A thought on legalization and prohibition


Registered Member
After doing an intresting 5 hours of reasearch on legalization and prohibition I ended up on Sciforums and decided to post a thought i just had too see what you guys/girls think.

Currently a massive pressure from the war on drugs has kept legalization at bay. But prohibition is creating a serious form of income for terrorism and organizied crime who are partnering when they share simmilar intrests. DEA is advocating more funding to amounts in the millions to stop drug trafficking to push their effects of stopping 10% of drug trafficking to 15%(please dont quote me on this but i have been seeing similar numbers while doing research). Where legalization whould transfer all funds from drug trafficking to government and personal business. I know what your thinking we would never be able to legalize drugs. But i had a thought how about a sort of compromise to elimenate "Stupid" drug use.

I'm switching subjects but for good reasons. Anybody aware about getting certified for computer skills? Like getting an MCSE, RHCE, or A+/Networking+ certifications. Anyways its a peice of paper that says you have knowledge on a subject about computers.

Well refering to drug use have federal agencies do full scale reasearch on each individual drug (Side Effects,proper dosage and harmful or lethal dosage, overdose symptoms and treatment, risks of operating heavy machinery, health mesures to take while under the influance) Basicly for a one time fee or a recurring fee (fee depends on the powerfullness of drug ie. Heroin Extreamly expensive and pot a small fee). And only enforce possesion fines on those who are not certified. Force certified people to carry cards like a license. And permit certified people to obtain drugs through Pharmacys. And possibly allow non certified users to do them in the presance of the certified ones. Assuming the certified people would take care of and inform the "untrained".

I mean hey you have to have permits to buy guns and hazardous chemicals why not drugs too!

I might end up writing a webpage on this subject going into more detail and showing proven research if i see enough intrest in the subject.

So plz feel free to rip this idea to shreds but give me some feed back though.
Guygamer ...

Welcome to Sciforums.

So long as morality, rather than intelligence, motivate the law makers and their constituents, the madness will prevail. Everyone knows that prohibition didn't work, yet most are willing to go down the same path again.

Why? I guess because in this 'land of the free' few are willing to believe that 'the other guy' can behave responsibly ... and even fewer are willing to require laws stringent enough to emphasize the need to behave responsibly.

How long have we endured the slaughter on our highways, at least half of it related to driving drunk, without demanding that a first offense means a mandatory year in prison (the minimum in most states for threatening another with a deadly weapon)?
Guygamer, welcome.
a good book full of information and up to date is "Marijuana myths, Marijuana facts."

My favorite way to look at the morality issue is this: Strom Thurmond is 98 years old, he grew up in an entirely different time. Lives were un differently, more people went to church(I'm not saying that's good or bad). My point being that he holds different things to be true than we do nowadays. Strom Thurmond is the closest thing to a time traveler that we have. It's pointless to have laws from a different time governing our actions today.

Since 99% of the arrests are for pot I think we can legalize and tax pot politically. This would be a death knell to the puritan drug warriors who are no better than the Taliban.
where out of curiosity did you get those numbers, and were you smoked out at the time. Don't get me wrong I'm a pothead too, but those numbers don't quite match up with any that I've ever seen anywhere.
Originally posted by Pzzaboy
where out of curiosity did you get those numbers, and were you smoked out at the time. Don't get me wrong I'm a pothead too, but those numbers don't quite match up with any that I've ever seen anywhere.

800,000 arrests for pot last year. Comapre tht to coke and heroin arrests.