A Special Case of Contact

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Registered Member
Well, quite a mystery (any fans of the Celestine Prophecies? here's a non-fiction addition to that genre....) can be found in a few channelings from the Arcturian channel on the Prepare4Contact Yahoo Internet discussion group....raising (for me at least) the following questions:

This would pertain to the mysterious disappearance of a Frenchman, Eric Julien (Jean Ederman, pseudonym or spiritual name). You may read some of his relevant (and brief) work in this regard, where he channels a message from the ETs that seem quite benevolent, but of course you and each individual must decide if it resonates or not:


Jean Ederman also has a website, which includes ET craft diagrams and a new physics theory regarding the relationship of space and time, specifically for example, stating time as a substate of space, and goes into further detail on certain rather controversial ideas relating to his experiences (before his disappearance) regarding Contact with our ET friends.


Some of us would now be wondering such questions as:

What's happened to Jean? Is he okay? Are the rumors right, and has he gone to an Arcturian mothership--probably for awhile? If so, what is his life like now? Is there anything that he misses about Earth? Or what might one be able to gain from leaving Earth to visit such an ET craft, if it were possible for others, as well?

Any feedback to shed some light on this matter that affects us all at this time would be greatly appreciated. This is big. Check it out -- this may be real. ; > )

In Service to the Light,

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