A small question...


Registered Member
Hopefully this question isn't too ignorant, but I am seeing the term 'theist' often throughout the board and I am not completely sure as to the direct meaning of it. The dictionary defines it as having a personal God, but I was wondering if anybody could elaborate as to what it means to them?
Theism is a belief that a divine presence created the universe and manages it to some degree (degrees may vary) through the appropiation of mircles and/or other actions. When you hear people say "the will of God" or "that is what God wants" they are inferring that God has stepped in on our life and interceded on his own or the people's wishes.

Deism which is a similar belief says that a divine presence created the universe but that that presense does not manage it to any degree.

The first thing that most people would say is that if there is a divine presence how realistic is it that it completely manages or never manages?

If you plot and x axis and a y axis and x is theism and y is deism and try to articulate how much divine intervention happens if your line is closer to x and you believe there is a God you are theistically inclinded but if you believe in God and your line is closer to the y axis your are deistically inclinded.

The greater arugment made against theism is the notion of theism versus free will. The question being if one has a belief in a mostly or completly theistic god than one must reject all notions of free will as their life (within their belief system) is micro-managed by a divine presence.

The three largest religions in the world..which comprise well over 1/2 the world population and maybe as much as 75 % --Christianty, Islam and Judism are all theistic in orientation.
Theism merely acknowledges the notion of God in the Universe. The American Heritage Dictionary notes the personal aspect, but does not require it. WordNet omits the personal aspect altogether. See: theism, theist.

The small question can invite a messy answer if we turn to New Advent's discussion of "The Existence of God".

For our purposes at Sciforums, theist and theism are generally treated in the context of atheism and atheists, and according to the more general forms of dictionary definitions offered above. Nothing obliges one to such definitions, but it might be worth noting if one chooses different, more specific definitions such as the what Robtex has described.
Thanks to both of you, I think that clears up the term a little more clearly for me. The X/Y axis of Deism and Theism was an interesting excercise and it gave me some reason to toss a few ideas around in my head. Although my beliefs didn't change, I think maybe my title may have. I have always said I'm closest described as a Deist, for lack of a better word, but perhaps I have no found that better word? Thanks to you both :D :D :D
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