet school itself is a busy place too.. grrr dodge ball it is harmfull.
I would like to start off with 'what in the world are you talking about?'..


Anew said:
It is also a relevance that the dynamic stress, that often includes the childrens often coping mechanism of bullying and lying denial which may cause which is stress & neglect of self or others is often what is the origin cause of childhood cancer.


This makes absolutely no sense, because if it were to make sense, it would mean you would be saying that "dynamic stress", whatever that is, is often the cause of childhood cancer.

Citation please.

Because, no offense, but that is some crazy shit you are spouting.

adult cancer for parents and even young adults whom aren't parents whom work in schools,& have forgotten and have subtle recollection of the matter when finally having a child or more working through being good students yet dealing with the strife dynamic related to volley ball;
This is absolute gibberish.

So is the rest of your post.
1.)Dodge ball is by some known to be a violent sport which has physical behavioral risks, at worst beginning in elementary school can lead to death, autism, retardation,parapalegia,paralysis, blindness,dyslexia. In family's where there is a new child on the way where the duress of an older childs experience having been exposed to the sport, there is often natural discomfort where 'downs syndrome
may be conditional of the not yet born child.
I'm struggling to understand what you're saying, but are you suggesting that a parent feeling some discomfort because of an older child's experience of dodgeball, or any other such activity / experience, possibly leads to down syndrome in an unborn child?
Sarkus, I guess there are and could be a variety of reasons for a child to be perceived by behaviorism unto such condition. Isn't that really all cause and effect are really literally directly human behaviorally related, and doesn't it seem very strange for that to be a !?!denial. And the oddity of human commitment to the wrong things of invent and claim, like denying the realism of intent that changes and defines things out of practical perception and into excessivenesses.

aside:[there is one thing, aside from the normalcy of a human being and his or her let's say ownership of practical self and perception: the detriment of the following ; the disbelief of a realism that exists of the fact that there are civilians whom utilize a sort of radio behavioral violenceing of variable material,physio &mental, observative, implicating, sensual altering relativisms inclusive of threat & harm and distraction & neglect upon whom they choose, as if people were their .tv, or movie characters, or music stars,or writers whom they allow publishing to or something. Seems these are U.S.A civilians that have been networking their ploys upon civilian liberty & our real government since what seems around 1975,!?! look what happened to Hillary & Bill Clinton., our government.!?!.even our presidential !?!respresentatives..being ?distorted... what is really these peoples goal.]
I played dodgeball when I was 8-12 years old (1938-1942). It was fun when I was either the dodger or a thrower. The dodger was always a volunteer. I suspect that in this day & age, the throwers are attempting to cause as much damage as possible.

The game I played often used passing. When close to the dodger we never attempted to be brutal. Nobody ever aimed for the dodger's head.
Anew, your written English is difficult, at times impossible, to comprehend. At the risk of being indelicate, do you have a recognised difficulty in written communication? If you do, I think you will find many of us sympathetic and prepared to make an extra effort to understand what you are saying. If you do not, then you really should try harder.
yeah, it shouldn't happen, as matter is and needn't humans uncivilized behavior.

hence the progression of ending hate as hate is defined as harm ending hate with principled nonviolent vehemence.

:) ethics don't include shirck.
such is true and nice, yups to invent the k for kindness as aspect of the spelling :)