A test to you all!

Kinetic Spirit

Possessed Immortal
Registered Senior Member
Do not cheat by looking at the entire email first.

Subject: A Life Quiz from the Dalai Lama

> The Dalai Lama said read this to see if it works for you. Very
> interesting. Just 4 questions and the answers will surprise you. Do not
> cheat by looking up the answers. The mind is like a parachute, it works
> best when it is opened. This is fun to do, but you have to follow the
> instructions very closely.. Do not cheat.
> A Warning! Answer the questions as you go along. There are only four
> questions and if you see them all before finishing, you will not have
> honest results. Go down slowly and do each exercise as you scroll down.
> Don't look ahead. Get pencil and paper to write your answers as you go
> along. You will need it at the end.
> This is an honest questionnaire that will tell you a lot about your true
> self.
> Put the following five animals in the order of your preference. Write
> down the animal names (not just the letter)
> a. Cow
> b. Tiger
> c. Sheep
> d. Horse
> e. Pig
> (Stop)
> Write one word that describes each one of the following:
> Dog
> Cat
> Rat
> Coffee
> Sea
> (Stop)
> Think of someone (who also knows you and is important to you) that you
> can relate to the following colors (do not repeat your answer twice!
> Name just one person for each color.)
> Yellow
> Orange
> Red
> White
> Green
> (Stop)
> Finally, write down your favorite number and your favorite day of the
> week
> (Stop)
> Wish for something you REALLY WANT.
> Look at the interpretations below: (but first before continuing, repeat
> your wish.)
> Item # 1: This will define your priorities in your life.
> Cow Signifies CAREER
> Tiger Signifies PRIDE
> Sheep Signifies LOVE
> Horse Signifies FAMILY
> Pig Signifies MONEY
> Item # 2:
> Your description of dog implies YOUR OWN PERSONALITY.
> Your description of cat implies the personality of your PARTNER.
> Your description of rat implies the personality of your ENEMIES.
> Your description of coffee is how you interpret SEX.
> Your description of the Sea implies your own LIFE.
> Item # 3:
> Yellow: Someone you will never forget
> Orange: Someone you consider your true friend
> Red: Someone that you really love
> White: Your twin soul
> Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life
> Item # 4:
> You have to send this message to as many persons as your favorite.number
> and your wish will come true on the day that you put. This is what the
> Dalai Lama has said about the Millennium-just take a few seconds to read
> it and think.
> *
> Do not put away this message, the mantra will come out from your hands
> in the next 96 hours. You will have a very pleasant surprise. This is
> true, even if you are not superstitious. Please do this. It is
> fascinating.
> 0-4 persons: Your life will improve slightly
> 5-9 persons: Your life will improve to your liking
> 9-14 persons: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next three weeks
Well, all of these questions are extreemly culturaly related, and won't really work for a western audience.

My sister got this book that's aparently popular in Japan which is a bunch of little tests similar to these, and the answers they give are usualy pretty rediculous, if not just outright confusing, we had a good laugh about them, sort of interesting to see how another culture thinks.
no, this test doesnt work, and most of tests like this dont work.
why did it work for you? did your wish come true yet?
Well in theory they could work, if they are designed with a spacific culture in mind, and you happen to find a person that holds all stereotypical beleifs of the culture that it was designed for. In that instance it would be pretty accurate, but otherwise it won't really make a lot of sence.

For instance, It says here that a horse represents family. Lets have a show of hands who here thinks of family when they think of a horse. I'm guessing it's not many people. Personaly I did put the horse first in the question about animals, but I must admit that's for rather perverted reasons. Horses have like a 3 foot cock, and being Gay giant phallic images are something which I can really relate to (hehe) so I orderd the animals by what I assume their average dick size is (I'm not a biologist, could have them out of order, hehe). As such that portion of the test really can't work for me.
Originally posted by Mystech
Well in theory they could work, if they are designed with a spacific culture in mind, and you happen to find a person that holds all stereotypical beleifs of the culture that it was designed for. In that instance it would be pretty accurate, but otherwise it won't really make a lot of sence.

Well said.....this test only works in the cultutre it was designed for. Also it didn't work because i have gotten this in e-mail about 7 million times already but a good try nonetheless Kinetic spirit;)
Most of it does not make sense! I guess my life is salty and my personality is brown. It's too vauge to work...
My answers:




0; Thursday

These mean nothing at all, whatsoever. Every question, I thought of something that RELATED TO THE PROMPT, which in no way reflects my life. And some things are just inherent to the topic... such as... rats describe enemies, well, fucking-duh; most of society in which this test is for is afraid of or hates rats.

I just hate these things, that is all... I get them all the time...
1) Love

--that's pretty close to my priorities, but I'd switch family with pride--

2) Dog- rough - own personality
Cat- soft - partner
Rat- dirty - enemies
coffee- smelly - sex
sea- beautiful - my own life

some matched up like the sea and rat. I thought the coffee and sex was funny as hell once I found out what "coffee" signified.

It seems to me like this was just one of those fun email things circulating over the net.
I have likewise gotten this in email form a lot of times. It worked for me though.


I'd have to say that is true.

I'm loyal.
My partner is regal...in a way.
Enemies, filthy. Well...most of my enemies are very undesirable sorts of people.
Sex is invigorating. Haha!
Life is cold. That's been my opinion for 19 years, it's only now starting to change.

The part about the people was right, except two of the friends I would have switched.

I don't know, I think it generally works because dogs are attractive animals...a lot of americans say they're their favourite animal. Cats are sexual animals, because of their sleek bodies and gracefulness. Rats of course signify enemies. I don't know about coffee and sex or the sea and life. It seems to make sense somehow. Even if it works, it doesn't really mean anything.
just a chain letter, psshh, highly dubious the llama man had Anything to do with this